Friday, July 29, 2011

Recap 7/23 to 7/29

In case you missed anything, here's a recap of what was posted Saturday, July 23rd through Friday, July 29th. 


Little Women and Me by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

(Click on the links to go to my reviews)



Discussion: Making Money on Your Blog
How do you feel about the different ways bloggers can make money?

Guest Posting at The Book Base

Spotlight List: Dystopian Classics

What's Your Status?

A meme created by Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Life where we recap our reading week. Feel free to visit her site and link up your own What's Your Status Posts. Here's how my week went:


(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

Reviews to come.

 Post Captain is another solid book in the series. Lots of improvements from the first book in terms of my "What the heck is going on here?!" reaction with all the nautical stuff. The writing and some of the events/characters reminded me a lot of Jane Austen. I swear O'Brian's Mrs. Williams and Austen's Mrs. Bennett are related. 

The Princess Curse is AMAZING! Think Special Shelf kind of amazing. If you like fairy tale retellings (especially highly original retellings with spunky MCs), then make sure you get yourself a copy of this one. It's MG, but think on the level of Jessica Day George (meaning totally enjoyable for older readers).

Currently Reading

Vanish (Firelight #2) by Sophie Jordan
H.M.S. Surprise (Aubrey/Maturin #3) by Patrick O'Brian
(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

I didn't like Firelight very much, but I'm liking Vanish more...though just barely. The writing is really throwing me off and I still don't like Jacinda, but at least there's a lot more Cassian!

I've just barely started the O'Brian, but darnnit, they'd better get their prize money or I'm going to be reaching into the book and strangling some of those dirty admirals.

Miss anything last week? Click here to read a Recap


  1. I just requested The Princess Curse through Amazon Vine and I'm really looking forward to diving into it-it looks so enjoyable and I love fairy tale retellings!

  2. I just got The Princess Curse and can't wait to start reading it. I look forward to your review!

  3. Oh you are reading Vanish! I am glad to hear you are liking it more than Firelight even if it is only slightly. Cassian was my favourite character too. So glad to hear he is in it more. Can't wait for your review :)

  4. I don't mind reading MG books, so I'm def going to check that one out. I love fairy tale retellings!

  5. Bookworm1858, I hope you like it! I was really surprised at the different directions she took it in, but I think it all worked together really well.

    Jana, I think you’ll like it! I’ll be looking forward to your review too!

    Nic, I think I’m going to DNF Vanish. Will showed up and I’m so not Team Will. Also a lot of the things I was hoping would happen in this book just aren’t. I’ll have a DNF review up next Friday.

    Nina, Hope you like it! I thought it was very original.

  6. I need to get to Firelight still. I've read a lot of mixed reviews. but I'm curious.

  7. I didn't really like Firelight either. I can't decide if it's because it's not that great a book, or the fact that I read it at the tail end of a YA/paranormal binge and I was just full-up with the genre. :p Your review of it pretty much sums up my feelings about the book, though.

  8. I just got a notice from the library that Firelight is available for download. I hope I like it, but if not I'm going to use the strength of Smalls to will me to put it down.


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