Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (26)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

Fetching by Kiera Stewart
Wuthering High by Cara Lockwood

Product description of Fetching (November 8, 2011):

Olivia has just about had it with the popular kids at school. She and her friends have done nothing to deserve humiliating pranks and mean name-calling, but that doesn’t stop queen bee Brynne from tormenting them. If only Olivia’s classmates were more like the dogs she helps her grandmother train—poorly behaved, but improvable. Then Olivia hatches a brilliant plan: she and her friends will modify their tormentors’ behavior with the same kind of training that works on dogs. Using cues and responses, distractions and rewards, gets better results than anyone could have guessed. Soon, Olivia and her friends have replaced Brynne as alpha-dogs. But will popularity get Olivia what she really wants?

Why I want to read it:

Behaviorism! Buried under all my book-related work, I actually have a background in psychology. Books like this make my little psychology heart sing. Behaviorism was always a favorite topic of mine. Confession time? I use it all the time on everything from when I used to teach to keeping my own schedules to working with others. It's a subject I find endlessly interesting and I can't wait to see how it's applied in this book. 

Product description of Wuthering High (November 29, 2005):

Fifteen-year-old Mia is not exactly thrilled when she gets the news that her parents are shipping her off to boarding school. It's not like she did anything that bad — all she did was wreck her dad's car and max out her step mum's credit cards. So, off she goes, from Chicago to Bard Academy, an exclusive prep school that treats troubled teenagers with a healthy dose of higher learning and old-fashioned discipline. But all is not what it seems at this educational institute, and Mia and her classmates soon discover that the teachers are actually ghosts, stuck in limbo, some of them famous authors who died before their time, including Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, and Charlotte Bronte. And what's even more disturbing is that not all the ghosts have good intentions. Mia and her friends must stop one evil instructor's plan to bring down the school — and the entire student body with it.

Why I want to read it:

My blogger friend Alex from A Girl, Books and Other Things recommends it, plus I've heard a lot of good things about the series. I'm also always up for boarding schools and ghosts. 

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them? 


  1. Both sounds right up my alley. I think I'd especially like Wuthering High.

  2. Great picks! Fetching sounds particularly interesting and I'm sure it would be full of amusing moments.

  3. Hmm...Neither of these things at first glance seems like something I'd want to read, but they I actually think I'd like to read both of them.
    Thanks for the heads up to both of them!
    Nina @ Death Books and Tea

  4. So willing to check out Wuthering High. I mean, how does one get away with being a ghostly teacher? This ought to be good. More, I wonder what kind of battle is to be expected. We talking big and epic and magical? And what about characters? Can't wait to find out! Thanks for the addition to the TBR. :)

  5. haha fetching sounds awesome. Being an old animal behavior major just makes me want to read it even more. Plus it makes me think of that episode of Big Bang Theory when Sheldon is training Penny to act the way he wants like he would a dog.

  6. *hugs*
    Thanks for the shout out.

    And I really, really hope you like Wuthering High. I just love that series.

    I'm actually about to start Fetching, it sounds cute :D

  7. Wuthering High looks interesting- it would be so cool to meet the ghosts of deceased authors.

  8. I like the sound of Wuthering High. Boarding School books are always a lot of fun :)

  9. Wow, Wuthering High sounds like a great book! I'd want to have teachers who are great writers too. Just not ghosts. Great picks! :)

    Here's my WoW picks!

  10. I am definitely intrigued by Fetching and can understand your interest too. While I am not a fan of behaviorism, I am intrigued about its use in this story. Great pick!

  11. You said boarding schools! Wuthering High just got in my TBR! Plus sounds cute!

  12. Wuthering High sounds intriguing! I think I'm going to give it a try and add it to my wishlist!

    Here's my Waiting on Wednesday post.

  13. I want that dog on the cover of Fetching, look at that adorable little scrunched up face! I haven't heard of it before, thanks for sharing Smalls!

  14. Both sound interesting, Enjoy!

  15. Haha, both of these sound like they'd be so much fun to read! :)

    Happy Reading! ;)
    Suz @ A Soul Unsung
    My WoW!

  16. These both sounds fun, especially Wuthering High! Great choices :D

  17. I've seen Fetching before and the premise sounds really unique and exciting to me. (Maybe its because I'm a dog person?)

    Sure hope you get a copy to review!

  18. I liked the Bard Academy series and wish there were more of the books since I feel like they just stopped being written.


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