Friday, April 29, 2011

Recap 4/23 to 4/29

In case you missed anything, here's a recap of what was posted Saturday, April 23rd through Friday, April 29th. 

(Click on the links to go to my reviews)



What's Your Status?

A meme created by Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Life where we recap our reading week. Feel free to visit her site and link up your own What's Your Status Posts. Here's how my week went:


Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach
(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

Meh. Not what I was hoping it would be. Review to come.

Currently Reading

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken   
Cascade by Lisa T. Bergren
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

Best reading week ever!

Did Not Finish

Steel by Carrie Vaughn
Page 100 of 289

Eh, I was disappointed. There wasn't anything outright bad about it, but it was lacking that spark for me. I'm not sure why, maybe the third person narration, but I had a difficult time connecting with Jill (the MC). Her fencing was interesting, but only so much. I got zero warm fuzzies when it came to her sort of but not really there (at least not when I left off) romance with one of the pirates. Honestly, that was one of the biggest reasons I wanted to read the book. The blurb said something about "salty kisses" and I was really hoping for some but, no, nothing. I didn't even care about either of the characters to care if they got together or not.

The other thing that annoyed me was that this was supposed to be a time travel book, and while she does travel back in time, none of the "time travel features" that I love so much were really there. She barely even acknowledges that she traveled back in time, she doesn't do any funny "you don't belong here" things, and I don't know, it just never really seemed to matter much.

There really wasn't much happening either. I mean, these are supposed to be pirates, right? 100 pages in and all they'd done was non-violently intimidate a ship into handing over their cargo. Whoopdedo. I'm sure the action picked up later on, but I just didn't really feel like sticking with it to find out. I didn't care what happened. So disappointing. I even WoW-ed this book. Sierra (or as I like to think of her, one of my Book Soulmates) wrote a review on her blog Yearning to Read that perfectly states everything I felt about the book...and she actually finished it.


Miss anything last week? Click here to read a Recap


  1. Ooh, too bad about Steel! I've read some reviews also stating about the non-existing romance. I was looking forward to read Wake Unto Me, too. Looking forward to your review. =)

  2. Great "DNF review" - and thanks for the little link to my blog! ;) Oh, and just last night my dad was asking me about how my blog is coming along. I started telling him... And it ended with me telling him how you and I love each other's blogs...and he just chuckled at me. He's a man - I don't expect him to understand. Haha!

    Book Soulmates, for sures! :D

    Great post - impatiently awaiting your review for "Cascade"!

  3. "Whoopdedo" indeed.

    You always make me LOL! Well, thanks for the DNF review of Steel. I had it on the TBR simply because of the cover, but hey, time travel is a big deal and should be properly acknowledged. ;)

    Great week, Smalls!

  4. I'm so disappointed in Steel. It makes me want to resist now. I think I probably will still read it, but it will definitely bug me that the time travel is not given its due. Boo!

  5. Sorry to hear that about Steel. I thought it would be fun, but I quess not. ;) So sad. I loved Princess for Hire by Lindsey Leavitt! So cute. ;)

  6. Dazzling Mage, I don’t think I’ve read any reviews for Steel other than Sierra’s, but now that you mention other reviews commented on the romance I wish I had. Maybe a little warning would have been better. I hope you like Wake Unto Me more than I did :)

    Sierra, Thanks! You’re so welcome. You said everything I was thinking. “Forgettable” is the perfect word to describe Steel for me. Aw, that’s such a sweet story :)

    Missie, The cover of Steel is so pretty! Haha, I’m glad you recognize the importance of acknowledging time travel. I felt kind of silly writing that, but it did really bother me.

    Logan, I’m disappointed too. Maybe knowing the romance is minimal and the pirates are “kind hearted” will help you? If you do read it I’ll be interested in reading your review. Yes! Good, I knew I could count on you and Missie to make me feel better about my time travel gripe. I want the obvious stick of “Gee, I’m not in Kansas anymore!” Acknowledge it!

    Nina, It wasn’t fun for me, but maybe it would be for you? I hate to discourage people from reading books just because I didn’t like them. I really enjoyed Princess for Hire too, but I LOVED the sequel!

  7. Aww. My other friend didn't like Steel either. Said it lacked anything special and was super dull. Puu. I have it ready to pick up from the library next week.

  8. I hope you like it more than me and your friend. I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts. I think the most remarkable thing about it is the cover, which is still making me want to read the book. :P

  9. Awww, it's not nice when you get disappointed by books you were really excited for. I hate misleading blurbs. You're reading Cascade?! I'm going to start Waterfall tonight hopefully :)

  10. Drats! Too bad about Steel and Wake Unto Me. Oh well! Both sound great, too.

  11. Stephanie, Nope, no fun at all. I don’t even understand misleading blurbs. What’s the point? They just set the reader up for false expectations and then disappoint them. I am reading Cascade…and loving it! I hope you’re enjoying Waterfall :)

    Julie, I was really looking forward to both of them too :( I have heard a lot of great reviews for Wake Unto Me though, so maybe it was just me. I don’t think I’ve read a negative review yet.


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