Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (30)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

The Gathering Storm by Robin Bridges
Fortune's Folly by Deva Fagan

Goodreads description of The Gathering Storm (January 10, 2012):

St. Petersburg, Russia, 1888. As she attends a whirl of glittering balls, royal debutante Katerina Alexandrovna, Duchess of Oldenburg, tries to hide a dark secret: she can raise the dead. No one knows. Not her family. Not the girls at her finishing school. Not the tsar or anyone in her aristocratic circle. Katerina considers her talent a curse, not a gift. But when she uses her special skill to protect a member of the Imperial Family, she finds herself caught in a web of intrigue.

An evil presence is growing within Europe's royal bloodlines—and those aligned with the darkness threaten to topple the tsar. Suddenly Katerina's strength as a necromancer attracts attention from unwelcome sources . . . including two young men—George Alexandrovich, the tsar's standoffish middle son, who needs Katerina's help to safeguard Russia, even if he's repelled by her secret, and the dashing Prince Danilo, heir to the throne of Montenegro, to whom Katerina feels inexplicably drawn.

The time has come for Katerina to embrace her power, but which side will she choose—and to whom will she give her heart?

Why I want to read it:

HISTORICAL FANTASY!! And it's set in Russia! Usually historical fantasy is set in England, so I'm loving this change of location. I'm also getting a hint of possible hate-turned-love romance? Maybe?

Product description of Fortune's Folly (April 14, 2009):

Ever since her mother died and her father lost his shoemaking skills, Fortunata has survived by telling fake fortunes. But when she’s tricked into telling a grand fortune for a prince, she is faced with the impossible task of fulfilling her wild prophecy—or her father will be put to death.

Now Fortunata has to help Prince Leonato secure a magic sword, vanquish a wicked witch, discover a long-lost golden shoe, and rescue the princess who fits it. If only she hadn’t fallen in love with the prince herself !

Why I want to read it:

Oooh, this sounds like a fairy tale mixed with a quest with romance added in! BE STILL MY HEART! Too bad the cover looks so meh.

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them? 


  1. Oooooo love the sound of The Gathering Storm, and Russia is such a cool setting for a historical fantasy book. Definitely putting this one on my list!

  2. Loving the sound of The Gathering Storm! Very original!

  3. I like the sound of Fortune's Folly! This is the first I have heard of it but I am adding it to my list :)

  4. Both sound very good, but I think I'm more likely to read Fortune's Folly, it does sound very fairy tale-y

  5. The Gathering Storm looks SO interesting-I'm definitely psyched for that next year.

  6. The Gathering Storm sounds really good. I'm so excited to read it! :)

  7. Both of those look really great! I love historical books! Nice picks :)

    Here's my WoW!

  8. The first book has such a nice cover, but not a topic which really interests me. On the flip side, the second book has a really ho-hum cover but a story line which draws me in.

  9. They both sound really good! I haven't read a lot of historical fantasy, so The Gathering Storm sounds like an interesting change to read about! Feel free to check out my WoW here.

    Rumana @ Relook the Book

  10. I like the layout of your blog by the way! New follower!

    Rumana @ Relook the Book

  11. Both of these look good!

    Check out Em's WoW!

    Also check out the GREAT Giveaways we have going on!

  12. Ooh, The Gathering Storm sounds awesome! I love anything to do with the Russian and French revolution!

  13. the gathering storm looks great!! i'm definitely adding it to my list!

  14. The Gathering Storm sounds really good. I am loving historicals at the moment. Especially ones to do with Russia rather than England for a change!

    Books of Amber

  15. Thanks for reminding me of The Gathering Storm. I so want to read that.

  16. I had the same thought about The Gathering Storm - I was all RUSSIA!!!! Not every story in history took place in Europe, people!

  17. I really like The Gathering Storm cover. And like you I'm super intrigued by the setting! I love books set in other countries! And we don't get to see places like historical Russia very a fantasy! I'm so there!

  18. OMG, a fairy tale! I love them, thanks so much for posting it. And the russian one sounds great as well. As a kid I had two russian fairy tale books. They were amazing.

    I'm a new follower
    Nimue @


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