Wednesday, August 3, 2011

No More Waiting! (4)

No More Waiting is a feature I periodically do here to highlight books that have recently been released. I also highlight book-related sales that are currently available.

Click here to see previous No More Waiting posts

Books I've Read and Recommend


Love, love, love this series! Evie is just as funny as the first book, but this follow up focuses a lot more on character development and introspection than on fast-paced action like the first book. Not a bad thing at all, just make sure you adjust your expectations.

A fun start to a series that shows great promise! Can you go wrong with a boarding school book populated with valkyries, ninjas, Spartan warriors, Amazons, and gypsies? No, you can't, especially not with a fantastic narrator like Gwen.
While this was an "almost" book for me in a lot of ways, the characters, world building, and premise have captured me to the point where I'm already crossing my fingers for a sequel. (And I'm STILL amused by the puns in the title).
My Ward Against Death review

The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
Beautiful writing and a compelling mystery sucked me into this absorbing genre-crossing tale. I still can't believe Victoria Schwab is a debut author.
My The Near Witch review

Books I Want to Read

Wolf shape shifters! I haven't read the first book yet, but I want to check out this series when all the books have been published. I think I'd be Team Ren, but I hear that's not the winning team...

A Gothic fiction boarding school series, these books definitely have their flaws, but they're my guilty pleasure. I enjoyed the first book a lot, but was kind of disappointed with the second. I'm excited to read the conclusion.
Immortal review
Betrayal review

I really didn't like the first two books in the series, but there's something about it that keeps me reading. I'll probably read this final book in the series in the hopes that I'll finally get that showdown between the sisters that I've been dying to read.
Prophecy of the Sisters review
Guardian of the Gate review

A book about a siren! Sounds good to me, and such a pretty cover!

I've read some mixed reviews, but it's a boarding school book for gods and goddesses, so I don't think I can resist at least trying it.

I didn't love her retelling of the Seven Swans (The Swan Kingdom), but there were enough things about it that I did like and that, combined with the fact that this is another fairy tale retelling (Cinderella), makes me very interested!

Emerald by Karen Wallace
Historical fantasy! Pretty dress! I'm sold.

The Jewel and the Key by Louise Spiegler
 Time travel!

Cleopatra's Moon by Vicky Alvear Shecter 
Historical fiction! I don't think I've read an historical fiction book about Cleopatra's daughter yet.

Road trip, crime spree, and paparazzi. Sounds like it could be fun!

A hot neighbor cowboy, murder, and ghosts. I'm SO reading this one!

A contemporary romance that sounds fun and may have some hate-turned-love going on.

Free e-books!

Waterfall by Lisa T. Bergren Download this now. I downloaded it even though I already have a print copy. I'm that obsessed. *LOVE* this series! I love it so much I even made a banner announcement for it. Have I made it clear how in love I am?

Summer's Crossing by Julie Kagawa
A novella to help tie us over until The Iron Knight releases. Takes place between The Iron Queen and The Iron Knight.

The Dark Days of Supernatural Paranormal Romance Sampler
Features samples from Illusions by Aprilynne Pike, Divergent by Veronica Roth, Die for Me by Amy Plum, Something Deadly This Way Comes by Kim Harrison, Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini, Hereafter by Tara Hudson, and Vampire Kisses & Cryptic Cravings by Ellen Schreiber. 

On Sale Now!

Last I checked, these books were significantly discounted on Amazon. I am not affiliated with Amazon, so I won't be profiting in any way if you do decide to buy these books through them. I'm just a reader who likes a good deal and thought I'd share.

Ptolemy's Gate (Bartimaeus Trilogy #3) by Jonathan Stroud
The Wizard Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman

What books are you going to spend your hard earned money on? (Or use your well-worn library card on?)

Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts? Feel free to link me your reviews in the comments!


  1. I'm currently reading Nightshade and you probably would be Team Ren because he is the alpha male (this is repeated rather often). I'm more Team Shay but honestly I'm not really feeling either relationship (my review should be posted some time next week).

    And then while your list touches on some books I've already read and some I want to read, I was stopped by staring at the dress on the cover of Emerald-WANT! I completely missed when this came out but I really want to read it now!

  2. YAY for Waterfall being free on kindle! EVERYONE MUST READ THAT BOOK! That is such an amazing offer.

    I just got Ripple in the mail today. I am so excited to read it.

    And Touch of Frost is at the top of my must get list.

    Great picks Small :)

  3. All the book under the ones you want to read look FAB! Yes, I'm so looking forward to Eternal :) Super nice list of fun books!

  4. I loved Academy 7 and just finished Waterfall yesterday. It was awesome! I didn't bother reviewing Wildefire but the beginning and the ending are good; it's the middle that dragged and had me debating whether I could finish the book.

