Sunday, January 23, 2011

In My Mailbox (10)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.
The cute IMM button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

All of these free e-books just may convince me to buy an e-reader. I'm not convinced yet, but I'm getting there.

Free E-books from Amazon

From the Library

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Click on the picture to make larger

I loved this book. If you're wondering, that darker black circle is where the stupid Oprah's book club sticker was. I'm not a fan of putting stickers on books. 

What did you get in your mailbox (or on your library card or credit card)? Feel free to add your IMM links in your comments.


  1. I can't wait to read Across the Universe and Choker! Enjoy!

    Happy Reading :)

  2. I LOVE CORMAC MCCARTHY!! Though I have yet to read The Road or see the movie. When did you read it?

    And I totally want to read The Witch's Daughter.

    Great mailbox, Smalls! Hope you enjoy.

    P.S. If you ever decide to drop by my house, I"ll need some warning so I can pull the sell price stickers off my books. ;)

  3. Great stack of books. I love Across The Universe. Curious to see what you think of Choker. Happy reading :)

  4. I've seen a few people have downloaded Starlighter and I'm looking forward to hearing what you all think of it. Choker is a definite for my wishlist. Hope you enjoy all your books this week.

  5. Witch's Daughter looks good! Hope you do a review soon!

    My In My Mailbox

  6. Hannah, Thanks!

    Missie, Hm, going back to my trusty reading list...I read The Road in November 2008. I've only read that one and No Country for Old Men, but I loved them both (probably The Road more).

    I read TR in a night. Kept thinking, "I'll just read until the end of this chapter" only the book doesn't have chapters. By the time I realized, I was so far in I just read to the end. I was sobbing. The movie isn't nearly as good as the book.

    Oh, and stickers are ok on your books. They'd just better be far, far away from my books. :P

    Nic, You loved AtU? Ok, good to hear. Because I was starting to lose motivation. :)

    The Slowest Bookworm, Thanks! Me too. I probably won't get to the e-books for a while though.

    Yiota, I'm reading The Witch's Daughter now, so a review isn't too far off :)

  7. All the Pretty Houses is my favorite. Blood Meridian and Old Country are gritty and raw and a bit much. Gonna have to read TR soon. ;)

  8. Oh good! I have a copy of All the Pretty Horses. Maybe now I'll get to reading it (when it can find it)!

    I started Blood Meridian, but I had to return it back to the library before I finished. Gritty and raw is right!

    The Road is so great. Ah probably one of my favorite books ever.

  9. Really looking forward to reading your review of Across the Universe! I put it on hold at the library but haven't received it yet. Choker sounds so creepy! Looking forward to reading your review on that one too! I hate when there are stickers on books and DvDs too! Drives me nuts! Happy reading :o) To see what's IMM:

  10. I love free Amazon books! Can't wait to see what you think of Choker, that one looks all creepy and twisted and I always like that in a book:) I'm reading Across the Universe now, have you started it yet?

  11. Awesome books this week! I can't wait to read all your reviews, and I'm really interested in your thoughts on Choker - I've seen mixed things :)

  12. I LOVE The Road. Such a good book. I just ordered Choker last night. I need a good creepy book.
    Don't think I've heard of The Witch's Daughter (really like the cover though) so I'll have to go check it out.
    Have a great week!

  13. Great books! I haven't read The Road. I agree, I don't care for stickers on books either. Especially the percentage off stickers. Ugh! I'm looking forward to what you think of Choker. It's really different. I loved Across the Universe! I haven't posted my review yet. But I loved it so much, I want my own copy. Happy reading! Here's my IMM.

  14. But now you have just a random circle where the sticker was! So annoying.
    Interested to read what you think of Choker... I've heard mixed things. Also what you think of Across the Universe. Apparently the big reveal is very obvious which is unfortunate.

  15. I keep seeing "Choker" on the book table whenever I go to Wal-Mart and I keep thinking to myself, "Hmmm... Should I buy it?" But then I remember that I don't know anything about it (besides the fact that it has a pretty cover). Therefore, I think I will wait to see what you think of it before I buy it!

  16. I got Starlighter free too. ^^;;. The Witch's Daughter has such a beautiful cover and an interesting premise but it has such low ratings on goodreads. X_X.

  17. Great books & beautiful covers too! I really want to read Across the Universe & Choker, so looking forward to your reviews. Starlighter & The Witch's Daughter looks really interesting, adding them to my TBR stash.

    What I got this week: New To My Stash. Happy Reading :)

  18. Laura, Haha, drives me nuts too. I was actually debating sending Across the Universe and/or Choker back to the library, but I think I’ll read them now. There’s so much interest in both of them.

    Jenny, Aren’t they awesome?! I haven’t started Across the Universe yet. Probably will be the next book I pick up.

    Melissa, I’ve read mixed reviews too. I’m curious to see which end I fall on.

    Jessica, Yay for The Road! (though “yay” probably isn’t the right word at all). I think The Witch’s Daughter is adult fic, but the main character spends most of the book as a 17 year old girl. At least so far.

    Julie, The Road is fantastic, but definitely a “heavy” read. Ugh, yes those stickers are awful. This one was the dreaded Oprah’s book club sticker. Gah, I think that one is one of the worst! Wow, you’ve made me excited to read Across the Universe now!

    Aylee, Yeah, I know :( That’s why I hate stickers so much. I’ve heard that about Across the Universe too. I can be dense sometimes, so I’m hoping my powers of perception are on the dull side when I read it :P

    Avery, It does have a pretty cover, doesn’t it? All I really know is it’s about two friends and one (or both?) is pretty disturbed.

    Need-Tea, I saw those ratings too! I’m almost 100 pages in, and most of it hasn’t been written in journal form so I’m not really sure what the reviewers are referring to. Maybe it goes back to a journal soon? So far it’s good, but not fantastic. The teeny tiny font is making me read slower than usual.

    SimplyMe, Thanks for stopping by! I’ll have reviews up for all of them, eventually :)

  19. I've been meaning to read The Road. I thought the movie looked pretty good, too.

    I can't wait to see your reviews for Across the Universe and Choker. I've seen lots of great reviews for those.

  20. I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of Choker.

  21. Awesome haul! You will love Choker! I finished it last night :) Thank you for sharing :)

    My IMM

  22. l don't like stickers on books either! Unless they come off ok.
    Enjoy your books, the free books aren't free on the UK site =( Get jealous when l see its only on USA one! lol

  23. I haven't gotten too many books with stickers on them but I agree I don't like them either. I have been wanting to read Choker, Across The Universe and The Witch's Daughter. Hope you enjoy and Happy Reading!

    MY IMM

  24. Logan, The movie was good, but I don’t think it compares to the book. Viggo was PERFECT, but the boy was all wrong and the movie wasn’t as horrifying as the book. I’m almost glad. I think it would have been too much to watch if it had been able to truly capture the book.

    A Canadian Girl, me too! I’ll let you know :)

    Moonlight Gleam, Good to hear!

    Books for Company, I agree, when they come off ok then I’m fine with them. I think most of the major sellers put on stickers that come off ok just so long as you remove them soon. Aw, sorry to hear the e-books aren’t free for the UK!

    BLHmistress, Thanks for stopping by. Good to see there’s a good number of us against stickers :P


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