Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blog Award Nomination!

So I was browsing through my Google Reader looking at all the new blog posts waiting for me and I kept seeing this nomination pop up. I thought to myself, yup, these blogs totally deserve this because they're awesome (why else would I have them on my GR?) Being that I live under a rock, I had no idea what this award was, so I hopped on over to the wonderful blog hosting these awards, Mindful Musings. Guess what I found?

One of you awesome, fantastic, amazingly wonderful readers nominated ME!

Whoever this angel is, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have completely made my day! My fiance may not appreciate it as much as I do since I've been bursting out every five minutes with "EEEEE!!! I've been nominated! Me!" and then pointing at the screen and making him look at my name on the list (again...and again....and again). (Really though, he's very happy you've made me so happy). 

So whoever you are, these are for you: 

A cake, because cake is tasty.

A wagon of puppies, because it doesn't get much cuter than that. 

And a gold star, because I've been trained so well by my elementary school teachers that I still get excited over the idea of getting one.

And why all of this? Because,

And you totally are awesome!

But seriously, you can get real live actual non-computer picture prizes by voting for your favorite new blog of 2010 and your favorite established blog. Just head on over to Mindful Musings blog and vote on your favorites. There are so many awesome blogs nominated that I'm not sure how I'm going to pick who to vote for. I always feel kind of weird voting for myself, but I'm certainly not going to talk YOU out of voting for me! 


  1. Lol! Congrats on your nomination!

    On a random note, the cake looks super yummy (though I'm not a fan of chocolate cake).

  2. I love the puppies! Cute, cute, cute puppies :D

  3. Congrats!!!!! and I love the pictures ... can I get that cake??

  4. Thank you all, and cake and puppies for everyone!!

  5. Congrats!! Yeah, I want that cake, too.

  6. Congratulations on the nomination! You really deserve it :)
    Yesterday I was reading your back-posts through the archives (finally got round to it!) and I really enjoyed them. I love your Cover Crazy and Spotlight features, the topics are really good ideas. I'm a new folllower!

  7. Congratulations. It is well deserved. I hopped over and voted for you just now. You really have a wonderful blog :)

  8. Congrats! You totally deserve it!!

  9. congrats! You totally deserve this one! Yours is a great new blog. I love it! :)

  10. Thank you everyone!! Aaah, I'm so happy! :)

  11. Congratulations on your nomination! I was so excited to see my name up there for Best Blog...it's an honour to even be listed with those blogs! :)

  12. Congratulations on your nomination! I'm so happy for you, you deserve it!

  13. Congratulations! And I have to say, there really isn't much that's cuter than that wagon of puppies:)

  14. Congrats on your nomination! That's awesome :o) Tell your fiance to give you a hug for me! Cake and puppies is a delightful combination. I would like to have one of each, please :oP

  15. I saw this on another blog and headed over to Mindful Musings to vote and totally squeaked a little when I saw you on the list! I very happily voted for you, because you totally deserve it. Your dedication to your commenters and readers is something I try to model. I hope you win!!! Chocolate cake for everyone!!

  16. Thanks for all the yummy stuff and cute pics! Congrats and good luck!

  17. Thank you all!!

    Logan, I totally won't win (have you seen some of those blogs on the list!?! They're beyond amazing. Really), but I consider it a win beyond my wildest dreams just to be nominated. I couldn't be happier :) Thank you for your vote and kind (and helpful!) comment!

  18. Yay! I'm so excited for you; extremely well deserved!


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Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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