Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (17)

Button from Bewitched Bookworms.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one but that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

The Lipstick Laws by Amy Holder
Release Date: April 4, 2011
Only one week away!
Publisher: Graphia

Pages: 240 
Goodreads Page

From Goodreads:

At Penford High School, Britney Taylor is the queen bee. She dates whomever she likes, rules over her inner circle of friends like Genghis Khan, and can ruin anyone's life with a snap of perfectly manicured fingers. Just ask the unfortunate few who have crossed her. 
For April Bowers, Britney is also the answer to her prayers. April is so unpopular, kids don't even know she exists. But one lunch spent at Britney's table, and April is basking in the glow of popularity.   But Britney's friendship comes with a high price tag. How much is April willing to pay?
I already read this book, but I can’t wait for it to come out so I can start talking about it with people. You can read my Lipstick Laws review to get all the details, but suffice it to say this is a decent addition to the mean girls genre.

The Karma Club by Jessica Brody
Release Date: April 22, 2010
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Pages: 272

From Goodreads:

Madison Kasparkova always thought she understood how Karma works. Do good things and you'll be rewarded, do something bad and Karma will make sure you get what you deserve. But when Maddy’s boyfriend cheats on her, nothing bad comes his way. That’s why Maddy starts the Karma Club, to clean up the messes that the universe has left behind. Sometimes, though, it isn’t wise to meddle with the universe. It turns out Karma often has plans of its own.

I think this book sounds really cute (with a super cute cover to match). I already like the “voice” in the blurb, so I’m looking forward to reading all about Madison’s attempts to get back at her cheating boyfriend and, just maybe, learn some lessons along the way.


  1. I was unsure about The Lipstick Law but not anymore! I'm looking forward to both of their release dates :D

  2. Those both sound fantastic! Two more books added to my immense to be read list. Can't wait for Lipstick Laws! Have a great week. :)

  3. I hope that when you get them, they will be everything you hope them to be. Wanna see what I am Waiting on Wednesday for? Check it out.

  4. Two nice contemporary YA's. Good choices! First I've heard of the Karma Club.

  5. The Karma Club sounds good. I read The Lipstick Laws but I am not a fan of the mean girl story line.

  6. Yay! The Lipstick Laws! It's a fun and hilarious read. The Karma Club sounds great, too!

  7. I really enjoyed Karma Club, but am not totally sure about The Lipstick Laws as I am getting saturation by the mean girl plots.

  8. Both of these are on my wishlist as well, especially The Karma Club. And both covers look great. Excellent choices.

    Take a look at my WoW.

  9. Hehe I just posted my Lipstick Law review this morning! Great pick, I liked the book and I think many other people will LOVE it :))

  10. The Karma Club sounds very cute I will put it on my wishlist.

  11. Tha Karma Club sounds really interesting! The Lipstick Laws is on my TBR pile, I can't wait to read it already :)

    Check out my picks for my WoW this week

  12. I'm especially interested in The Karma Club. It sounds great.

  13. The Karma Club sounds really cute and fun, looking forward to reading it. =)

  14. Great choices!
    Runs off to submit review of Firelight...

  15. I've known abut Jessica Brody for a while but I haven't picked up any of her books yet. Maybe The Karma Club will be my first!

    Here's my WoW!

  16. I haven't heard of The Karma Clib yet... I will have to add it to my list! Great picks!

  17. Lipstick Laws just doesn't do it for me at all but Karma Club looks cute. I'll look out for that one. :)

  18. I read The Lipstick Laws a while ago, it wasn't for me but I've heard a lot of people like it!

    And I too so want to read The Karma Club, looks cute.

  19. Interesting choices, sounds good, come by and see mine.

  20. I've been reading the Perfect Chemistry books, so these nice, normal YAs are perfect recs for me right now. At least, Lipstick Laws will be, if I'm reading through the lines correctly. It's April's story, right? Not the mean girl's?

  21. I've heard a few good things about the Karma Club. I hope you enjoy them.

    Right now I am waiting on Chronicles of Nick: Invincible. Not so much the book but the time to read it. In my mind I was telling myself to hurry up and finish the book I am currently reading. I had to yell at myself because the book that is being read deserves my attention as well.

    Please do stop by for a crumpet, find out about a new MeMe & to check out my newest giveaway :)

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews
    Forbidden Steam  Adult- even the Mad Scientist gets naughty!

  22. Thanks everyone for stopping by!

    Rubita, Yes, it is April’s story.


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