Sunday, July 17, 2011

In My Mailbox (23)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

This mailbox is for the past two weeks. 

Sorry for the lack of photos of the "real" books this week. I need to pick up batteries for my camera.

For Review

Vanish (Firelight #2) by Sophie Jordan
I didn't love the first book (Firelight book review) all that much, but I did like where things left off and I'm curious to see what happens next. Now I'll be able to find out!
  Fetching by Kiera Stewart
Behaviorism! And hopefully some fun humor as well. Plus, can you go wrong with a book with a dog on the cover?

The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
Fantasy!! Everything I've heard about this book so far has been crazy good.

Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz 
I pretty much ignored this one because I don't like the cover, but Logan and Gina have both given it high marks, and that's good enough for me.

The Lantern by Deborah Lawrenson
This was a surprise in the mail, but I think I had sent in a request through Shelf Awareness a while ago. It came in beautiful packaging. It's an adult title, but it's Gothic fiction and described as, "For fans of Rebecca and The Thirteenth Tale" and seeing how *I* am a big fan of Rebecca and The Thirteenth Tale, I have high hopes!

Thank you HarperCollins, Disney-Hyperion, HarlequinTeen, and NetGalley!


The Twin's Daughter by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

I adored this book so much that when I saw Ruby from Ruby's Reads was offering a copy for trade I jumped on it! Thank you! I hope you got my trade in return by now, Ruby.

Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey

From Candace's Book Blog. Thank you! I've heard really great things about this book, so I can't wait to read it!

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
Stork by Wendy Delsol 

Both won from LiLi @ ChicaReader Thank you!

I know The Knife of Never Letting Go has phonetic writing, but I've heard really great things about it so I'm curious. I also read a few great reviews for Stork recently, so I'm excited to try it. The premise sounds unique! 

What did you get this week? Has anyone read any of these books yet? Did you like them? 
Feel free to comment with links to your mailboxes or your reviews of these books!


  1. Awesome books Small! The Girl of Fire and Thorns looks amazing. And I still need to read Haunting Violet. It is looking at me right now saying read me! Happy reading.

  2. Great books you got this week. Spellbound looks like quite a good book. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  3. Lots of lovely books! The Twin's Daughter has been on my TBR list for ages now- I remember reading your review. I hope you enjoy Haunting Violet :)

  4. Great books, I think and hope you will really enjoy Haunting Violet, it seems like your sorta book!

  5. Enjoy all your books. Vanish is amazing! :) Donna

    Our IMM

  6. Awesome mailbox! I can't wait to read Vanish! Enjoy!

  7. Everybody's getting such amazing books this week! I'm really looking forward to Vanish, and I've heard Stork is really great:) I just finished the Girl of Fire and Thorns and enjoyed it though it started a bit slow for me. Can't wait to compare thoughts on that one!

  8. Oh wow! Want! Want! and want some more! LOL. They all look fab. I haven't heard of Fetching or The Lantern before. Love that cover on The Lantern.

  9. Uh oh. I see Vanish. Wonder if you are going to like it. I still remember your review for the first book. Definitely looking forward to your review for it.

  10. I wanna read Spellbound, so I can't wait to hear what you think of it, I just bumped it up on my list of books to buy ;)

    Also, I tried to read Fetch but couldn't quite get into it, but I think it was my mood.

  11. oooo, so many cool books! go netgalley! :D

    and i'm with you on firelight. i didn't completely love it, but it was still a nice read. also, with that cliffhanger ending, i HAD to find out what happened. also, will was kind of hot. :D

    here what i got in my mailbox!

  12. Yes, yes I did! Abandon came this week. I mentioned it in my IMM. I'm so glad you got The Twin's Daughter because I know you loved it so much. Enjoy the reread. Or just having it on your shelf where you can look at it.

  13. I admire that you picked up Vanish, even though you didn't like Firelight. I wouldn't have. >_< Looking forward to your review on that!

