Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (16)

Button from Bewitched Bookworms.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one but that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach
Release Date: March 31, 2011
Only one week away!
Publisher:  Speak

Pages: 208

From Goodreads: 

A haunted castle, a handsome young man dead for four hundred years, one heck of a scary portrait of a witch, and a treasure hunt -- not to mention a princess for a roommate! -- all await 15 year old American girl Caitlyn Monahan when she earns a scholarship to a French boarding school.

There are secrets behind the stone walls of Chateau de la Fortune, buried for centuries along with the mystery of who killed Raphael, the charming ghost who visits Caitlyn at night. But as Caitlyn unearths the history of the castle, nothing scares her as badly as the secret she learns about herself, and the reason she was chosen to come to the Fortune School.

And nothing breaks her heart as badly as falling in love with a dead guy.

I don’t know what it is about ghost romances, but I absolutely adore them! If you think about it, I guess it would actually kind of suck to be in love with a ghost. So why do I love it so much? I think it’s because, in its most romantic ideal, a ghost guy has all the “old time” gentlemanly manners, years of maturing, a secret and tragic past, and the forbidden element because he’s, you know, a ghost. He also tends to be all protective of his new living love, but because she’s alive she is able to do a bunch of stuff he can’t. It’s a nice balance.

This book appears to combine a ghost romantic interest, a boarding school, a castle steeped in history, and a mystery. Can you get any better than that? I’ve also heard great things about this book from people lucky enough to snag an ARC.

Girl in the Arena by Lise Haines
Release Date: October 13, 2009
Publisher: Bloomsbury

Pages: 336

From Goodreads:

It’s a fight to the death—on live TV—when a gladiator’s daughter steps into the arena
Lyn is a neo-gladiator’s daughter, through and through. Her mother has made a career out of marrying into the high-profile world of televised blood sport, and the rules of the Gladiator Sports Association are second nature to their family. Always lend ineffable confidence to the gladiator. Remind him constantly of his victories. And most importantly: Never leave the stadium when your father is dying. The rules help the family survive, but rules—and the GSA—can also turn against you. When a gifted young fighter kills Lyn’s seventh father, he also captures Lyn’s dowry bracelet, which means she must marry him... For fans of The Hunger Games and Fight Club, Lise Haines’ debut novel is a mesmerizing look at a world addicted to violence—a modern world that’s disturbingly easy to imagine.

I’ve heard only so-so reviews about this book, but there’s something about it that keeps grabbing my interest. I hope it doesn’t turn out to be one of those books I read and then kick myself for not listening to reviews. The cover and premise seem pretty cool though, so I guess I’ll find out for myself!

 While you are waiting for your books, you can
click here for a chance to win Waterfall by Lisa Bergren!


  1. Wake Unto Me is totally on my tbr list. Unfortunately the mixed reviews of Girl in the Arena have kept me from that book but maybe you'll love it!

  2. ZOMG Girl in the Arena sounds AWESOME! Going on the TBR list right now!

    I was in The Strand a couple weeks ago and happened across Wake Unto Me. I thought it sounded familiar, and the synopsis totally won me over so I bought it. I didn't realize it wasn't out yet!

  3. Wake Unto Me looks really good. So many good books this year!

    That's What Liz Read

  4. Definitely going on my TBR list. Great choice :)

  5. Wake unto Me sounds good, though I've read - that I can recall - only to ghostly romance stories: Mediator series by Meg Cabot and Lover Unbound by JR Ward (I liked Mediator the most), but I dunno.

    It does combine a lot of other elements that I like so I think I'm going to put it in the Maybe List.


  6. These both look great! I like that you're including an older book, too! Both great picks!

  7. Both great picks! I had no idea Wake Unto Me was being released so soon. *squee* I'll definitely be checking it out.

  8. I can't wait for Wake Unto Me! I didn't realise only a week left until it release. I better order it. Great pick :)

  9. These books look amazing! Thanks for sharing! You can see what I'm waiting for at The Bookish Snob Happy reading!

  10. I'm looking forward to Wake Unto Me, too! The cover is so cool. A haunted castle in France with a sexy French ghost -- yeah baby! Great pick :) I haven't read Girl in the Arena yet. It's in my TBR shelf. I purchased it around the same time as The Hunger Games, but now that it's been awhile since I read that I'll check it out.

