Friday, May 13, 2011

Recap 5/7 to 5/13

In case you missed anything, here's a recap of what was posted Saturday, May 7th through Friday, May 13th. 

(Click on the links to go to my reviews)


Adele Griffin Week!

Special Guest Post by author Adele Griffin

New Feature: No More Waiting!

Spotlight List: Adele Griffin


Enter to win a copy of Tighter
(US only)
Enter to win two copies of any Adele Griffin books of your choice
(US/Canada only)

What's Your Status?

A meme created by Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Life where we recap our reading week. Feel free to visit her site and link up your own What's Your Status Posts. Here's how my week went:


Cascade (River of Time #2) by Lisa T. Bergren
Betrayal  (Haunting Emma #2) by Lee Nichols
Plain Kate by Erin Bow
(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

Currently Reading


Miss anything last week? Click here to read a Recap


  1. Yay, my copy of Picture the Dead arrived yesterday and I have Tighter on order. They both sound awesome. I'm looking forward to reading Plain Kate too, although my copy is called Wood Angel (or something like that) I think.

  2. Yay! I hope you enjoy them! I loved Plain Kate/Wood Angel. It was so magically, beautifully amazing. Just make sure you have tissues handy. And don't read it anywhere public where sobbing will get you strange looks.

  3. Lol I'll remember that and won't take it to work with me ;-)


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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