Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (3)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating. 

The cute WoW button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

Kat, Incorrigible (or A Most Improper Magick), by Stephanie Burgis
Release Date: April 5, 2011
Pages: 304
(Above publication information from Amazon)
Author's Page
Amazon Page

From the Author's Website:
"I was twelve years of age when I chopped off my hair, dressed as a boy, and set off to save my family from impending ruin. I made it almost to the end of my front garden..."

Magic may be the greatest scandal in Regency England. But that's not going to stop Kat Stephenson when there are highwaymen to foil, sinister aristocrats to defeat...and true loves to capture for her two older sisters.
Join the Unladylike Adventures of Kat Stephenson. Book One was published on August 1, 2010 in the UK as A Most Improper Magick, and will be published on April 5, 2011 in the US and Canada (where it will be titled Kat, Incorrigible).

Ah, so some of you don't have to wait for this book? Lucky, lucky! This book sounds beyond adorable. I'm looking forward to meeting Kat and laughing my way through her adventures. I've had this one on order for months now. Look at how cute the entire jacket looks:


All Just Glass, by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Release Date: January 11, 2011
Delacorte Books for Young Readers
(Above publication information from Amazon)
Author's Page
Amazon Page

Product Description:

Sarah Vida has given up everything for love. From a legendary family of vampire-hunting witches, Sarah was raised to never trust a vampire, to never let her guard down, and to avoid all tricky attachments of the heart. But now Sarah IS a vampire—changed by the boy she thought she loved. Her family has forsaken her, and Sarah herself is disgusted by her appetite for blood.  
Aida Vida is Sarah's older sister, the good, reliable sibling who always does her family proud. But when Aida's mother insists that Sarah be found and killed, Aida is given the one assignment that she may not be able to carry out.  
Taking place over just twenty-four hours, ALL JUST GLASS tells the story of a game-changing battle that will forever change the world of the Den of Shadows. And at its center is the story of two sisters who must choose between love and duty. Dark, fully-imagined, and hard to put down, ALL JUST GLASS will thrill Amelia's fans—old and new. 

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes was one of my favorite authors when I was a teen, and the book that comes before All Just Glass is my favorite of her books. The first book, Shattered Mirror, featured two attractive vampire brothers, one who refuses to drink human blood and the other who is the bad boy with heart (sound familiar? Yeah, it's a lot like Vampire Diaries. They're even from the south). I loved the bad boy and wanted to see more of him, so when I heard a sequel was in the works I was really excited. That was a few years ago now, and since then the author's writing style has changed a lot. I didn't really enjoy her latest two books, but I hope going back to established characters will bring back some of the magic of her earlier books. I can't wait to find out!

I'm also really not feeling that cover. Not. At. All.


  1. The first one: Such a charming cover! Love it!
    The second one: Not such a charming cover, lol. But still sounds interesting.

  2. The first one looks like a lot of fun. And I don't have to wait until next year. YAY ME. SO I may pick it up at some point.

    I can't say that the second appeals to me and the bad cover just puts me off even more. Shame.

  3. Ooh! It sounds like it'll be a fast paced book! Great WoW choice!

  4. Aylee and Alice, yeah, I know, what is with that second cover? With all the pretty covers on YA books now, it stands out even more when there's a bad on. And that one is baaaad. Such a shame.

  5. That is just the CUTEST cover on the first one! And it sounds really really good! Thanks for sharing :-)

  6. LOL!
    The cover for Kat, Incorrigible is adorable! But I love how you have it paired with a cover that kind of give me the creeps, All Just Glass. Still the book sounds good, almost like the Night Huntress series. Sadly, I haven't read anything by Ms. Rhodes before. But after what you mentioned, I feel I have to look her up.

    Thanks so much for sharing these titles. That is what I love about WoW. Discovering new authors.

  7. First pick does sound like a fun read, just not something I would pick so hope you get a chance to actually "laugh your way through Kat's adventures"!
    Now your second pick is my newest add to my own wishing to read list, thanks for the heads up to a book and author new to me! All Just Glass may not have the "best" cover art but the book sounds very interesting!

    My WoW this week if you get a chance to stop by

    jackie >_<

  8. Great reviews you have here...I'm definitely a follower blog. Please stop by my site and follow my movie reviews as well...thanks!

  9. I agree that the All Just Glass cover doesn't wow me either.

  10. You're welcome, Booksploring (what a cute name!)

    Missie, ha, yeah they do sort of, erm, clash? I haven't heard of the Night Huntress series. I'll have to go look that up. :) I agree, this is what I love about WoW!

    Missie and Jackie B: I enjoyed Amelia Atwater-Rhodes first four books the best. She started writing them when she was a teenager, and while that does show, they are pretty fun reads.

    Thanks Movie Guy! I'll be sure to stop by. I'm always looking for a good movie to watch.

    Thanks for stopping by, Lisa. :)

  11. Kat, Incorrigible sounds like so much fun! Kind of like the female Percy Jackson? Great pick!

  12. Does she? I haven't read Percy Jackson's series yet, so I don't know how they compare (it's on my TBR though!)

  13. The first book is right up my alley. I don't know why, but I just love kids books. The second one, though is a bit too far fetched for me. I've not been able to hop on the vampire wagon.

  14. I love them too :)

    I'm still hanging on the wagon from when I was a teenager, but a lot of them are trying my patience lately. I have to admit, though, some I do love.


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