Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (27)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

Witchlanders by Lena Coakley
Radiant Darkness by Emily Whitman

Goodreads description of Witchlanders (August 30, 2011):

High in their mountain covens, red witches pray to the Goddess, protecting the Witchlands by throwing the bones and foretelling the future.

It’s all a fake.

At least, that’s what Ryder thinks. He doubts the witches really deserve their tithes—one quarter of all the crops his village can produce. And even if they can predict the future, what danger is there to foretell, now that his people’s old enemy, the Baen, has been defeated?

But when a terrifying new magic threatens both his village and the coven, Ryder must confront the beautiful and silent witch who holds all the secrets. Everything he’s ever believed about witches, the Baen, magic and about himself will change, when he discovers that the prophecies he’s always scorned—

Are about him.

Why I want to read it:

Though I'm enjoying the recent boom in paranormal books, fantasy is where my heart truly lies. Witches and tithes, prophecies and secrets! I'm already in love and so, so curious to learn all about those prophecies. I also really like that Witchlanders features a male protagonist.

Thanks to Simon and Schuster's Galley Grab, I'm actually right in the middle of Witchlanders, and I am loving it! There's a guy friendship here that I totally didn't see coming but is made of awesome. I'm putting Lena Coakley in my "I can't believe this is a debut author" category. So good! 

Product description of Radiant Darkness (April 28, 2009):

Persephone lives in the most gorgeous place in the world. But her mother's a goddess, as overprotective as she is powerful. Paradise has become a trap. Just when Persephone feels there's no chance of escaping the life that's been planned for her, a mysterious stranger arrives. A stranger who promises something more—something dangerous and exciting—something that spurs Persephone to make a daring choice. A choice that could destroy all she's come to love, even the earth itself.

In a land where a singing river can make you forget your very name, Persephone is forced to discover who—and what—she really is.

Why I want to read it:

Greek myths and especially the Hades/Persephone myth are all the rage now. Despite a few disappointments, I'm totally still riding that bandwagon. This book came out before the recent popularity and I'm curious to see how it compares. I enjoyed Emily Whitman's Wildwing about historical time travel, so I have high hopes for her take on Greek mythology retellings.

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them? 


  1. Radiant Darkness sounds good for me to add to my list of want-to-read books. Can't wait to read your reviews for both mentioned titles though!

  2. I have Witchlanders waiting for me on my iPad so I'm very happy to hear that you're enjoying it so much! I need to bump it up on my list.

  3. Witchlanders sounds amazing and I am glad to hear you are loving it. And this is the first time I have heard of Radiant Darkness. I don't mind a bit of greek mythology so I will be definitely adding this to my wishlist :)

  4. I will be reading Witchlanders over the next couple of weeks. I'm really looking forward to it! Keep an eye out on my blog for the review!

  5. YES! Witchlanders sounds like an awesome book!

  6. Oooh, I have seen Radiant Darkness around but I had no idea it was a Persephone & Hades book!!! I need to check that out.

    And I really like the sound of Whichlanders, and the cover is lovely.

  7. So glad to know you're loving Witchlanders, I'm really excited for that one:) I'll be stalking your blog for your full review!

  8. I've heard about Witchlanders, but it's the cover of Radiant Darkness that has me 'ooo'ing and 'ahhh'ing. More books to fuel the ever-growing TBR.

    ~ Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  9. I already have Witchlanders on my wishlist but Radiant Darkness sounds good. I'll have to hunt that one down after I get settled and caught up! Thanks for finding that one. I love that you have access to all of these books I might never know about!


  10. Both sound fantastic... the second one though I like more ( LOVE the cover). It looks so interesting! Great picks Small :) Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW <- Check it out... I learned that from you! Thank you!!

  11. Galley Grab you say, would this be the June or July batch?

  12. I have Witchlanders to, thanks to S & S but I haven't started it yet! So glad to hear you're lovin' it!
    I haven't heard about Radiant Darkness but it sounds great. I'm liking the different views on mythology and surprised actually on how many of them are focused on the Hades/Persephone myth and how different they all are!
    Makes for interesting reading!
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Witchlanders sounds really good, but the Radiant Darkness cover is so stunning next to Witchlanders more understated one. Makes R.D. seem more appealing.
    Glad you're liking Witchlanders!

  14. Just finished Witchlanders! Such an original read. And I loved the Bromance.

  15. I agree with Alison- the colour palettes of the colour are so different and contrasting. Emily Whitman is an author I've been wanting to try for a while and Wildwing's been on wishlist since its release. Radiant Darkness sounds really interesting too because I haven't really read that many books with Greek mythology before.

  16. Bookish Hobbit, Please don’t hold your breath for those reviews! :P I’ve had Radiant Darkness on my TBR for so long and I still haven’t gotten around to it. I’m awful. I’ve read Witchlanders though, and that review should be up in a few months.

    Stephanie, Do bump it up your list! I loved it. :)

    Nic, Hope you like Radiant Darkness. Witchlanders was awesome, but VERY much a fantasy.

    Kara, Hope you like Witchlanders! I should have my review up in a few months.

    Savannah, I loved it! I think you’ll like it too!

    Sara, I really liked it. It’s kind of different from the blurb/cover, but still really good. There’s a whole character that isn’t mentioned in the blurb but they play a major role and I like them.

    Alex, There are so many Persephone and Hades books lately. I love it! I agree, I love the cover of Witchlanders, but it doesn’t really relate to the story much.

    Jenny, I hope you love Witchlanders as much as I did!

    Asher, Isn’t that cover beautiful? I love the colors. The girl really stands out, too, which I like.

    Jana, Thanks!

    Heather, I’m so happy to be able to help! I also liked Emily Whitman’s other book Wildwing (historical time travel).

  17. Lulu, Radiant Darkness is getting a lot of love! Yay! I’m so happy you were able to do the link! :)

    Gina, I got it in June, but it’s in July, too. If you can’t find it let me know and I’ll send you the link.

    Kristi, I know, there really are so many different books about Hades and Persephone coming out, and you’re right, they’re so varied! I’m loving it.

    Alison, I didn’t even think about the covers when I put them up, but you’re right, the colors of Radiant Darkness do overshadow Witchlanders. I do like the bright blue of the Witchlanders cover though and that slash of red (which is important to the story).

    Aylee, Yes! I looooved their friendship. I hope we get to see more of it.

    Stephanie, I liked WIldwing! I wish I had liked the MC more, but the story was nice. I hope you like them all :)


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