  14. Is this a new cover of The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson?
    Happy Reading!

  15. I got The Girl of Fire and Thorns this week too! Haunting Violet looks really good! Happy Reading :)

    New To My Stash-Book Addict

  16. oo I really want to read The Lantern and the Twin's daughter.

  17. Oh! Stork. I would like to know what you think about that one. The Lantern sounds really good. I've seen some great reviews. Can't wait for your reviews :)

    ♥ Trish
    Just a YA Girl

  18. Oh I really liked The Knife of Never Letting Go!
    Check out my IMM!

  19. Great set! Fetching looks adorable. I really want to read Haunting Violet.
    My IMM

  20. I really enjoyed The Knife of Never Letting Go... the author uses typography in some really interesting ways to give you an idea of what it feels for some of the characters are mindreaders.

    I like Stork a lot, too. It didn't seem to get that much attention when it came out. Too bad. It's an underappreciated gem, I think. I just got the sequel and am excited about that.

    I'm totally debating if I want to put up a review for The Girl of Fire and Thorns now, or wait until closer to the publication date... I have a lot to say about it.

  21. STORK! I'm ready to see some STORK love on your blog! Enjoy all your fantastic new books :)

  22. What a great bunch of books. I am looking forward to Fetching because I'm a huge doggie fan. :-)

  23. Always enjoy your reviews. This one sounds good. I may have to get it from NG, my review stack from them is getting outta hand, though. I keep reading and not reviewing..... hmmm.

  24. So jealous about The Girl of Fire and Thorns and The Lantern. I requested The Lantern through Shelf Awareness, too. Oh, well...maybe it will arrive! I hope you enjoy your books. Congrats on your wins! looking forward to reading Haunting Violet. I've read fab things about it.

  25. Behaviourism ftw! :D And I've been hearing plenty of positives about The Girl of Fire and Thorns as well. I don't know when I'll get around to Vanish (after having been not particularly impressed by Firelight, LOL) but probably at some point when my library gets it in.

  26. Thanks for stopping by everyone!

    Stephanie, Please do read The Twin’s Daughter! I’m curious to see what you think about it.

    Missie, I know! I almost didn’t request it, but I did really like the potential with the pride and the other guy, and it seems like they might be more of a focus in the sequel. Maybe? I hope.

    Dazzling Mage, Well, I may very well regret it! :P

    Nina, I think this is the old cover that they aren’t using anymore.

    Madigan, Thank you for all the info! Stork really didn’t seem to get much attention at all, but I’ve read a few reviews recently that made it sound really good. I hope what you have to say about The Girl of Fire and Thorns is good! Now you have me curious :)

    Gina, Thank you! I think this comment is supposed to be on the Ward Against Death post, and if so then I don’t know if it’s still available through NG. I heard the publisher cuts off requests after the first 100. I hear you on the review requests! At least you’re a step ahead of me, I still have to READ them!

    Julie, There’s still an ad running in SA for The Lantern, so you may still get a copy!

    Danya, Ooh, I'll be looking forward to swapping notes on Vanish. It'll be interesting to see if we like it more or less than Firelight and if we agree.

  27. I'm going to feel really guilty now if you don't like Spellbound!

  28. I can't wait to start Girl of Fire and Thorns and Haunting Violet. Gorgeous covers, intriguing summaries. Excited, definitely. You got quite the mailbox yourself, Smalls. And I hope you love Stork as much as I did! I'd start the sequel now if I didn't have so many other books to get to first...

    ~ Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  29. Logan, Oh no, don't worry! We can just do a point/counterpoint discussion then :) If I don't DNF first :P

    Asher, Me too! I'm really excited for Stork. I hadn't heard much about it, but now everyone is coming out and saying how much they loved it.

  30. I just found Girl of Fire and Thorns on NetGalley and I'm SO excited to read it! It sounds like a great read =D I've also had Knife of Never Letting Go on my shelf far too long -- I really need to read it! I hope you enjoy your new reads!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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