Friday, April 22, 2011

Recap 4/16 to 4/22

In case you missed anything, here's a recap of what was posted Saturday, April16th through Friday, April 22nd. 

(Click on the links to go to my reviews)



What's Your Status?

A meme created by Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Life where we recap our reading week. Feel free to visit her site and link up your own What's Your Status Posts. Here's how my week went:


The Liar Society by Lisa and Laura Roecker
Nothing But the Truth (Little Secrets #5) by Emily Blake
(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

I liked The Liar Society but, erm, not as much as everyone else seems to have. It was ok. It's also part of a series, so the story doesn't really end here. Did anyone else know that? I didn't know that. At this point I really should just assume every book published is part of a series.

The Little Secrets series is my guilty pleasure reading.

Currently Reading

(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

Small News

Email responses haven't gone out this week for most comments, but I HAVE replied to your comments. Sorry about the lack of notification this week!

Miss anything last week? Click here to read a Recap


  1. The series thing! Right? EVERY book I read nowadays is a new series. I'm still not sure how I feel about that.

  2. Lots of nice books this week it seems.
    I want to read the Gail Carson Levine one because of you :)

  3. Great busy week you had! I see that you are reading Wake Unto Me! I loved that book! Hope you enjoy it!

  4. Ooo can't wait to see what you think of Wake Unto Me, I'm really looking forward to that one! I've heard good things about The Liar Society, so I'll be interested to see why it didn't quite live up to your expectations. Have a great weekend!

  5. Never heard of Nothing but the Truth before. I like a good guilty pleasure. Also I just finished Wake Unto Me and I have to say I was disappointed. I hope you are enjoying it more than me.

  6. I love your round-ups =)
    I agree, nearly every book is a series .. dislike.

  7. Logan, Me too. I like that it means there’s more of a book I like, but it makes me scared and sad because I know my memory just isn’t up to the task. But I don’t want to wait…argh, I love series when I discover them after all the books have been published but I think I hate them when they haven’t all been published. The worst is when I think a book is a standalone and I only find out that it isn’t when I finish reading and the story didn’t end. So frustrating!

    Alex, I hope you like the GCL book! This week was an ok week :)

    Savannah, I’m torn on Wake Unto Me. Sometimes I think I hate it and sometimes I think it’s awesome. I have about 80 pages left.

    Jenny, Mostly what I didn’t like about The Liar Society was the main character. I thought she was kind of mean.

    Nic, Oh gosh, that Little Secrets series can only be described as a guilty pleasure. They’re like a soap opera. I like some things about Wake Unto Me, but I really dislike other things…so I’m not sure yet. I should finish it today.

    Books for Company, I’m so glad you do! What I dislike the most about series is the series ambush. Can’t they make it clear that a book is part of a series??

  8. LOL!!! Every book is a series, what the heck?! I noticed that as well. And I love "Small News" hehe. I love how streamlined your page is.

  9. Lazy Girl, Haha I’m glad you find it streamlined because I’m always worried it looks too long and cluttered. :P The series thing is seriously killing me. My brain isn’t capable of keeping them all straight and having huge waiting periods between books!


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