Sunday, January 30, 2011

In My Mailbox (11)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.
The cute IMM button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

As always, all of the photos will go larger if you click on them.

Free E-books

I got both of these from Amazon, but I think they're also available through Barnes and Noble.

From the Library

Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
(Click on the title to go to Goodreads)

I'm torn about whether or not I should start this book. I've heard so many great things about it, but I've also heard there's a cliffhanger ending. I have a few things to read before this one, so I have some time to decide. 


Thank you to both bloggers! If you're not familiar with their blogs, please do check them out. They're both seasoned bloggers who set the standard for YA book blogging.

I'm hoping to read Bloodthirsty soon. I've read Deadly and will have a review posted up soon.

What did you get in your mailbox (or on your library card or credit card)? Feel free to add your IMM links in your comments. You can also stop by my discussion post today Because Fictional Guys Are Better

Do you have a review to submit? I'm currently collecting submissions for two upcoming Review Comparisons! Click here to learn about submitting your reviews.


  1. Interesting books there. I'm definitely curious to see what you think of Unearthly.

  2. Ah!!!! I love Unearthly. It's a cliffhanger in the sense that you want to know the answers to some of the questions but the romance plot and main plot are actually wrapped up and finished. You want to read the next one because you want to return to the characters so bad. Haha.

  3. Smalls,

    Congrats on your wins.

    When I hear that books have a cliffhanger ending, I avoid them like the plague. ;)

  4. That's awesome that you got The New World for free! I love the Chaos Walking series, and I've been wanting to read it. Unearthly sounds interesting as well, and the cover's awesome. Hope you enjoy your books! :)

  5. I also read great things about Unearthly. I'll look forward to your review on it. =)

  6. I know what you mean about avoiding books because of cliffhanger endings... but I usually tend to succumb to my curiosity and end up just reading it anyways.

  7. Deadly looks like a great book and I love how bold the cover is. Congrats on winning!

    There is still time to enter my Steampunkery Giveaway!!!

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews
    Forbidden Steam  Adult- even the Mad Scientist gets naughty!

  8. Returning the Hop a bit late! But you have an adorable blog! I've been wanting to read Unearthly but I haven't gotten around to getting it! I hope you enjoy your books! :)

  9. Unearthly was a fabulous read and the cover is beautiful. I'm definitely going to check out Deadly. Enjoy all of your goodies.

  10. I've got Bloodthirsty in my TBR pile so I'm looking forward to reading your review for it.

  11. You got some wicked books this week. I hope you enjoy them.

  12. Enjoy Unearthly! I'm still yet to read it! :D Great reads this week - enjoy them all!

    Check out my mailbox this week

  13. Heard so mnay good things about Unearthly by Cynthia Hand. I hope it delivers. :) Enjoy the books you got there. :)

  14. Love your ebooks! Added them at my TBR!
    And i really need to get Unearthly too XD Hope you like them!

    My Mailbox (17)

  15. Awesome books you got this week. Magyk is a really good book. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  16. I loved Unearthly so congrats on landing that at the library! And the novels you won look fantastic, though I've never heard of them, so thanks for bringing them to my attention.

    Have a wonderful week, be safe, and happy reading!

    Asher K. (Paranormal Indulgence)

  17. Fantastic mailbox! My brother's read Septimus Heap: Maygyk and liked it. I want to try and read Deadly soon, I'll be looking out for your review of it. Happy reading :)

  18. Read Unearthly NOW. Seriously. It's amazing. Yes it's kind of a cliff hanger ending, and yes I'm dying for the second book, but it's actually a pretty well placed ending. Lots left to be explained, but some bits very well wrapped up. Happy reading :)

    My IMM is here.

  19. Unearthly is one of those books aka paranormal that I'm trying to avoid... But the cover is pretty so I'm tempted.... We'll see how long I can put off. I do still have a lot to read.

  20. Congrats on your wins! I have Unearthly too but I haven't read it yet. Let me know when you plan to read it! We could link up our reviews if you would like :o) Bloodthirsty looks hilarious! Gotta put that one on the TBR list. Looking forward to reading all your reviews! Happy reading! Come check out what's IMM!

  21. Awesome haul!!! Thank you for sharing! Enjoy!!!

    My IMM

  22. I'd really like to read Unearthly, I love the cover! You're lucky to find it in the library, that's where I'm hoping it'll turn up eventually.
    My IMM is here, if you want to take a look: The Book Bundle


  23. I really enjoyed Deadly and Bloodthirsty! Unearthly is in my TBR :) Enjoy.

  24. Great haul of books! Happy Reading :)

  25. Happy Reading!

    Check out my IMM to find out how to win a signed copy of Lauren Oliver's Delirium and more in my month long Valentine's Event!

  26. I really liked Unearthly and Bloodthirsty sounds like a hilarious read. Happy reading!

  27. Thanks everyone for stopping by! And thanks for all the feedback. You've helped remove some of my cliffhanger fears. I think I'll give it a read now. :)

    Laura, I'd definitely like to link up reviews!

  28. Bloodthirsty has the cutest cover!!

    Great haul :)

    Bex @ xx


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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