Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (25)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

Snow in Summer by Jane Yolen
The Decoy Princess by Dawn Cook

Goodreads description of Snow in Summer (November 10, 2011):

With her black hair, red lips, and lily-white skin, Summer is as beautiful as her father's garden. And her life in the mountains of West Virginia seems like a fairy tale; her parents sing and dance with her, Cousin Nancy dotes on her, and she is about to get a new baby brother. But when the baby dies soon after he's born, taking Summer's mama with him, Summer's fairy-tale life turns grim. Things get even worse when her father marries a woman who brings poisons and magical mirrors into Summer's world. Stepmama puts up a pretty face, but Summer suspects she's up to no good - and is afraid she's powerless to stop her.

This Snow White tale filled with magic and intrigue during the early twentieth century in Appalachia will be hard to forget.

Why I want to read it:

OOooh a Snow White retelling! I'm all for that. I don't think I've ever seen one set in early 20th century Appalachia either, so I'm really curious to see how the author adapts the story to this setting. And how can I say no to that gorgeous cover?

Product description of Everlasting (June 1, 2010):

Sailing aboard her father’s trade ship is all seventeen-year-old Camille Rowen has ever wanted. But as a girl of society in 1855 San Francisco, her future is set: marry a man she doesn’t love, or condemn herself and her father to poverty.

On her final voyage before the wedding, the stormy arms of the Tasman Sea claim her father, and a terrible family secret is revealed. A secret intertwined with a fabled map, the mother Camille has long believed dead, and an ancient stone that wields a dangerous—and alluring—magic.

The only person Camille can depend on is Oscar, a handsome young sailor whom she is undeniably drawn to. Torn between trusting her instincts and keeping her promises to her father, Camille embarks on a perilous quest into the Australian wilderness to find the enchanted stone. As she and Oscar elude murderous bushrangers and unravel Camille’s father’s lies, they come closer to making the ultimate decision of who—and what—matters most.

Beautifully written and feverishly paced, Everlasting is an unforgettable journey of passion, secrecy, and adventure.


Why I want to read it:

Let's see...historical setting, family secrets, a magical stone, a fabled map, murderous bushrangers, a handsome sailor, shipwrecks, adventure, a perilous quest...why would I not want to read it?! This just sounds like everything I love all wrapped up into one beautiful book. The sequel, The Eternal Sea (with a disappointingly meh cover) just came out earlier this month, so I should really get to reading this book already!

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them? 


  1. Snow in Summer sounds awesome. Snow White is one of my favourite fairy tale. Great pick :)

  2. Great picks :) Snow in Summer's going on my TBR list. I've been wanting to read Everlasting for a while too- I really must try to get hold of it.

    Thank you so much for changing to pop up comments for me until the problem's fixed. It's lovely of you and I really appreciate it!

  3. Great picks-
    Snow in Summer sounds just like my kind of book!
    And I remember wanting to read Everlasting, though I don't know why I never made more of an effort for it:P still, I like the sound of it!

    Love your picks!

  4. Awesome picks!

    I haven't read either book but I've heard amazing things about Everlasting. I was sold on the cover a while ago, it looks amazing.

  5. I haven't read these either. I've been wanting to read Everlasting. I've only read a few books by Jane Yolen. I've always meant to read more.

  6. I love that there are so many new revisions of fairy tales coming out!

    Here is my Wow.

  7. They both sound great!! I haven't heard of either of them but I'm very interested.

    Check out our WoW, and while your there don't miss out on a couple of great giveaways and events HERE, and HERE!!

  8. I didn't really like Everlasting but that was partly because I thought it was a straight historical and I was surprised to find a supernatural element. I also didn't like the love interest Oscar but I think he might be more to your taste.

    In a way, I'd compare it to The Vespertine by Saundra Mitchell where I loved the historical elements but not the supernatural.

  9. A Snow White retelling!!! YES! I love the illustrative cover, very artistic.

    That choice is totally you! ;)

  10. The Snow White book is the kind of fairy tale retelling I could get behind. I'll wait for your review. :)

    Everlasting sounds super fun! Gimme.

  11. That cover IS gorgeous. Would love to read it too!

  12. Snow in Summer looks beautiful! And in Appalachia. Sounds great!


  13. Thanks for stopping by everyone!

    Bookworm1858, Oh too bad! It really does turn me off from a book when I go in expecting one thing and end up getting something else. Hopefully I’ll like Oscar more. I’ve been getting a bunch of love interests that just haven’t been doing it for me lately.


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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