Sunday, March 27, 2011

In My Mailbox (17)

Button from Bewitched Bookworm
In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

I haven't done an IMM post for a few weeks, so this is an extra large haul. Sorry about my super crappy pictures. Maybe one day I'll actually remember to take my pictures in the daylight.

For Review

Thank you NetGalley, Tanglewood Press, and Simon and Schuster!

I am so excited for Wrapped! I've been majorly hyping that one for a while now. I'm also really happy Two Moon Princess was made available through Net Galley. I've been wanting to read that one, but my library system doesn't own a copy. I have to admit, Blood Red Road is a little intimidating at almost 500 pages and, eh, phonetic dialect.

Heads up for Gayle Forman fans, Where She Went is available on Net Galley now. I didn't request it because I haven't read the first book and I don't really feel like reading it now (it's sad, right?), but I know a lot of you are looking forward to this book.

Thank you to Henry Holt and Co.! Isn't the cover gorgeous? My photo doesn't do it justice. I finished it this week and I loved it! Review to come!

From the Library

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Demonglass (Hex Hall #2) by Rachel Hawkins

The Liar Society by Lisa and Laura Roecker
Dust of 100 Dogs by A. S. King 
Clarity by Kim Harrington
(Click on the titles to go to Goodreads)

Yeah, my library system decided to send all of my inter-library loans at once. I put most of these requests in around January, yet they send them all now! I also got a copy of Angelfire, but I sent that one back. You'll see why if you scroll down.

Full of Win!

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Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
Desires of the Dead (The Body Finder #2) by Kimberly Derting
Afterlife (Evernight #4) by Claudia Gray
Unearthly by Cynthia Hand (review
Once in a Full Moon by Ellen Schreiber

All won as part of a Dark Days of Supernatural prize pack from the always awesome Teens Read and Write. Please check out their blog if you're not familiar with them. Think I'm funny? I have nothing on them, especially when they make a video.


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Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
After hearing about Danny's incredible love for this series I decided to grab this copy when it was donated at the library.

Girls to the Rescue (#1) edited by Bruce Lansky
This one was brought to my attention by Gina from My Precious and looks like a perfect book to review for Tween Tuesday
Fallen from Grace by M. J. Putney
A short story related to the characters in her novel Dark Mirror
Turned at Dark by C. C. Hunter
A short story related to the characters in her novel Born at Midnight

All of those links go to Amazon so you can download them for free too!

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I WoW-ed Girl in the Arena by Lise Haines this past Wednesday and the incredibly awesome Natalie from Mindful Musings offered to send me her extra copy! How cool is she? A zillion points to Natalie! Thank you!

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What did you get this week? Has anyone read any of these books yet? Did you like them? 
Feel free to comment with links to your mailboxes or your reviews of these books!


  1. *hyperventilates* WSW is on NETGALLEY! I could kick myself in the arse for never checking that place. Haven't been there in month! Please somebody shoot me!

    Thank you so much for the FYI. And please read IIS soon!

    Gawd! I just want to make out with you right now, but since that would probably be too creepy for you, I'll just run off and see if my NG logon still works.

    Awesome books, Smalls! Enjoy.

  2. WHOA!!!! Blood Red Road is that long? That's massive... It's not part of a series is it? I added it to my to-read on GoodReads a while back but I didn't really look into it much. Geez.

    I haven't read any of the books that you got in your mailbox this week, but I hope to soon! Happy reading.

  3. Missie, LOL! You must be completely distracted by WSW because you didn't even comment about how I am slowly but surely going to steal your crown as winning queen :) HAHAHAHAHA! Wait, forget about that. Go be distracted by WSW, and while you're distracted reading that I'll enter all of the contests and be the ultimate winner! MWHAHAHA! *Small victory dance*

    And you're very welcome about the heads up :)

  4. Cialina, Oh my gosh, I didn't even consider if Blood Red Road is part of a series! Eek!

  5. This may just be the BEST IMM post I have ever seen! And I think we're all jealous of Blood Red Road!! Congrats on a great week :) Can't wait for your reviews!

