Sunday, February 20, 2011

In My Mailbox (14)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.
The cute IMM button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

Wow, real life has been kicking my butt this week! I own a classic car and have just listed it for sale, so that has been taking up a bunch of my time these past two days. I have to admit, I'm about ready to tear out my hair with all the people coming to admire the car but who don't actually have the money to buy it. I appreciate the nice comments, but it takes so much time to show people a car and then it's very frustrating to find out that they don't have any intentions or ability to buy it, they just wanted to gawk at a pretty car! Especially when they get me up at 6 in the morning! I am so not a morning person. Aargh, I'm exhausted.

So if you've noticed I haven't made my usual commenting rounds, please don't feel forgotten!

For Review

(Click on the titles to go to Goodreads)

Big thank you to Walden Pond Press!

I've heard this book described as a middle grade mix of The Godfather/Sam Spade meets the humor of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. That sounds good to me! I'm always on the lookout for books that will appeal to boys as well as girls. My library boys are often neglected, so I'm hoping this will be a good book I can recommend to them. I flipped through the first chapter and I already like the humor and writing style. This is a published book available for purchase.

From the Library

Trapped by Michael Northrop
(Click on the titles to go to Goodreads)

I had originally put the hold on this book in the dead of winter when we had a few feet of snow covering everything. Most of our snow piles are gone, so I don't have the ideal atmosphere anymore, but I'm still looking forward to reading this. I've heard some mixed reviews, so hopefully I end up on the side that likes it. I love survival books, but they can be very frustrating to me if I feel the main characters aren't making the best survival choices. I'm also always worried the characters will decide to burn the library books for warmth. They'd better not do that!


One of my wonderful library patrons gave me this book, knowing I love YA. As you can see from the sticker, The Eternal Ones has been published for a while now, but I still haven't gotten around to reading it. I love the idea of reincarnation and a love that just keeps getting reborn. The plot reminds me a little of L. J. Smith's Night World book Soulmate, with the reincarnation and the "Did my lover murder me in my past lives?" aspect. I enjoyed Soulmate, so hopefully I'll like The Eternal Ones just as much. Has anyone read this book? What did you think of it?

On another note, I'm so glad the official cover was changed from the one on this ARC. I don't like this ARC cover at all. The girl's face looks freaky.

Giveaway for you!

Do you want another book in your mailbox? I'm currently running a giveaway for a chance to win a copy of M. J. Putney's Dark Mirror. 

What did you get in your mailbox (or on your library card or credit card)? Feel free to add your IMM links in your comments.


  1. Trapped sounds like it could go either way - good or bad. The concept is so simple, but totally interesting! Hope you like it. :]

  2. I've been wanting to read the Eternal Ones. :) Good week this week for you. :)

  3. Fab books! Especially Eternal Ones and Trapped.

  4. Nice titles! I've heard great things about Trapped and I hope you like it. And The Four Stall does come off rather The Godfather-y, sounds like it could be awesome.

    Hope you enjoy them all!

  5. Great stack of books! I have heard great things about Eternal Ones and it is on my wishlist, so I look forward to your review. Happy reading :)

  6. I have heard good things about Trapped. Hope they are true :P

    Splash of our Worlds: My Mailbox

  7. Cant wait to read Trapped! Lovely books this week.

  8. l haven't read any of these! Trapped is one l need to read!

  9. Nice haul :) Hope you enjoy them all.

  10. Oh that's a different cover for The Eternal Ones, I like it! I enjoyed that one even though Haven was a bit frustrating at times, and am looking forward to book 2! I've heard mixed things about Trapped so I look forward to seeing what you think of it:)

  11. Wow that cover for THE ETERNAL ONES is so different to the published one! I definitely want to give this one a read but haven't gotten around to it yet! Enjoy!

    Check out what's IMM this week!

  12. The Fourth Stall looks really funny. I like The Godfather reference in the cover. I agree with you on the ARC of The Eternal Ones! I really enjoyed the book. I can't wait for the sequel. My IMM. Happy reading :)

  13. Wow, that sounds incredibly annoying, having all those looky-loos bother you at all hours about your car. What a pain!

    I am still waiting for Trapped and The Eternal Ones to come in on interlibrary loan. I'm vexed that they aren't here yet, and simultaneously, dumbfounded that yet again, all my other holds seem to have come in at once!

