Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cover Review: Jason Chan

Cover Crazy is a weekly meme hosted by Tawni at The Book Worms where a beautiful cover is featured each week for all of us to admire. I am going to use my Cover Crazy posts as an opportunity to review a book cover I love or review any cover (even the ones I don't love) from a book I've read. This week's Cover Crazy is for:  

Artist Spotlight: Jason Chan

You may not know the name Jason Chan, but I'm sure you're familiar with his work. He's among one of my absolute favorite cover artists and features a very unique style. Though illustrated, his covers have an almost photographic feel to them. I especially love the way he uses color and light. Here are a few examples of his work that I particularly like:

Which cover is your favorite? Do you have a favorite Jason Chan cover I didn't include? Do these covers make you want to read the books?

Interested in covers? 
Be sure to check out another Cover Crazy post by Gina from My Precious.

Want to check out another Artist Spotlight post?
More of my Cover Crazy posts


  1. Aha! I remember seeing some of these separately and wondering if it was the same artist. And now I know it is! I think I like The Kneebone Boy the most. I like MG covers best when they're illustrated.

  2. Those covers are quite beautiful, and you're right: there is a definite uniqueness to his designs, I really like them.

    Though there were a couple there that I wasn't crazy about, in general they are great.

    He has a very dynamic style and sometimes reminds me of manga and anime.

  3. Oh, great spotlight, these covers are lovely! I think my fave is The Kneebone Boy, I really love the style of the characters on that one.

  4. Omg, wow! I love all those book covers. I've read Eyes Like Stars and Geist. I liked both of them. I have Perchance to Dream and The Princess Curse! I have to read them soon! I so gotta get my hands on the rest of those books.

  5. Jason is an awesome artist. Those covers are gorgeous. I think my favourite is Perchance to Dream closely followed by So Silver Bright.

  6. I might get these books just to stare at the covers. They're THAT awesome! I already have Lisa Mantchev's series on my list.

  7. All of these covers are gorgeous! And yes, it definitely does make me want to read the books!

  8. Wow, that's amazing!! :D I really love his work. It looks like photographs but at the same time, the illustrations was beyond gorgeous! XD

  9. Wow, I love this artist! I'm going to go have a good look round your blog now, as you have the best posts! Thanks for the many comments too!

    ComaCalm's Corner

  10. I can't choose! They are all beautiful. So good. ;)

  11. These are all amazing - I had no idea they were all by the same artist! I've loved the Mantchev covers for a long time and it's great to see other examples of
    Chan's work.

  12. I love the Lisa Mantchev covers though I've yet to read the books. But there is something about The Girl Who Could Fly that really catches my eye. I think it's the perspective and the fact that she's got the power to fly and the boy is hanging onto her foot. I don't know but that one makes me want to make up a story about it. Prettiest though is So Silver Bright.


  13. They're all so beautiful. I think the Girl Who Could Fly might be my fav.

    Could you do a feature on Mary Grand Pre (sp?) I'd like to see what covers she's done other than Harry Potter.

  14. My favorite is 'Perchance to Dream.' It definitely makes me want to read the book, and I've never even heard of it before.

  15. All Jason Chan's cover are brilliant. It is so hard to pick a favourite. I really love Perchance to Dream and The Kneebone Boy.

  16. I saw That Cover Girl feature this recently as well and was awed. Even more so by the additional covers you've shown us! Just wow!!!

  17. Aylee, I like The Kneebone Boy cover, too. It's very striking. I agree, I love illustrated MG covers.

    Alex, Dynamic is a great word for it! Now that you point it out I do see the manga and anime similarities.

    Belle, I do too!

    Need Tea, Oh good! I won a copy of Eyes Like Stars a while ago but I haven't read it yet, so I'm happy to hear you liked it. I loved The Princess Curse! I hope you lke it. It's very different. BTW, I haven't been commenting on your blog lately because every time I try LJ throws me an error code. :(

    The Slowest Bookworm, I love those covers, too! Her silver hair in So Silver Bright is very pretty.

    Dazzling Mage, I agree! I would love some hi-res prints to hang on my walls.

    Christy, Me too!

    Thalia-csiny, I agree! It's really cool how they look like photos and illustrations at the same time.

    Coma Calm, Thank you!

    Nina, haha, it is hard to choose :)

    Pica, he has a really distinct style. You'll probably be able to pick his work out now :)

    Heather, I'm not in love with The Girl Who Could Fly cover, but I am absolutely mesmerized by it. I think you're spot on that it's the perspective. It looks like she's going to fly right off the page.

    Alison, Sure thing!

    Erin, that one is pretty!

    Nic, those are very popular! I love them both too.

    A Backwards Story, Oh? I don't follow her blog but I just looked through it and I couldn't find it :( I'll have to look again.

  18. Oh my gosh, this waas just about the coolest post in the universe! AH! I loved it!

  19. Eyes Like Stars is probably my favorite!

  20. I would never have guessed these were by the same artist, but all of his work is incredible! I adore so many of these covers.

  21. I've never heard of any of these books, but this artwork makes me want to read them all. My poor TBR list...! :p Fantastic cover art.

  22. Erica, :) Thanks!

    Alyssa, I love that one, too.

    Logan, Aren’t they pretty? I’m getting better at spotting his style now that I’ve seen them all together.

    Couchpotatocritic, Haha, yes, our poor TBR lists! :P

  23. I love the Book of the Order covers. I'm definitely going to have to read those! I have the Girl Who Could Fly. Haven't read it yet. lol. But I think it's awesome cover. It's much better than the original. It's very three dimensional. Of course, I think The Princess Curse is gorgeous! The colors are stunning. and so vivid.

  24. I love the cover for the Kneebone Boy. I never realized how distinct this artist's style was until you put them all next to each other. I'll definitely be able to spot one of his covers next time!

  25. This guy is VERY talented. I love all these covers, but I think my handsdown fav is The Girl Who Could Fly - its super awesome!!!

  26. I like the cover of Spectyr. The book feel appears that this particular story is a highly charged on and shouldn't be put down.


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