    Also, I reviewed Epic Fail yesterday. Here's the link for my review:

  5. You mentioned a ton of books that I've read and loved (like PD or Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow), and many that I want to read (Like Grimm Legacy, The Wide-Awake Princess and Ashton Place)

    Plus, a couple I hadn't heard of!! :D
    I need to start putting some of those in my list!!

    Oh and I can't wait for my Paranormalcy to arrive!!

  6. Ohh great books here.
    I want to mainly read Wolfsbane and Epic Fail!
    Pretty Bad Things by C. J. Skuse is good but her book, Rochaholic, is better! =)

  7. I can't wait to read Supernaturally, I have it at home waiting for me:) I just finished Cleopatra's Moon and really enjoyed that one, I'm getting more and more interested in historical fiction!

  8. I'd totally be into your brainy thoughts on the Nightshade series. Calla is a bit wishy-washy and I'm sure you'd have a lot of interesting things to say about that. :)

    P.S. Team Ren!

  9. I'm reading The Jewel and the Key right now, and I suspect it's more your speed than mine, given your excessive (yes, I said excessive) love of Time Travel. I can also recommend Texas Gothic. I'm pretty confident you'll like that.

    And I'm totally with you on Emerald. Historical Fantasy+Pretty dress is a sure fire way to catch my interest.

  10. SHUT UP! Waterfall is free??!! Oh. My. Goodness. Gracious. Thank you so much for the heads up! I also like the looks of Epic Fail and Pretty Bad Things oh and the Grim Legacy. Awesome picks and thanks again for the links... I'll die happy now :) lol

    My My WoW

  11. That's good to know about Supernaturally - I did enjoy the quick pace of the first one but I also appreciate some character development and I'm betting that's a necessary step to setting up the final book of the trilogy. I haven't heard much about Ward Against Death but what I have heard has been quite promising!

    I've read Nightshade and I was definitely Team Ren, so I'm thinking you might be too :P I just felt like he had a lot more chemistry with Calla than Shay did. I haven't read Wolfsbane yet, so I'm not sure what happens to the love triangle in that one, but yeah, in Nightshade it didn't look like the Ren/Calla pairing was really the one the reader was supposed to go for :(

  12. Awesome post!! I can't wait to read Supernaturally and Wolfsbane! I hope they are excellent. :)

  13. I really want to read Academy 7. I've heard great things about it. I always really want to get to the Cinda Williams Chima series. Glad you got me to read Waterfall :-)

  14. I'm itching to start reading Immortal. Then we can gab!

  15. Bookworm1858, I’ll be looking for your Nightshade review! Isn’t the cover of Emerald pretty! I love it. It doesn’t seem to have gotten a lot of blog-time, but I’m really curious about it.

    Nic, YES!!! I’ve been practically shouting it from the rooftops! Looking forward to your thoughts on Ripple and Touch of Frost. Touch of Frost made me soooo hungry. You’ll see :)

    Julie, Yes, another person who likes the Immortal series!

    A Canadian Girl, I liked Academy 7 too. Yay!! So, so happy you liked Waterfall :) I love seeing more and more people get on board with that series. Thanks for the feedback about Wildefire. I hate books that drag in the middle. Thanks for your link!

    Alex, I really need to read Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow already. I’m so tempted to buy it at that super low price, but I’ve put myself on a book buying ban. There are so many available now at such low prices! These book buying bans are hard :(

    Books for Company, Oh? I hadn’t even heard of Rockaholic. Thanks!

    Jenny, I think you’ll really like Supernaturally. I keep hearing good things about Cleopatra’s Moon!

    Missie, haha :)P Hm, I wonder if I’ll even like the Nightshade series. It sounds like the Firelight series but with wolves instead of dragons. And I really don’t like the Firelight series.

    Rubita, Haha, ok, maybe I’m a touch obsessed with time travel :P I really want to read The Jewel and the Key! I think we’re going to have fun with these books. I just got Texas Gothic in through inter-library loan today, but I gave it away to one of my library girls. She wanted it and I have a huge stack already. I’ll get it when she returns it.

    Lulu, YUP! Go download it! Go go go! :P

    Danya, I really liked the time Kiersten White took to let Evie explore her feelings, and I do think it will be important for Endlessly. I think you would like Ward Against Death. I heard the sequel is coming out in December, so you won’t have long to wait either! You’re probably right about me liking Ren, though I’m sad to hear he’s not the winner :(

    Christy, Thanks! I loved Supernaturally.

    Alison, I liked Academy 7. My only complaint was that I wanted it to be longer :) I need to get to reading Cinda Williams Chima books too. They’ve been on my TBR for so long. Aw, I’m so happy you read Waterfall! :D

  16. Texas Gothic is really appealing to me. And sounds like I'd better get to Waterfall!


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