Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (4)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating. 

The cute WoW button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

Little Women and Me, by Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Release Date: August 16, 2011
Publisher: Bloomsbury

Pages: 336
(Above publication information from Goodreads)
Author's Page

Goodreads Page

From Goodreads:
A twist in time gives Emily the power to fix Little Women. Oh, where to begin!

Emily is sick and tired of being a middle sister. So when she gets an assignment to describe what she'd change about a classic novel, Emily pounces on Little Women. After all, if she can't change things in her own family, maybe she can bring a little justice to the March sisters. (Kill off Beth? Have cute Laurie wind up with Amy instead of Jo? What was Louisa May Alcott thinking?!)
But when Emily gets mysteriously transported into the 1850s world of the book, she discovers that righting fictional wrongs won't be easy. And after being immersed in a time and place so different from her own, it may be Emily—not the four March sisters—who undergoes the most surprising change of all. Lauren Baratz-Logsted's winning confection will appeal to fans of Little Women as well as anyone who enjoys a modern twist on an old favorite.

Oh gosh, I think I'm having heart palpitations! It's no secret by now that I absolutely loved The Twin's Daughter. I didn't tell you yet, but I also adored Lauren's other historical fiction book, The Education of Bet (review to come!). When I heard she was writing yet another historical fiction book, well, that alone was enough to send me jumping up and down in excitement. Add in Little Women and a character determined (and able?!) to fix the travesties that befell that wonderful book? Let's just say it's a good thing I was sitting down and with my computer firmly and safely placed on a desk when I heard this news.

My Unfair Godmother, by Janette Rallison
Release Date: April 12, 2011
Walker Books for Young Readers
Pages: 320
(Above publication information from Goodreads)
Author's Page
Amazon Page

Goodreads Page

From Goodreads:

Tansy Miller has always felt that her divorced father has never had enough time for her. But mistakenly getting caught on the wrong side of the law wasn't exactly how she wanted to get his attention. Enter Chrysanthemum "Chrissy" Everstar, Tansy's fairy in shining, er, high heels. 
Chrissy is only a fair godmother, of course, so Tansy's three wishes don't exactly go according to plan. And if bringing Robin Hood to the twenty-first century isn't bad enough for Tansy, being transported back to the Middle Ages to deal with Rumpelstiltskin certainly is. She'll need the help of her blended family, her wits, and especially the cute police chief 's son to stop the gold-spinning story from spinning wildly out of control. Janette Rallison pulls out all the stops in this fresh, fun-filled follow-up to the popular My Fair Godmother.

Ok, so the palpitations are now accompanied by hyperventilating. My Fair Godmother landed a spot on my Special Shelf, so I have super high hopes for this follow up. Given my experience so far with Janette, I don't think I'm going to be let down.
Previous books I've been waiting for.

While you're waiting, come check out my event, Busting the Newbie Blues, open to both new and established bloggers! We're having a ton of fun!


  1. The cover for Little Women and Me looks pretty cute. I haven't read Lauren's work yet but The Education of Bet is by TBR pile. As for Janette Rallison, my favourite of her novels is Just One Wish.

  2. Wooho those books look awesome and they might be total fun to read! I#m excited to read your Reviews!

  3. Someone has decided to delve into Little Women instead of Jane Austin. That's different! Fresh pick. Thanks.

  4. I have The Little Women (and me) as my WoW pick too! And I've featured My Unfair Godmother a few weeks ago, but I can't wait to read both books! Nice picks! I absolutely love Janette Rallison's book, though I've yet to read The Twin's Daughter. :)

    If you're interested, here's my Wow picks.

  5. Deep breaths, it would not be good if you had a heartattack. On the other hand, Death By Excitement Over Books wouldn't be too terrible a way to go...

  6. Great picks! They both look cute and interesting! Can't wait to get my hands on any of them (or both :p) Thanks for sharing!

    PS I'm glad that I'm your 100th follower! :D

  7. Both of these sound like reads, I think I will get them and use them for the Just for fun Challenge. Great picks!

  8. My UnFair Godmother seems like such a fun read! Great WoW choices!

  9. Both of these books look fantastic and sound really good. I'm going to add them to my list! Thanks for the suggestions! Great picks today!

  10. Great picks this week! These book look good! :)

  11. Little Women and Me sounds really good I'll be adding it to my list, great picks! =)

  12. This both sounds like great book! Definitely interested in the godmother one!

  13. I'm so intrigued by Little Women and Me...what a great premise!

  14. I hope when you get your books, rthey are everything you hope them to be. Check out what I am Waiting On Wednesday for.

  15. Both look like great books!
    Good choices =)

  16. I'm glad everyone likes these picks! I am so unbelievably excited for them.

    Aylee, You are too funny. If I do die from such a cause, my epitaph must read, "She was a dedicated reader and died from excitement over books"

    Reading Lassie, Thanks for following!

  17. Both sound fun and interesting. My pick is at The Crowded Leaf.

  18. Great picks! They both sound like amazing reads! My WoW is at Coffee Table Press

  19. Little Women and Me sounds fantastic! I really liked The Education of Bet too!

  20. Great picks! I'm really excited for The Twin's Daughter, so if you adored that one, this one must be worth adding to my list as well! Thanks for sharing both of these, looking forward to reading both!

  21. I'm interested in both of these. Especially the Little Women one!
    My WOW

  22. A great selection! It seems great. Happy reading :)
    Check out what im Waiting on Wednesday

    Mia @GrippedintoBooks

  23. Both of these books sound really good!

  24. Little Women & Me was one of my WoW picks last week - doesn't it just sound like so much fun? I haven't read My Fair Godmother yet, but it sounds like a cute read :)

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. I love the sound of Little Women & Me! I loved Little Women when I was younger, so it totally appeals to me :)

  27. Little Women and Me! How did I not know about this book?! I gonna need it.

    Thanks for putting it on my book radar.

  28. Two books which I never would have thought about now have kindled a reading interest for me. Its a great way to start widening my reading spectrum.

  29. I love Lauren's books- so excited for Little Women and Me!

  30. Little Women and Me sounds amazing, but I haven't read Little Women. Watched the movie, but I feel like that's cheating. :P


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