Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No More Waiting (3)

No More Waiting is a feature I periodically do here to highlight books that have recently been released. I also highlight book-related sales that are currently available.

Click here to see previous No More Waiting posts

Books I've Read and Recommend

At first I DNF-ed this one because of the excessive prose and a main character that just bugged me. But, I found myself thinking of the book a lot afterwards, so I picked it up again and finished it. I'm still on the fence, but I liked it enough to want to check out the next book.

Books I Want to Read

Another paranormal romance. Reviews seem to be pretty positive so far. 

Paranormal historical fiction set in the Victorian era. I've heard it's more historical fiction-lite and has a good mystery and ghosts.

This is the third book in the Demon's Lexicon trilogy. I've only read the first book so far, but I liked it enough to continue on with the series. The ending really threw me!

A Hamlet retelling set in modern times with paparazzi and live television interviews. Narrated by a "strong-willed" Ophelia who seems to meet a much better end in this version.

I really loved the first book Forgive My Fins, which was a light and frothy Disney-like tale. That one ended as a standalone, but I'm excited to dive back into Tera's world of mermaids.

This one seems a little more cerebral than I'm up for right now, especially since I've heard the characters are a little distant. Still, pretty cover and the premise does sound unique.

Vicious Little Darlings by Katherine Easer
I'm expecting this to be like Pretty Little Liars: The New Class.

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
A brother and sister fall in love in this hard-hitting story that goes beyond incest and has carved a space in the hearts of all of the reviewers I've seen so far.

Mission (Un)Popular by Anna Humphrey 
A middle grade novel about fitting in, finding yourself, and mean girls. It looks cute.

An historical fiction account of the final years of the Romanovs told from the perspectives of the four daughters. I've heard this is good, but definitely more for those who like historical fiction.

An urban fantasy about an apprentice angel and his tutor. I've heard really great things about the father/son-like relationship between Griffin and his tutor.

Historical fiction with ghost stories, revenants, and a mysterious boy. Ok, I'm in.

Free e-books!

A novella to help tie us over until The Iron Knight releases. Takes place between The Iron Queen and The Iron Knight.

On Sale Now!

Last I checked, these books were significantly discounted on Barnes and Noble. I am not affiliated with Barnes and Noble, so I won't be profiting in any way if you do decide to buy these books through them. I'm just a reader who likes a good deal and thought I'd share.

Don't Judge a Girl By Her Cover by Ally Carter
Cindy Ella by Robin Palmer
Geek Charming by Robin Palmer

For my UK readers! 
I'm sorry, I know I'm always all like, "No giveaways for you! No sales for you!" but it's not because I'm trying to exclude you. I'm just poor, at the mercy of publishers, and erm, too lazy? But this is for you! Kindle Sale! (um, I think these are good prices?? I don't really know pounds...)



What books are you going to spend your hard earned money on? (Or use your well-worn library card on?)

Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts? Feel free to link me your reviews in the comments!


  1. Pardon me while I drool over all the pretty things! I like Hourglass and will be reading Fins are Forever, The Revenant - and several others listed here. Oh, how I wish I had more time to read and money to buy books!

  2. WOW That is quite a list Smalls. I have just read Hourglass and it is good. The first half 3 stars the last half 4.5 stars. I will be posting my review soon.

    I just spent my book money on getting a hardback copy of Haunting Violet from overseas. I really love the cover and Harvey is one of my auto-buy authors.

    I would really like to read Luminous too. Have read some great reviews for it :)

  3. So many fabulous books all in one place! Yes, Haunting Violet is definitely more hf -lite using it as more of a backdrop for the actual plot. The ones I most want to read from the list are Shadows on the Moon and The Lost Crown. Thanks for doing the Kindle sale list for us UK people! You're right about them being bargains- they're about half the price or less of the average bookstore book. I have so many other books I need to read but I don't think I can resist buying Shadows on the Moon at such a fantastic price!

  4. A great list of books. I'm preparing to read Legacy soon so I read your DNF and your Review of the book. I laughed when you said something about think balls and courtships not sword fights and elves. I'm not sure if I'm going to enjoy this one, but we will see. Sure wish it wasn't so dang gum long!