  14. I never knew The Eternal Ones had that cover before but anyways I really like it so hope you will too.

  15. Great Books! Really want to read The Eternal Ones-- Enjoy!

  16. I read Trapped and will be interested to see your thoughts on it.

    Andrea @ Reading Lark

  17. I enjoyed The Eternal Ones when I read it last fall, and I hope you will too! I found it to be refreshing, what with all the paranormal romance in YA fantasy these days.

    Have a great week!

  18. Ditto on the incredibly busy week. The difference between you and me is that that you still somehow managed to post multiple times and I didn't manage once, haha. Hope you find someone to sell your car to and happy reading!

  19. I just finished reading Trapped this weekend! LOL. While I was reading it, we had horrible howling wind, so that gave me some atmosphere!

  20. I read the Eternal Ones a while ago and everyone kept giving the girl MC a hard time for being stupid. I didn't think she was stupid. She was naive. She'd just left podunkville and had never been to NYC and I think given all of the mysteries going on she did as good a job as she could have under the circumstances. She was a very trusting person and believed in the good in people. Just remember where she came from before you write her off as the stupidest person on the face of the earth.


  21. I loved Diary of A Wimpy Kid and read it when I found my little brother's library copies around the house. If The Fourth Stall is close to that and suitable for MG, let me know so I can recommend it to my brother.

  22. I have heard mixed things about Trapped. I hope you enjoy it! I have The Eternal Ones too and I can't wait to read it. It looks great :) Enjoy!

  23. Alissa, I agree. I think it could be really interesting, or very annoying. I’ve read reviews saying both.

    The Vintage Bookworm, Me too. I don’t know how soon I’ll get to it, but at least now I have a copy.

    Alison, Thanks! I’m looking forward to both. We do have snow today, so maybe I should pick up Trapped :P

    Alex, Thank you! Good to know about Trapped.

    Nic, I’ve heard pretty good things about Eternal Ones too, though I don’t remember many details. I’m not sure when I’ll get around to reading it, but I’ll definitely post up a review when I do.

    Yiota, The Slowest Bookworm, Books for Company, Amateur Voice, Thanks! I hope they’re good too :)

    Jenny, I like this cover with the red and the guy, but the girl’s face looks so strange! I’m not sure how well it came across in the picture, but it looks like she has a big tooth sticking out :P I didn’t even know there was a book two! I really shouldn’t be surprised.

    Mia and Sofia, Thank you!

    Brittany, It really is! I like the published one. It’s very simple and different.

    Julie, I’ve only seen The Godfather movies when I was really young, so I’m not sure how many references I’ll actually get :P I’m glad to hear you enjoyed The Eternal Ones. I really need to look into this sequel now. I had no idea.

  24. Madigan, Oh gosh, it was sooo annoying. I pulled the ad after two days. It’s not worth it. LOL! I know just what you mean about all your holds coming in at once. :P

    T. B. Thanks! Hopefully I’ll have a review up in March. I’ve been needing more tween books to review. :)

    Jenny, I didn’t know either. I had to do a double take the first time I saw it. I’m glad to hear you liked the book!

    Simply Me, Thanks!

    Andrea, Ooh, I’m going to go see if you have a review for it now :)

    Natalie, Thanks! Good to hear you enjoyed it! I’m glad you said you found it refreshing because I was wondering if it was going to be “same old, same old” in the paranormal romance genre.

    Aylee, Two words that save me: Scheduled Posting! Without it my blog would be a lot less consistent and active :P Thanks for the well wishes! I hope next week is less busy for you :)

    A Backwards Story, Howling wind would definitely make for great atmosphere! We had a huge windstorm this weekend too. The whole house was shaking!

    Heather, Ah, that sounds like Meghan from the Iron Fey series. I agree with you, it’s important to remember who the character is and why they are reacting as they are. Thank you for the heads up!

    A Canadian Girl, I love the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books too! They’re so funny. The Fourth Stall isn’t a cartoon, but I’ll let you know how the humor is and if it’s good for MG boys. :)

    Alice, Me too. I hope I’m on the side that likes it. I’ll keep an eye out for your Eternal Ones review!

  25. I feel I don't even have time for Scheduled Posting! Even now on "spring" break, I'm way too busy. Oi! I still really enjoy blogging and commenting though so I'm not going to stop!

  26. I can imagine! Everyone always used to say school was to prepare you for the "real world" where things would be more difficult, but life has never been easier since I graduated. When I come home for the day I don't have assignments or studying hanging over my head. My time is just my own. It's so much easier.

    Oh yeah, and any kind of "break" I think is synonymous with "assign boat loads of work" for most professors :P Good luck!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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