  6. Wow! What a great book haul! Looking forward to seeing your reviews. Happy Reading :)

  7. LMAO! You're right. You should have put the WSW thing at the end of the post because I after I read it was on NG my mind just went into shock!

    I'm a little more stable now that I have requested it. Watch me be denied because I never request anymore.

    Okay, back to look at your goodies? How the heck did I miss that awesome contest on TRW? Gawd, super jelly. Congrats on your wins! Victory dance well deserved.... This round! ;)

  8. Oh My Goodness! I so want to read Wrapped! Jealous!! I love the cover for Toads and Diamonds. Awesome library reads! Nice wins. Congrats :) That was sweet of Natalie! Happy reading :D

  9. Great stack of books Smalls! We got a lot of the same this week. I got Clarity, Desires of The Dead and Angelfire as well. Congrats on you win :)

  10. I am so impressed with your IMM this week. WOW! I can't believe you WON all those books. They are so pretty! Then, someone sent you a copy you were swooning over on a Waiting for Wed. post. How cool is that!

    I just got Hex Hall from the Ebookfling website. I will be reading it this week. Then I can read the 2nd book you have picked up. The series sounds really good.

    I'm really happy for your great haul this week. Very exciting, I'm looking forward to some great reviews!

  11. I think I just had an aneurysm (that good kind) when I saw WHERE SHE WENT is on NetGalley. THANK YOU (times a billion) for telling us!!

  12. Lots of people seem to have gotten LIAR SOCIETY this week, can't wait to read it!

  13. OMG i am so super Jealous congrats on winning all those books. i think you will really enjoy Angelfire, it's so well written and you might fall in love with will. I really want afterlife, unearthly, once in a full moon,and clarity. You have so many goodies!!!!

    here's my IMM

  14. Great books you got this week. Clarity is an amazing read. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  15. Wow-congrats on all your wins! The Moon Princess looks really good, I like the sunset background on the cover. I might request it on net galley once I get a kindle for my birthday next month. I haven't read If I Stay yet either but I want to lol. Enjoy :)

  16. Ohhhh my freaking god this is an incredible mailbox!! I don't even know on what to comment... It's so awesome you won all those pretty hardcovers - makes me want to grab them and hug them! CONGRATS...

    Then .. *does a little fangirl squee* I am sooooo glad you decided to start the Fever series! But please promise me something and don't stop after Darkfever! Read at least Bloodfever before you judge it !

    Happy Sunday my friend!!

  17. Whoa! Mega loads of books and some pretty nice ones you have too. Congratulations on your wins - they look fabulous! You're definitely going to be busy for the next few weeks lol

  18. Omg, I've been oogling at Wrapped for a while now, and I can't wait for you to review it! Diamonds and Toads is gorgeous, and I love the description too.

    Amazing books this week! Enjoy them all. =D

  19. DARKFEVER! HOORAH! I wanna read Blood Red Road and Wrapped. @_@. My library has been getting great stuff lately too. XD. So much books to read, so little time. LoL.

  20. Just...WOW! Hahaha! You get so many things!
    And i love your library!

  21. Angelfire and Demonglass are both AMAZING! I loved them so, so much. Definitely more than I was expecting!
    Enjoy all of your books - you always have such amazing hauls!
    My IMM

  22. Well l have to say, you did great this week!
    How lovely are other book bloggers?! So nice for Natalie to send you her free copy and also won some amazinnng books.

  23. Several of these books are on my TBR, in particular Toads and Diamonds. I've had this book in the library for a while, and it has SUCH a beautiful cover, but I hadn't heard much blogger buzz about it. I used it for my "Weekly Book Talk" and after reading up on it, I immediately put it on my TBR. I'll look forward to reading what you think!

  24. Speaking of a zillion. you have a zillion books!!! That is amazing! Looking forward to the reviews :)

  25. Wow...great week! Your winning books are awesome! Lucky duck! I love NetGalley and need to read Blood Red Road...I hear it blows Hunger Games out of the water.

