Friday, November 26, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (1)

Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Crazy-for-Books where book bloggers answer the weekly question and hop around to other blogs and see what other bloggers have to say. The goal is to discover new blogs, "connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!"

This week's question is:
"What is your favorite book cover?"

This question is right up my alley, as I'm a sucker for a good cover. Given that, though, I can't pick just one! Recently I stumbled upon this gorgeous cover for a book called Forgiven by Janet Fox (there's something about a beautiful dress and gorgeous hair blowing that makes me instantly love a cover). After looking into it further, it looks like this will be a June 2011 release and a sequel following Fox's May 2010 release Faithful. So now I have two new books for the TBR pile all because of a pretty cover.  


  1. LOL I'm like that too I see a cover and it's pretty I immidiately like it.

  2. I'm definitely a girl who judges books by their cover. It is absolutely gorgeous so I think I'll add it to my TBR pile before even reading the blurb (I'm a terrible person, I know)

  3. Oh, I like that cover. It's great.

    I can never chose just one cover. There are so many out there that I like!

    I'm a new follower.

    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Oh that is a beautiful cover!

  5. Hi Aylee, AngelicNytmare and Mlisame, thanks for stopping by!

    Alice, I don't know if that makes you a terrible person, but if so, then at least you're in good company because I do the same exact thing. :P

    Hi Carla, thanks for stopping by and following!

  6. Hi Howard, thanks for stopping by! It was really tough choosing just one. I changed my answer twice! I'm heading over to check out yours now.

  7. Welcome to the Blog Hop!

    I'm hopping by from the Blog Hop!

    I'm a new follower :)

    Happy Blogging!

    - Mevurah

  8. Hi! New follower from the hop!

    I love the cover for Forgiven! Thanks for sharing it!

    If you have time, drop in!

    Julie (Manga Maniac Cafe)

  9. I actually love the Wuthering Heights cover in the post above this one. So beautiful!

  10. I haven't read Faithful, but I must say the Forgiven cover is just gorgeous! I absolutely love the fuschia colour of her dress.

  11. Mad Scientist, Hush Hush is a beautiful cover. I almost picked that one.

    Thanks for following Manga Maniac!

    Kelly, I'm glad you noticed the Wuthering Heights cover. I searched all over google trying to find the prettiest cover. :)

    Danya, Thanks for following! It's probably obvious from my blog, but I love pink, so I really love the color of her dress too. :)

    Thanks for stopping by, Pussreboots!

  12. I should join this meme, but for now do you mind if I post my answer in your comments? I posted a similar question at a book forum years ago and I think that my answer still remains the same now as it was then... Flowers from the Moon and Other Lunacies by Robert Bloch. I'm a sucker for werewolves, I tell you.

  13. Hi! Old follower here- Just stopping by on the Hop. Once again (referring to Torment) I absolutely love the dress on the Forgiven cover you chose. Its beautiful. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
    Have a wonderful weekend :)
    Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries

  14. I don't mind at all, Moony. I looked up that cover, wow! Definitely not a werewolf you'd want to cuddle with!

    Hi Caroline :) There's just something about a pretty dress...

  15. Hello there and thanks for stopping by! I am so behind this weekend on my hopping! Great cover choices! I can never pick just one!

    -Linds, bibliophile brouhaha

  16. Hi!

    I'm a new follower :o) I agree, the cover of Forgiven is gorgeous! I hope you're having a great weekend!


  17. Hi!

    I have an award for you here:


  18. Thanks for stopping by and following! And thanks for the award!!


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