Saturday, January 1, 2011

Recap: Busting the Newbie Blues

All good things must come to an end.

I'd like to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in this event! We had 68 bloggers (plus myself) participating, which is far more than I ever imagined! You guys really took this event and ran with it, giving such kind and thoughtful comments to one another and really getting into the spirit of this event. You've all made me so happy, so thank you, thank you, thank you!

I hope you all enjoyed it. I know I thoroughly busted my newbie blues, met some great bloggers, gained followers/comments, and read a bunch of really helpful advice. 

The linky list is now closed, but you can still click on the links to browse through all of the blogs who participated. If you haven't gotten a chance to do so yet, I definitely recommend it. They are all really wonderful blogs. 

I had so much fun that I think I'll be running this event next year as well. I hope you join in again, especially since all our newbies now will be seasoned bloggers by then. It will be fun to see how much we've grown in a year, plus, then you'll all get to help new bloggers bust their newbie blues!

Given the craziness of the holiday season, I think next year I will host the event throughout the month of January 2012, so mark your calendars!

To prepare for next year, I'd love to read your feedback on the event:

  • Did you enjoy it? 
  • What would you change? 
  • What would you keep? 
  • Would you participate next year? 
  • Any other thoughts or suggestions? 

 You can leave your comments here or email me if you feel more comfortable (imagesandwords at optonline dot net) Please feel free to speak your minds. Anything you say will only help make this event better next year!


  1. I could not participate in 2010. But I am definitely doing it in 2011 :)

  2. You were certainly missed, but I'm happy to hear you'll be joining us next year! Your blog is so great and one of the blogs I read even before I started my own blog. I'd love to read your advice and experiences. :)

  3. Did you enjoy it?
    Yeah! I did. I'm not usually the most participative or people, but I liked sharing thoughts with other bloggers and find out that we all have some similar experiences.

    What would you change?
    Maybe add a bit more about the reading experience, though, over all I thought the questions were awesome.

    What would you keep?
    The friendly, easy going spirit of it all.

    Would you participate next year?
    Count me in!

    Any other thoughts or suggestions?
    Thanks for doing it! :) it was a great idea.

  4. Awesome! Thanks for your feedback! I agree with you, one of my favorite things (though there were many) was seeing how similar my experiences were to other people. I felt so alone before the event, but now I feel a lot more connected and "normal" if you know what I mean.

    What do you mean by "Add a bit more about the reading experience"?

    I'm so glad you'll participate again! You can definitely count on a continued friendly, easy going spirit!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I thought this was a great event, and I'm glad I participated. I'd definitely do so again if I had any new advice to offer. I found some great new blogs along the way too. I must say that Small Review is one of my new faves! :)

    ^typo in my first post. Ugh!

  7. Hi and Happy New Year. Thanks for running Busting the Newbies. It was a great success and I really enjoyed it. All us newbies will be able to participate as experience bloggers next year if you do run it again :))

  8. Leanna, Thank you! And thank you so much for participating and promoting this event.

    The Slowest Bookworm, Happy New Year to you too! You're very welcome. I'm so happy you enjoyed it. :)

  9. Thank you again for doing this! Was great =)

  10. About the reading experience, I meant about the books themselves, like why we pick them, or how we approach recommendations or highly hyped books, something like that.

  11. I had such a fun time while participating in the challenge! I was a seasoned blogger and still loved reading the newbies posts! I saw that we all have/had the same stressers!
    Maybe you can add a question about how/when/where to contact the publishers for review copies. When I started out that was always my number one question.
    I can't wait for next year's Busting the Newbie Blues! This was such a great idea :)

  12. Books for Company, You're welcome! Thank you again for participating!

    AnimeGirl, Ah, I understand now. That's a good idea! I'll be sure to include a question on that. Thanks!

    Katie, I'm so glad you had fun! Ooh, that's a good question. I know I'd like to know the answer!

  13. Of course I enjoyed it! My newbie blues are definitely busted, as well. I loved the questions and I loved being able to read other people's answers. I learned a lot from people's answers, both seasoned and newbie bloggers. I've made many new blog friends through this event. I would definitely participate next year. In fact, I'm still not done participating this year! I think I've only browsed through and followed the first 50 blogs on the list so far. There were so many people who participated it's a little hard to keep up! Congrats on the success of this event!

  14. I'm so glad you held this event and really enjoyed participating in it as I've met a lot of bloggers and even got to know some of them (including you). I'd definitely participate in this event next year and hopefully will have some words of wisdom to impart after a year of blogging. It'll also be interesting just to see how everyone else is doing next year.

  15. I loved this event! You were totally instrumental in me meeting a lot of awesome bloggers and helping me gain as much information about blogging from seasoned bloggers. This really helped a lot of newbies in the book blogging world and when you do this again, I will definitely participate. I hope I have something to share to newer blogs when that time comes :D

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  16. Aylee, I'm so glad to hear that! Your experience is exactly what I was hoping for when I started this event.

    A Canadian Girl, I totally agree with you! I'm actually really curious to see where we all are in a year and how our responses will change, or not.

    Nina, Yay! You guys are making me so happy! Your experiences are just what I was hoping for. I'm so glad to see this event help so many people.

    T. B. You're so welcome!

    I already can't wait for next year!

  17. Just wanted to say that this event was a fabulous idea! I'm glad you got so much participation and I agree with A Canadian Girl - it'll be interesting to see if our responses change in a year :D

  18. Thank you! And a big thank you for participating!!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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