Wednesday, August 31, 2011

No More Waiting! (5)

No More Waiting is a feature I periodically do here to highlight books that have recently been released. I also highlight book-related sales that are currently available.

Click here to see previous No More Waiting posts

Books I've Read and Recommend

A high fantasy with twists and turns, allies and enemies who are not what they seem, and a budding friendship between two boys makes Witchlanders both intriguing and unique compared to most YA books coming out lately. I loved it!

Books I Want to Read

A spooky ghost who likes to kill people, a guy narrator, a witch mother, and a spirit-sniffing cat...doesn't that sound like a recipe for success? Early reviews seem to think so!

This sounds like one of the most original takes I've heard of on Arthurian legend. Set in modern times, a girl is caught up in a feud "older than time" between Morgan le Fay and her sister Vivienne. I'm not sure if this one is MG or YA.

I loved The Adoration of Jenna Fox, but I'm not sure yet if I want to mess with my positive feelings for that book by reading this one. This is set many years later and follows Jenna's two friends (can't say anything more without spoiling the first book).

I like the idea of a scorned and butt-kicking Juliet and a battle that has been raging for centuries.

Possess by Gretchen McNeil
A girl who battles demons already sounds pretty good, but the Buffy comparisons have me sold.

This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein by Kenneth Oppel
I like Frankenstein and I like this cover. I'm game!

Wildwood by Colin Meloy 
The descriptions of an epic MG fantasy and the "American Narnia" are enough to catch my eye.

Free e-books!

This is a novella from her Past Midnight series. I've heard good things about that series, but I haven't read it yet.

Like historical fiction meets Gossip Girl.

I don't remember how this book first got on my radar, but I pounced on it as soon as I saw it was a Kindle freebie. Romance, castles, arranged marriages, hate-turned-love, ghosts, mystery, oh my! I hope it's as good as it sounds.

On Sale Now!

Last I checked, these books were significantly discounted on Amazon. I am not affiliated with Amazon, so I won't be profiting in any way if you do decide to buy these books through them. I'm just a reader who likes a good deal and thought I'd share.
These are all hardcovers that are under or a few cents over $7

 I love these books!

I love these books!


What books are you going to spend your hard earned money on? (Or use your well-worn library card on?)

Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts? Feel free to link me your reviews in the comments!

Today is also the last day to enter my River of Time series by Lisa T. Bergren giveaway!


  1. I am desperate for Anna Dressed In Blood! So many amazing books on this list. I need to earn some extra money for all these :)

  2. Thanks for sharing about these wonderful books today :)

  3. I loved Witchlanders! I can't wait to read Wildwood. I'm a huge fan of the Decemberists, the band that Colin Meloy leads.

  4. I need to go get me some of these books!!!
    I can't wait for the Fox Inheritance either! I loved The Adoration of Jenna Fox and I'm so pumped for it!!!

    And I also wanna read Anna Dressed in Blood, I keep hearing such wonderful things about it

  5. Small, I've read a couple of really positive reviews about The Fox Inheritance and now I'm really excited about it. However, I listened to the audiobook of The Adoration of Jenna Fox and I'm hoping to do the same with the sequel.

  6. I would love to read Death Catchers!!

    Lah @ LazyGirl Reads

  7. ZOMG! I've been hearing such good things about Anna Dressed In Blood. Totally love the cover and really want the book.

    And I'd love to read your thoughts on Juliet Immortal because I've read some mixed reviews for it, so I'm sure you'd have some interesting things to say about it.

    Thanks for the links to the FREE books. You know I can never resist.

  8. I was looking at the post you had up for awhile saying that you're on the BBAW list for Best Feature. Congrats! I noticed that you're not on the list for best YA blog even though I nominated you. Someone nominated me for best YA blog too and I'm not on the list. I wonder how it works? If it's based on the number of people who nominate you or if it's the judges' choice. Have you heard any details?

  9. I love this post. I find out so many great new reads for my ever growing TBR.

    One thing I'm irritated with though is when the hardcover book is cheaper than the kindle version. I hate it when the sale just involves the hardcover.

    I saw Love's Magic on my kindle freebie email this morning. I didn't pull the trigger to "purchase" it until you said it was one to jump on. I've heeded your advice. Thanks!

