Sunday, June 5, 2011

In My Mailbox (20)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

This mailbox is for the past two weeks.

For Review

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I flipped through the beginning and it looks fantastic! The writing seems absorbing and those pictures! Aaah, I'm going to have to read this one during daylight hours only.

 I just about screamed when I opened the envelope and saw Lia's pretty face. It's signed inside and includes the loveliest message from Lisa. Thank you so much! I can't even properly express how madly in love I am with this series. You can also click HERE for a chance to win a copy of Cascade!

I was totally surprised when I got this in the mail. The (magic!) sparkles on the cover are even prettier in person. Lindsey's magical world of princess subbing is one of my top favorite worlds ever. I'm still sort of holding out hope for a magic bubble to appear in my bathroom.

Legacy by Cayla Kluver
I'm not 100% on my facts here, but from what I can tell this fantasy was first published in 2008 by Forsooth Publishing at an epic 462 pages long. Now it's been picked up by Harlequin Teen, given a fantastic new cover (that makes me think it's an historical fiction like The Luxe series, but it's not. It's a fantasy) and edited down to 304 pages. Sounds good to me!

Wildefire by Karsten Knight
I've heard this one is action-packed and filled to the brim with violence. I know some have been put off by the violence, but is it creepy if I admit that I'm kind of curious? I hope that at least means we get a MC who can take care of business and not be a wimp.

I ADORED Jennifer's book Going Too Far but I didn't love her latest book Forget You very much. I'm hoping Love Story will be right up there with Going Too Far (with the unforgettable Officer John After. *swoon*). I almost missed this title, too. It was hidden in the massive list of adult titles in S&S's Galley Grab newsletter.

Thank you Quirk Books, Lisa, Disney Book Group, Harlequin Teen, NetGalley and Simon & Schuster!

From the Library

Week 1:
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My Unfair Godmother by Janette Rallison
Thank you to Becky at Stories & Sweeties!

Shiver and Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
Thank you to Ruby from Ruby's Reads!
These two are going to my sister

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Signed bookmarks from Lisa T. Bergren for her (awesome) River of Time series
(notice how she signed each bookmark with a different color? I love stuff like that!)

Two bookmarks from Ashley at Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing 

A Nancy Drew graphic novel from one of my library patrons 

What did you get this week? Has anyone read any of these books yet? Did you like them? 
Feel free to comment with links to your mailboxes or your reviews of these books!


  1. awesome books! i got miss peregrine last week!

  2. Whoa! Quite a week! We got a lot of the same review books. So glad you got Die for Me.

  3. You got an awesome loot this week between the books you won/bought/got from the library. So many books.

    Love the cover of Goose Chase, looks cute.

    Have an awesome reading week.

  4. So jealous you got wildefire that is one book I've been dying to read.

  5. Wow you've got a lot there I want to read. Especially Shiver, I have to get myself a copy of that.

    Here's my IMM for the week

  6. Great books this week!!! I hope you enjoy Wildefire. It's definitely violent and crazy, but also really, really fun. Happy reading!

  7. Awesome mailbox Smalls! I hope you like Die For Me, it is one of my favourites. Happy reading :)

  8. You've had a fab book week this week! I have Peculiar Children on order. It sounds excellent with the photo's and things.

    I love the cover of Ruby Red - it is so pretty!

    Congratulations on your wins too.

  9. The bookmarks rock! And Percy Jackson! Have you read the new series of Rick Riordan? Again, with Greek (and Romans) gods? It's like way better than Percy!!

    I have won about 6 books, over 2 weeks now, but haven't got a thing yet. You are lucky!

    Splash of our Worlds Mailbox

  10. I loved Miss Peregrine!
    I couldn't stop reading it; & yes, I suggest reading it in the daylight, because some of those pictures, do don't expect when you turn the page.
    I got a fright more than once! :D
    Great Mailbox, Happy Reading!

  11. God, I hate you right now. *lol*

    I read your review of CASCADE and wanted to die - from envy AND excitement. And Love Story, too! You suck. Did you get it as an e-book, by the way? I heard RUBY RED was really good, also.

    And I really need to finish the Percy Jackson series. You've enjoyed and recommended them, you say? Seriously have to get on that.