  11. I am waiting for Wake Unto Me also.

    The next book is totally new for me.
    Looks like The Hunger Games. Hmmm.. I think I am going to like it. I wish for another edition of its cover :D

  12. Ghost romance seems to be pretty popular lately! Adding both of these to my wishlist - I love the cover of Girl in the Arena.

    Old follower!

    You can find mine here:

  13. I'm really looking forward to Wake Unto Me it sounds awesome. I haven't heard of the second book but I may have to check it out.

  14. Girl in the Arena sounds awesome. This one is definitely going on my wish list. Great pick!

  15. Love Wake Unto Me, its such a great love story!!

  16. Great picks, I'm looking forward to reading Wake Unto Me. =)

  17. 2 Great picks. I'm really curous about Wake Unto Me. It looks really good.

  18. I hope when you get these books, they will be everything you hope them to be. Check out what I am Waiting On Wednesday for.

  19. Wake Unto Me sounds like just my kind of book. I'm really looking forward to it. Great cover too! :)

  20. Hey hon!

    I actually happen to have a spare copy of Girl in the Arena. I don't know if you already own a copy yourself, but if not, shoot me an e-mail with your address and I'll send you one!

  21. Nice WoWs!! I'm looking forward to reading Wake Unto Me! Sounds great! Here's my WoW!

  22. Oh I can't wait for Wake Unto Me! I feel like I've been waiting on that one for forever and it's finally almost time for it to be released:) Girl in the Arena looks amazing as well, fantastic picks all around!

  23. I've heard of both of these books before and they both certainly do sounds very interesting. I hope you enjoy them both!

    My WoW

  24. I feel the same way as you about Girl In The Arena. I'm hesitant to pick it up but I still want to read it. And Wake Unto Me looks great!

    Here's my WoW

  25. Awesome picks, again Small! I like the idea of Girl in the Arena. I hope you can check out my WoW! Thanks for sharing your :)

  26. Wake Unto Me! Great pick ;)
    Girl In The Arena sounds like a sort of film l would watch but probably not read. Interesting concept.

  27. Great picks! I have a copy of The Girl in the Arena but have yet to read it but I'll probably be reading it soon.

  28. I want to read both of these books. I need to stop looking at your WoW posts because it just adds to my problem!

    I love ghost romances too for the very tragic reasons.

  29. I've been wanting to read Girl in the Arena but waiting for the Hunger Games buzz to leave me... it may be a while. I just don't want to be unfair to the book for being kinda like this other book I might like better. LOVE the cover though! I'm not sure about Wake Unto Me but will keep an eye out for it... you never know. I didn't think I was going to even LIKE Hunger Games, but I ended up loving it.

  30. Girl With the Arena is okay... But I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE the cover. It is fabulous!

  31. I was totally not able to stomach the Hunger Games books, so despite the fact that my appreciation for the cover of Girl in the Arena made me pick it up several times in the bookstore, I don't really want to read it.

    I'm excited about Wake Unto Me. I'm going to pretend that my high school fantasy of studying abroad in France came through and I'm just rereading the journal I kept that year.

  32. Wake Unto Me looks really cool. It has almost everything I like in a book. I'm excited.

  33. I'm so excited for the release of Wake Unto Me too. I've seen a mix of positive and negative reviews for Girl in the Arena but like you, I love the cover. So, I'd be very interested to see what you think of it when you do get around to reading it.

  34. I'm also looking forward to Wake Unto Me its sounds awesome. As for the second book, I think I'm going to wait for your review to see if its worth it or not.

  35. I ADORE the cover for Girl in the Arena. I think I'm one of the so-so people. I would like another book in the world b/c there were some loose ends. But this cover...!!

    You'll have to tell us what you think!

  36. These both sound good. So many books for my tbr list!


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