Saturday, December 4, 2010

Recap: 11/28 to 12/4

In case you missed anything, here's a recap of what was posted during the week of Sunday, November 28th through Saturday, December 4th:

Things You Don't Want to Miss:

My event Busting the Newbie Blues where new and established bloggers meet and share their experiences in the blogging world. It's been a ton of fun, so be sure to join in! Runs December 3rd through December 31st.

A truly powerful review written by the wonderful Linds at Bibliophile Brouhaha for the book Raw Blue by Kristy Eagar. I was touched just by reading her review, so imagine how great the book must be?  




I also removed the comment system from Intense Debate with an explanation here.

What's Your Status? Is a new meme created by Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Books where we recap our reading week. Here's how my week went:


 Wildwing, by Emily Whitman

Blank Confession, by Pete Hautman

Currently Reading: 

Cloaked in Red, by Vivian Vande Velde

Decided Not to Finish:

Tyger Tyger, by Kersten Hamilton
 Received through Net Galley
Stopped at page 40 out of 304

The story sounded interesting, and to be honest I didn't read far enough to accurately pass any judgment on the story itself. I stopped reading because of the writing style, which relied heavily on dialogue. As a result, I had a very difficult time connecting with any of the characters or immersing myself within the story. I felt like I was tied to a chair with a blindfold and I could only hear what the characters were saying around me. I had no visual cues as to what characters were doing, what their non-verbal reactions were, or what the world looked like around them. Without these visuals, events seemed to happen out of no where and scenes seemed to jump around without any lead in or explanation. I personally have a very difficult time connecting with a story when it is written in this manner. I've seen a number of glowing reviews for Tyger Tyger, so I'd suggest readers interested in the plot try this one out for themselves rather than take my word for it. You should be able to tell early on whether or not the writing style works for you.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! I never thought of burning library books in "Trapped"! I hope that's not what happens!!!!! :)

  2. Ahhh, thank you so much! It's an amazing book!


  3. Tara: You're welcome, and I know!! That would be horrible!

    Linds: You're welcome :) I hope that helps.

  4. Really?
    Oh I'm so sorry.
    I adored Tyger Tyger.

    BTW, your header is seriously flipping precious :)

  5. I enjoyed your blog, and am a new follower. I haven't read any of the books you have finished, but I'm planning on reading Tyger Tyger.

  6. Hi Juju, I'm happy to hear you liked Tyger Tyger so much! Thank you for your compliment on my header :)

    Annette: Thanks for following! I'm glad you enjoy my blog. I hope you like Tyger Tyger.

  7. Thanks for pointing out that I didn't link you in my Busting the Newbie Blues post, I totally was in a rush and I meant to but I just forgot sorry :)


  8. I'm so glad you shared why you stopped reading "Tyger Tyger" I actually find this type of mini-review very informative. I totally understand what you mean though about a lot of dialogue. You pretty much summed up why I didn't like parts of "Department of Temporal Adjustment". I couldn't put a finger on it before, now though, its very clear.

  9. I stopped reading this too but will pick it up again. Just thought I'd pop by and thank you - your Newbie event caused me to hit the 50 followers mark!

  10. Anna, No problem. Thanks for adding it!

    Gina, You can thank yourself for my mini review. :) I got the idea from you when you asked me last week about You Wish. I thought to myself that, yeah, I should have explained that, so now I have! I'm glad you understand, and that it's not just me who has a problem connecting with a story like that.

    ComaCalm, Yes! I'm so happy for you!! :D

  11. As you know, I completely agree with what you said about Tyger Tyger. I'm glad someone shares the same views as me, I know a lot of people loved this book.
    Nonetheless, I'm still sorry you didn't enjoy it, it's never nice to not finish a book because you couldn't get into it. :)

  12. It is nice to see some people on the same page as me with this one. I'm sorry too. I was hoping to be in the group who loved it.


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