  10. I'm reading Juliet Immortal right now and so far, it's pretty good. I'm going to Love's Magic, thanks for the heads up that it is free!
    Truly Bookish

  11. I'm excited for "Anna Dressed in Blood" too. Like you I also have mixed feelings about picking up the other Pearson book. I think I'll wait to read some reviews. I am a little surprised a companion novel is out. I thought "Adoration" was a solid standalone read.

  12. Wow so many great books! I can't pick... um... Juliet Immortal, ADB :) Thanks for sharing Small, fantastic picks! (P.S. I just finished Waterfall last night and I think I am in LOVE! I am going to buy all three even if it makes me broke! Thanks for the recommendation!)

    Heres Mine

  13. I loved the first three books in The Queen's Thief series and just need to read the fourth now. I downloaded Love's Magic and hope it's as good as you made it sound.

  14. I LOVED Anna Dressed in Blood, it was such a great read in my opinion:) I'm hoping we get more in that world, I haven't discovered yet if it's going to be a series but I really hope it is. I'm really looking forward to Possess too, that one looks creepy!

  15. Rock on!!I've wanted to read Bright Young Things and free download equals AWESOME! Plus, I think we agree on the wardrobe awesomeness of that book. I really want to read The Adoration of Jenna Fox, I've heard good things about it. On a scale of dystopians, how good was it?

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  16. Thanks for the Amazon free downloads! I've wanted to read Bright Young Things and now i get it for FREEEEE!:D Rock on!

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  17. Nic, Haha I'm desperate too! Perfect word choice. I think when it comes in though my library I might have to hold myself back from stroking the cover.

    Denise, You're welcome!

    Alison, I hope she writes a sequel for Witchlanders! I've never actually heard any of The Decemberists music before. Well, I hadn't even heard of them until I heard about Wildwood.

    Thank you for the congrats! I accidentally posted that post today when I meant to schedule it for tomorrow. :) I think you need to have a certain number of people nominate you, but I'm not really sure. I know I was nominated for a few categories, but I only made the list for Review Comparison. But I wasn't expecting to be nominated for anything, so I'll take it! :D

    Alex, Yes! I keep hearing wonderful things about Anna and I've heard pretty good stuff about The Fox Inheritance. *fingers crossed*

    Rubita, You're so in luck then! I keep seeing giveaways for the audio version of The Fox Inheritance everywhere. Good luck!

    Lah, Me too! I haven't heard much buzz for it.

    Missie, Yay for free books! You're welcome. :) I'm so pumped for Anna. Oooh negative reviews for Juliet Immortal? Now I'm even more curious.

    Gina, The hardest part about compiling these posts is keeping myself from ordering a bunch of books :P It does seem strange when the HC is cheaper than the kindle edition. Great for HC readers, but kind of a gyp fo kindle users. I'm of the thought that the kindle editions should always be the cheapest because you're kind of getting less. I hope Love's Magic is good! I know nothing about it other than the blurb.

    Truly Bookish, Oh good, I hope you like Juliet Immortal! I have high hopes for that one. You're welcome for the heads up on the freebies :)

    Rummanah, I was surprised too. I think Jenna Fox ended perfectly and I'm a little afraid of "messing with a good thing." Especially with this being from the POV of people who might be a little angry with Jenna. I feel protective of her already.

    Lulu, YES!!!! I'm so, so glad you loved Waterfall! It only gets better from there. :)

    A Canadian Girl, I really need to get around to reading The Queen's Thief series. It's one of those classics that I really should have read. I hope Love's Magic is as good as it sounds too!

    Jenny, Yay! I have heard nothing but really positive things for Anna!

    Jen, I couldn't believe Bright Young Things was free! Totally love the fashion :) Hm, The Adoration of Jenna Fox sort of skirts the dystopian genre. I would put it in the genre because it kinda fits, but it's not really a DYSTOPIAN, if you know what I mean. It's much more about Jenna and this one incident than it is about the world. Usually I associate dystopians with having very strong worlds. Jenna's world is not very different from our own. I loved it.

  18. I want to read The Death Catchers, too!

  19. I just bought "Wildwood" and holy crud the first few paragraphs alone are incredible. Reading it soon...

  20. I have Anna Dressed in Blood- It's written in red ink. My 12 yr old grabbed it out of my purse in car rider's line while we were leaving and never spoke a word on the way home, but I had to take it back b/c I don't know what it has in it and I'm on a book tour and need to read it.
    But if it's okay, he'll be wanting to read it.



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