    Have a great week!


  26. You really raked up on books this week!! I still haven't read Desires of the Dead or Demonglass. Hopefully soon! Enjoy all your awesome reads!

  27. I was so excited to see Wrapped on GalleyGrab! It sounds so good.
    What an awesome prize back! Those books are definitely made of win :)
    I need to get the Fever series. Everyone I know that has read it says it's awesome.
    Can't wait to see what you think of Girl in the Arena. I'm really curious about that one.
    Hope you enjoy all of your books :D

  28. I think I might be hating you a little bit. That's a massive haul.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. You got some amazing books this week!!!
    I'm glad you got Girl at the Arena, I know you had been wanting to try it out.

    I went a little crazy with Net Galley and Galley Grab this week, so I got a ton to read - I did get Where She Went (though I'm just starting the first book) - so I need to get a massive move one.

    Let me know how the Girls To The Rescue books are, they look cute.

  31. Wow. That's a lot to choose from. You got a lot of great looking books too. I've got to look up Two Moon Princess now. So pretty.

  32. You got sucha huge haul this week!
    Girl in the Arena sounds really cool. The cover is great.
    Honestly, I have no idea what Angelfire is about :/ It looked to me like something confusing with demons and such, so I'm looking forward to your review of it, haha.
    The Liar Society & The Dust of 100 Dogs look really great too!
    How are you going to chose what to read first? haha

  33. You have some great books. and your blog looks great.

  34. That is a nice haul! I have Two Moon Princess on my TBR pile. Drooling big time over Wrapped & Blood Red Road :) Enjoy your new books!

  35. You got so many amazing books this week! I can't wait to read Liar Society, DemonGlass and Clarity! Also Blood Red Road sounds so good and I'm really looking forward to hearing more about it! Enjoy all your lovely books and have a great week!

  36. Honey, Haha thank you! I was very lucky these past two weeks :)

    Vy, Thanks!

    Missie, Ooh, I see, you didn’t enter the TR&W giveaway! That’s how I was able to win. Haha, I know the secret now. I’m totally starting a distract Missie campaign so I can win all the prizes!! Hm, what other books are you looking for? I’m going to stalk Net Galley for you. Oooh, and you like free Amazon books too….a plan is forming. >:) Good luck with your request!

    Julie, Do you get the Simon and Schuster Galley Grab newsletter? If not you should definitely request it! That’s where I got Wrapped from. The story of Toads and Diamonds is as lush and beautiful as the cover.

    Nic, I know! I’m looking forward to comparing reviews with you. :)

    Gina, I’m super impressed with my mailbox too! :P You’re so sweet :) I didn’t even remember entering that contest, and Natalie, well, she’s just made of awesome. Yay! I hope you enjoy Hex Hall! It took me a little while to get into it, but I was hooked by the end and I’ve heard the second book is even better.

    Casey, Haha you’re welcome!

    Good Golly Miss Holly, It does seem to be very popular this week. I’ve had a hold on it for what feels like forever, but of course it came this week when I’m practically buried in books :P

    Melissa, Thanks for the info about Angelfire! I’ve seen some mixed reviews, but I have very high hopes for it. Will sounds so hot. :)

    Rebecca, Good to hear about Clarity! I’m looking forward to it.

  37. Stephanie, Thank you! Another blogger said Two Moon Princess is awesome, so I’m really looking forward to reading it now.

    Danny, Haha, I may have spent a little time hugging them…just a little ;) You got it, I’ll hold out and read Bloodfever before making any judgments :)

    ComaCalm, Thank you!

    The Slowest Bookworm, Thank you! I really am going to be busy. This isn’t even counting the books I already had from previous weeks. Can you ever have too many books? No, no, what am I saying? Of course not!

    Dazzling Mage, Me too! I was so excited when I saw Wrapped in the S&S newsletter. I really enjoyed Toads and Diamonds. If you like fairy tale retellings than you should give it a shot.

