Sunday, January 16, 2011

In My Mailbox (9)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.
The cute IMM button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

Last week's IMM showed me breaking down and getting a whole bunch of books after I swore to myself I would show restraint. I am officially totally and completely off the wagon. Here's what I got this week:

I won Fallen by Thomas E. Sniegoski from the lovely ladies at Bewitched Bookworms (and this so doesn't count as me being bad) and a free copy from work of Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Viera Rigler (does it count as being bad if it's free?):

From the library:

I actually would have had more from the library, but I gave away Matched by Ally Condie and The Lying Game by Sara Shepard to my patrons. See, that counts as being good, right? 

For review:

Free e-books:

What did you get in your mailbox (or on your library card or credit card)? Feel free to add your IMM links in your comments.


  1. I've been wanting to read fallen so bad. Hope you like it.

  2. I can't wait to read The Lipstick Laws! You had a pretty good week! New follower!

    Happy Reading :)

  3. The Lipstick Laws looks real cute!

  4. I keep see fallen at walmart thinking I want that, but I never get it. I'm sure someday I will. Nice load of books.

  5. I'm really looking forward to reading Deadly and Kat, Incorrigible! Hope you enjoy your books. Here's my IMM. Happy reading :)

  6. Ooh, great books this week! Will you be reviewing The Fallen? Looks really interesting (and yes, the cover is quite yummy!).

    Anyway, happy reading!

  7. I can't wait to reaper. Free kindle books =D

    here's mine for this week

    P/S New follower

  8. Don't you love free ebooks? Happy reading and have a great weekend!

  9. thanks for the post on free E-books.

  10. Great books! I liked Wish!

  11. Aw, Kat, Incorrigible sounds like a really sweet read & I have had my eye on Deadly for a while now...*is jealous of your books* Enjoy!

  12. The little girl on the cover of Kat, Incorrigible looks a lot like Coraline! Very cute :)

  13. House of Dark Shadows looks really good. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  14. What a cool mailbox this week. Hope you have fun reading :)You can find my IMM at The Bookishsnob

  15. I'm looking forward to reading your review of Fallen Angel and Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings.

  16. Hope you enjoy all your books this week, Happy Reading XD

  17. Great mailbox! I've got the Fallen on my TBR, looking forward to see what you think. Happy reading!

    My IMM post

  18. Ooh, I haven't heard of any of those! I hope you enjoy them all. Great mailbox :o)

  19. I'm interested on your review on The Fallen!
    The House of Dark Shadows looks good!

    My Mailbox

  20. Great reads! I'm interested in the Mermaid/Toe Ring book. Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict sounds cool too.
    My IMM

  21. Thanks for stopping by everyone! I've read Deadly and I'm almost finished with the Mermaids/Toe Rings book, so I should have reviews for both sooner than later. Eventually I'll have reviews for all of these. All the excitement for Fallen has bumped that one up my TBR!

  22. Wow, great bunch of books! I've been looking forward to the release of The Lipstick Laws, I loved the author's voice in one of her interviews. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it. I hope you enjoy your books!

  23. It's impossible to pass up on free books/e books!
    Great books, l haven't seen 'fallen' before. Wow at the cover!

  24. Your mailbox looks great !! You've got so many books that I'm dying to have ! Enjoy them all ;)

  25. I can't wait to see what you thought of Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings. It looks like it would be a good and lighthearted book.

    Attack of the Book!

  26. Oh course free books don't count!

    Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings sounds so cute. Great mailbox, SR! Enjoy.

  27. Kat, Incorrigible sounds so cute!

  28. Nice ones!! I got Wish too! And the Mermaid book sounds cute! :D (there had been many mermaid books lately, don't you think?)

    :D Hope you love them all.

  29. Great mailbox this week! I love getting free e-books, and I really want to read Reaper by Rachel Vincent. I adore her! Fallen looks good as well, I've been seeing that one around a lot lately. Can't wait to see what you think of these!

  30. Hope you like Fallen better than I did, I'm reading the 2nd one now... and I'm enjoying it so much more than the first. Great books & Happy reading :)

    I don't do IMM, but I do my own feature of whats new to my reading stash, check it out.
    New To My Stash

  31. Thanks to everyone for stopping by! All of you mentioning the cover of Fallen? I AGREE! Hehe, he looks even nicer in person ;)

    Aylee, I’m really looking forward to that one! I may have squeaked out loud when I got that one.

    Anime Girl, I have noticed a lot of mermaid books recently. I think they’re maneuvering to be the next big thing.

    Jenny, I didn’t love the first Soul Screamers book as much as I was hoping I would, but I did like the character Tod a lot and this is his story.

  32. LOL, thanks so much for that HUGE list of recommendations you gave me! :D A lot of them are definitely not my typical reads so they are perfect for the challenge.

    Someone else recommended Ray Bradbury too - anything in particular by him you'd suggest to start with? I read his short story "The Veldt" when I was in high school and it totally freaked me out, but I am willing to try him again (especially considering that *was* years ago now).

    Also, I'd love to return the favour and recommend some books for you if possible! Any genres/categories that are out of your comfort zone/not your usual thing? :)

  33. That's one heck of a mailbox you've got there! I've been wondering about The Lipstick Laws...I'll be on the lookout for your review of that :)

  34. I am also in a sort of book-buying ban which is getting harder and harder to do every minute!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm crazy about chocolate and that's what comforted me while sick. I'm okay now and ready to roll :D

    I was disappointed with Fat Vampire too - I was really looking forward to enjoying it, but couldn't.

    Have a great new week!

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  35. Danya, I'll answer your questions on your blog so you're sure to see it :)

    Melissa, I think I'll be starting it tonight, so a review shouldn't be too far off!

    Nina, I'm so happy you're feeling better! I think chocolate is the closest thing to a universal comfort food. I always go straight for the chocolate when I'm feeling cruddy.

  36. I think free totally keeps you on the wagon! :) Good stuff. I'm curious about Confessions of a Jane Austen addict. Off to look it up...

  37. Hehe, I'm going with your wisdom. Free is on the wagon. :D

    :) It sounds cute, right? Have you seen the movie Lost in Austen (if you haven't, I so recommend it!)? The plot of this book reminds me of that movie a little.

  38. Real Mermaids don't wear Toe Rings look sooo cute! looks like some great books this week, happy reading!

  39. I have Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict high on my list of things to read. I'm on a bit of a Jane Austen spin-offs kick!

  40. Thanks all!

    Madigan, this one will be the first one that I've read...I'm pretty sure. I think I've only seen movie spin-offs.

  41. i got Lipstick Laws last week :) Havent read it yet, but i'm exited to!

  42. I've been on a short vacation and away from the blog-o-sphere. I'm back now, trying to catch up... looks like you had a great week. Two of the freebies, I snagged at some point too.

    I'm curious, where'd the for review books come from? Cuz NetGalley says the kindle this is not functioning.

  43. The Lipstick Laws I got through Net Galley. The other two came from Simon & Schuster's Galley Grab program. I had heard about Net Galley not working for Kindle right now. I hope they fix that soon, but I read all my e-books on my computer anyway.

  44. Yes, you are correct! Net Galley has "temporarily" disable the Kindle button. Its slowly KILLIN' me! This was my only source for E-Arcs. I'm soooo sad...!!! The Galley Grab program doesn't support the Kindle, either.

    I can't read the books on my computer, because I work.

  45. That's so frustrating! I wonder why Net Galley isn't working for Kindle right now. If I discover any alternatives I'll be sure to let you know. :)


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