Friday, April 8, 2011

Recap 4/2 to 4/8

In case you missed anything, here's a recap of what was posted Saturday, April 2nd through Friday, April 8th. 



What's Your Status?

A meme created by Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Life where we recap our reading week. Feel free to visit her site and link up your own What's Your Status Posts. Here's how my week went:


Queen of the Dead (Ghost and the Goth #2) by Stacey Kade
Supernaturally (Paranormalcy #2) by Kiersten White
Clarity by Kim Harrington
(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

Did I hit the book jackpot this week or what! Every book I read this week I LOVED!
I highly, highly recommend them. Like, beg, borrow, or steal to get your hands on a copy kind of recommend.

Currently Reading

Miss anything last week? Click here to read a Recap


  1. You read Supernaturally?
    Just tell me... is it awesome????

    I got Clarity somewhere in my TBR pile, I hope I like it too!!

  2. So jealous that you got Supernaturally! Is it electronic or did you get it from the publisher? I'm going to start Queen of the Dead in the next day or so. I'm very excited for it.

  3. I love it when you have a good reading week and adore everything you read. And I am super jealous you read Supernaturally. Can't wait for your review :)

  4. Alex, Awesome? Beyond awesome! If you loved Paranormalcy, then you're going to love Supernaturally. I hope you enjoy Clarity! I put her on hold when I got Supernaturally, but it's almost as good. Clare is such a good narrator.

    Alison, It's not electronic. I got it from the publisher/author. I just about died when I opened the envelope because I had no idea what to expect and then Evie popped out! I hope you enjoy Queen of the Dead. I thought it was a solid follow up with a lot of Alona/Will love-hate bickering that I looooove.

    Nic, It makes the week so much better when everything you read is great. I think it'll probably be a while before I post a review...maybe June/July? But it's just as good as Paranormalcy!

  5. Oh my gosh you have Supernaturally! Luck you! I can't wait to read your review of it, I loved the snark in the first one, so I hope this one is equally hilarious.

  6. I'll look forward to your reviews. I've not read any of the books you've finished this week. I've been curious about Clarity happy you liked it.

    As for the books your reading, I think I can get a copy of The Fourth Stall through my local library. If you recommend it I'll pick it up. As for The Near Witch I think that was a book on Netgalley where my request was denied. BUMMER...

  7. Jenny, Oh my gosh, you're going to love the snark in Supernaturally. I was laughing from the first sentence!

    Gina, I really did like Clarity. It's the first in a series (I'm pretty sure) and the ending hints at things to come but it's pretty much a standalone ending. Like Kat, Incorrigible. Clarity reminded me a lot of Clara from Unearthly.

    I'm about halfway through The Fourth Stall and so far I'm really enjoying it! I wasn't sold at all in the beginning and even had to force myself to keep reading, but then all of a sudden I realized I was completely absorbed.

    That sucks about The Near Witch! I'm not really sure I understand how the publishers decide to approve/decline. But, I don't think Disney Hyperion offers the Kindle option either.

  8. So want to know what you think of Clarity and The Near Witch!
    Great week =)


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