    Need Tea, LOL, yes, I could really use more time :P Between you and Danny I have super high expectations for Darkfever now.

    Yiota, Haha, I love my library system too! They’re so good to me.

    Amber, Yay! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed Angelfire and Demonglass. I hope I love them both. Between Will and Cal, how can I not enjoy those two books?

    Books for Company, I was just telling my fiancĂ©, book bloggers are some of the nicest, most generous people I’ve ever met. This is such a fantastic community.

  38. Annette, I should have my review up in a few weeks, but until then I’ll just say that I loved it! It has a great “fairy tale” feel to it and the atmosphere/world building is fantastic. I definitely recommend it if you enjoy fairy tale retellings.

    Lazy Girl, LOL! I do. I don’t even know where to put them all!

    Jen, Wow, blows The Hunger Games out of the water? I need to get to reading Blood Red Road! Thank you for the super motivation :)

    Christy, I still haven’t read them yet either, and with all these books it may be a little while before I do! :P They both look great though.

    Jessica, Me too! I’ve been pining after Wrapped for months. I’m with you, I’ve heard such amazing things about the Fever series. If it weren’t for blogging I wouldn’t have even considered them. I’ll let you know about Girl in the Arena :)

    Rubita, Haha, don’t hate me! :)

    Alex, Thank you :) I’ll keep you posted on Girls to the Rescue. It’s hard not to go crazy with Net Galley and GG. It’s just so easy to request way more than I could ever read in time!

    Erika, I’ve heard Two Moon Princess is really good. I’m looking forward to reading it….hopefully soon :)

    Lauren, Thanks! I am in love with the Girl in the Arena cover. She looks so tough and capable. Haha, I don’t have a concrete idea of what Angelfire is exactly like either, but I’ll let you know when I’ve read it! I’m reading Dust of 100 Dogs now and it’s good so far. She is a brutal main character though! I’m not sure how I’m going to choose! I want to read them all at once. :P

  39. Basma aal, Thank you!

    T. B. Thank you!

    Christie, Ooh, I’ll be looking forward to reading your Two Moon Princess review when you’re done. I’ve heard it’s good.

    Shannon, Thanks! I’m not sure where to begin :P

  40. Smalls, seriously UH-MAZING book week! Like my mind turned to mush at the sight of some of those!

    And I also wanted to let you know that I've recently fallen in love with you. Why? You just informed me that the sequel/companion to IF I STAY is on NetGalley. Let me give YOU a heads up: that is one emotional story. Make sure to have a box of tissues, 'kay?

    Asher K.

  41. I swear that my library waits until I put 4+ books on hold and then sends them all at once! It stresses me out lol! You certainly do have a large haul of awesome books! Happy reading :)

  42. If Jen says that Blood Red Road can blow Hunger Games out of the water, my interest is officially piqued.

    Great haul! I thought you hadn't read Hex Hall yet?

  43. Asher, Hehe I think my mind is still mush too :P I am so glad I posted about Where She Went! I wasn’t even going to do it because I didn’t request it and then I thought, eh, why not! Good thing! I will totally make sure I have tissues. And I’ll even read it in private. I always end up reading the sobbing books in really crowded areas. :P

    Tara, Ha, yeah mine too! What is up with that? It’s always months and months of waiting for inter-library loan books and then BAM! all at once they come in a huge pile.

    Logan, Mine too! I haven’t even read The Hunger Games yet either (I know, I know). I have read Hex Hall. I just liked it so much I want to own my very own copy :P But I totally understand if you want to spread the love to someone who hasn’t yet experienced it :)

  44. No Hunger Games?! What are you waiting for?

    Hex Hall is yours! I think I just assumed you hadn't read it. Bad Logan!

  45. Logan, Um, I have no excuses for why I haven’t read The Hunger Games yet. I was waiting for Mockingjay to come out but, yeah, I can’t use that excuse anymore :) Thanks for Hex Hall!


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