    I won Hourglass from The Slowest Bookworm. I probably won't get to it for a while, I don't feel any pressure since I own it. As for Forbidden, I am disappointed I missed it through Galley Grab. Just had too many to read. Its definitely one I'm going to pick up though, because those who did read it found it to be something special.

  5. Haunting Violet: I so want this book! I've read all of her other books and i loved them, so ireally want to try somethign different of her.

    Demon's Surrender: Still need to read the 2nd.

  6. No soup for you! I love that you're sharing the international awesome to go around. I'm with you on the pounds thing - I don't do exchange rates. Math makes brain owie.

    Good stuff here. Falling for Hamlet! So excited! I may have to read that one next.

  7. You know, out of all of these, I'm really looking forward to your thoughts on Forgotten. I feel my initial impression of it may have been a bit too over-exaggerated. Better yet, I'm sure it would make an excellent book for review comparison.

  8. I loved Firelight, Fins Are Forever, and Hourglass. So many awesome books!

  9. I want to read HOurglass too. Rumors has such a lovely cover, it's divine. Those are some great treats you displayed. Thanks for sharing them.

  10. So many amazing books that have come out lately that I want to read and buy! (Though really, I can't really think of a time when this statement isn't true :))

  11. so many books! I have legacy on my tbr pile and am glad that you liked it enough to finish it!

    Here’s my WOW!

  12. So want to read Haunting Violet and Hourglass. I just got The Revenant. I hope it's good! I like the Native American Paranormal angle. Haven't read Clockwork Angel yet. That's on my list!

  13. Wow, Lady! You did a lot of work getting all that up there!

    Haunting Violet is truly a fantastic book and well worth every penny. I was fortunate and got and ARC but if I hadn't I would've bought it :o] You can read my spoiler free review if you wanna :o]

    I just thought I'd drop by and see how you were doing! I'm never disappointed when I come by! I love that you're helping out new bloggers!

    You Rock, Chica!

    Have a FANTASTIC weekend!


  14. Alyssa, I’m with you! I need more time and more money :P

    Nic, Oh good to know about Hourglass! I love it when reviewers mention things like the ending getting better because then I know it’s worth stickign with. I’ve never read Alyxandra Harvey before, but if she’s an auto-buy author for you then I think I need to check her out already!

    Stephanie, I want to read Shadows on the Moon, too! I’m really curious to see how she retells Cinderella. Oh good! I wasn’t sure about the pounds, but half the price or less than average is good!

    Gina, I can’t wait to see what you think of Legacy! Even with all those descriptions it didn’t feel overly long. I read it on the computer though and I find long books are easier for me to read that way. I think because I don’t see all those pages. Haha, I know just what you mean about not feeling pressure to read books you own. I’m the same way, but it’s horrible because then I let them sit on my shelves unread for years. :P

    Yiota, I remember your review for another Alyxandra Harvey book. I think it was your review that put her on my radar. I still need to read the second book in the Demon’s Lexicon series too. :P

    Logan, Exactly! That’s what I feel like. None for you! Hahahahahaha! But I don’t mean to! I think if you double the pounds and then add a little more then that’s sort of an exchange?? That’s about as much math as I’m doing there. :P I can’t wait to see what you think of Falling for Hamlet!! (the italics mean I’m very excited)

    Missie, Oh really? That’s interesting. At first I was totally OMG I HAVE TO READ THAT!!! But now I’m less sure. It sort of seems confusing. Good idea for a review comparison! I’ve seen a lot of mixed thoughts.

    Kelsey, I can barely keep up!

    Lena, You’re welcome!

    Aylee, I know, right? It feels like there are always all these awesome books coming out every month. I can’t keep up!

    Scarlett, I really can’t wait to see what you’ll think of Legacy! Especially since it’s a fantasy. I hope you like it.

    Julie, Can't wait to read your thoughts on The Revenant!

    Kristi, Yeah, these posts take a while! So happy to hear you liked Haunting Violet!! I don't think I've seen many reviews that weren't glowing. Thanks for your sweet words! :)

  15. Did you read Falling for Hamlet already? You're so excited!

    I'm worried this one will become so special shelf that I never actually read it, so I need you to keep on me. :) Like how I zoomed through all the Mortal Instruments books and then bought CoFA and STILL haven't read it.

    I put FFH on a prominent shelf in my living room and just keep looking at it but not reading it! What is wrong with me?


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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