Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (2)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating. 

The cute WoW button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

This week, my Waiting on Wednesday books are Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach and Deadly by Julie Chibbaro.

Deadly, by Julie Chibbaro
Release Date: February 22, 2011
Pages: 304
(Above publication information from Amazon)
Author's Page
Amazon Page

 Product Description:
A mysterious outbreak of typhoid fever is sweeping New York.
Could the city’s future rest with its most unlikely scientist?
If Prudence Galewski is ever going to get out of Mrs. Browning’s esteemed School for Girls, she must demonstrate her refinement and charm by securing a job appropriate for a young lady. But Prudence isn’t like the other girls. She is fascinated by how the human body works and why it fails.
With a stroke of luck, she lands a position in a laboratory, where she is swept into an investigation of the fever bound to change medical history. Prudence quickly learns that an inquiry of this proportion is not confined to the lab. From ritzy mansions to shady bars and rundown tenements, she explores every potential cause of the disease. But there’s no answer in sight—until the volatile Mary Mallon emerges. Dubbed “Typhoid Mary” by the press, Mary is an Irish immigrant who has worked as a cook in every home the fever has ravaged. Strangely, though, she hasn’t been sick a day in her life. Is the accusation against her an act of discrimination? Or is she the first clue in a new scientific discovery?
Prudence is determined to find out. In a time when science is for men, she’ll have to prove to the city, and to herself, that she can help solve one of the greatest medical mysteries of the twentieth century.

I love medical mysteries, strong female leads, and turn of the 20th century stories. This one looks like it will be good.

Wake Unto Me, by Lisa Cach
Release Date: March 31, 2011
Publisher: Speak
Pages: 304
(Above publication information from Amazon)
Author's Page
Amazon Page

Product Description:

Caitlyn Monahan knows she belongs somewhere else. It's what her dead mother's note suggested, and it's what her recurring nightmares allude to.

Desperate to flee these terrifying dreams--and her small town--she accepts a spot at a boarding school in France. Only, when she arrives, her nightmares get worse.

But then there are her amazing dreams, so vivid and so real, with visits from an alluring, mysterious, and gorgeous Italian boy from the 1500s. Caitlyn knows they are soul mates, but how can she be in love with someone who exists only in her dreams?

Then, as her reality and dream world collide, Caitlyn searches for the real reason why she was brought to this school. And what she discovers will change her life forever. 
 Back Cover Description: 

I see him in my dreams, this mysterious boy.
He comes from
a different time,
a different place,
a different reality.

But there is something that connects us.
We are supposed to be together--bound by the heart of another.
But that's not possible... or is it? 

Oooh, strange dreams, boarding schools, family secrets, and a hot ghost guy? I can't wait! Although Lisa has written adult fiction before, it looks like Wake Unto Me is her first YA title, making it eligible for the 2011 Debut Author Challenge.


  1. Wow, you picked two great ones! I'm really excited to read Wake Unto Me as well, but I've never heard of Deadly but it's going on my list immediately. Thanks for sharing these!

  2. Wake Unto Me looks really good. I love the cover art-so intriguing...Thanks for posting my giveaway on your blog. I'm a new follower :) Have a great Thanksgiving.

  3. Thanks Caroline! The cover art for Wake Unto Me is what first grabbed my attention. It looks so romantic and paranormal.

  4. Deadly sounds pretty chilling, but engrossing!
    Hope you enjoy them :)

  5. Awesome picks this week, and thank you so much for stopping by my blog today...I'm following you now :)

    Be sure to drop by to enter my international blogoversary giveaway going on now!

  6. Thanks for the follow and for stopping by. :)

  7. Wake unto me sounds so interesting and love the cover


  8. Thanks for stopping by and following. :)

  9. Darn, Wake unto Me was on WoW list to post. Oh well, its a great one isn't it!??

  10. It is great. If you're waiting for it, then go for it! Nothing wrong with spreading the word. :)

  11. I haven't heard of these ones but I'm really liking the premise for both of them!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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