    And even more enviable: bookmarks signed by Lisa! Grrr. So lucky! What a great couple of book weeks you have had! Enjoy, Smalls. :)

    Asher K.

  12. I'm eagerly awaiting my copy of Miss Peregrine's, can't wait to see your review of it. I'm really excited about it, think it looks awesome.

    Great haul!

    Letters Inside Out - IMM

  13. Awesome mailbox Smalls! I can't wait to read Love Story, that one looks so good! I really need to read Die For Me too, that and Divergent have been on my list for what seems like forever and I haven't gotten to them yet:) Enjoy your haul!

  14. I'm so totally excited for Miss Peregrine; the idea is along the same lines of Picture the Dead, but even cooler because the author built the story around the photos, as opposed to the other way around. It's on my birthday wishlist, so only a few more days to go! :D

    I read the entire Percy Jackson series in about two weeks last year. I loved, loved, loved it. I wrote a review of the whole series, feel free to check it out here.

  15. I hope to read The Percy Jackson Series too myself but who knows when I'll get to it really. Still, they're pretty short books, so you would think I could find time for them. Anyways, sounds like you had an amazing two weeks! Happy reading!

  16. Great book haul! Enjoy all of your books!

  17. Aww, I loved The Royal Treatment! Such a cute, fun series. And I really, really need to get my hands on a copy of Ruby Red. It sounds great! Hope you enjoy all your books :)

    Here's what I got in my mailbox this week!

  18. I don't know if I'd describe Wildefire as filled to the brim with violence lol,it has its moments though.
    And I totally missed Love Story! *grumble*
    The Percy Jackson series sounds pretty cool, the movie definitely piqued my interest in reading the books. Enjoy!

  19. You have some awesome books to review

    I love Die For Me it is awesome!

  20. What a beautiful blog. Love the color pink. Good selection. New follower. Come visit me sometime. Die For Me was very good.

  21. Great haul this week! I haven't read any of the Percy Jackson series yet but everyone keeps recommending them so I really must get on that. I wasn't big on Forget You either but Love Story really does sound promising (especially with the college setting - unusual for a YA!) so I'm looking forward to that one too.

  22. Small- I have read Percy Jackson series-Can't go wrong with that if you don't over analyze and just have fun. RUBY RED is FANTASTIC!!!MY review goes up as soon as I'm back to two hand typing. Tomorrow probably. It's long of course(my review) but the book was translated from German and even though the second book is already out it's only in German. They have to translate it into English but hey did a fabulous job.

    Sorry, really loved it!


  23. Haha! Awesome mailbox and I LOL'd about you reading Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children in daylight hours only. Totally know what you mean haha.

  24. Woo! Good haul! I got Legacy from NetGalley this week and I think it looks really interesting. Did not realize its history - how strange! More exclamation points!

  25. Great books, Die For Me is just <3333333
    You get my point, l love it! lol

  26. Thanks for stopping by everyone!

    Yiota, Nope, this is my first time reading any of Rick Riordan’s books. I’ll definitely be checking out his other series now though.

    Lauren, Awesome! I can’t wait to read it now :)

    Asher, Aw, well you can get Love Story! I got it as an e-galley through Simon and Schuster’s Galley Grab. It’s in the adult books section (but, um, that sounds dirty :P) I am enjoying Percy Jackson a lot. They’re not the best I’ve ever read, but I keep wanting to read them instead of doing anything else, so that’s always a good sign.

    Couchpotatocritic, Thank you for the link to your review! I’ll check it out. Miss Peregrine does remind me of Picture the Dead. I like that.

    Aylee, I put off the Percy Jackson series for so long because I didn’t want to get tied up with one series for so long, but they’re actually going by really fast. I should have the whole thing done is less than two weeks and I’m a pretty slow reader.

    Laura, Haha, good to know about Wildefire. :P You can still grab Love Story. I missed it for the longest time until someone pointed out that it wasn’t listed under the YA titles. I liked the Percy Jackson movie well enough, but it’s VERY different from the books.

    Grace, Thank you! I hope you enjoy your time here :)

  27. I was really confused by the YA titles in the Adult section of the SS newsletter too! I'm glad you found Love Story -- I'm so excited to read that one! A book about an aspiring author? Sounds like our cup of tea =)


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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