Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (32)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

Just Your Average Princess by Kristina Springer
Cindy Ella by Robin Palmer

Goodreads description of Just Your Average Princess (October 11, 2011):

Jamie Edwards has loved everything about growing up on a pumpkin patch, but ever since her cousin Milan Woods arrived, things have really stunk. Jamie can’t imagine it was easy for Milan to leave her life back in Los Angeles and move to Average, Illinois, population one thousand. But it’s kind of hard to feel sorry for her since (a) Milan’s drop-dead gorgeous; (b) she’s the daughter of two of Hollywood’s hottest film stars; (c) she’s captured the attention of everyone in town, including Danny, Jamie’s crush since forever; and (d) she’s about to steal the title of Pumpkin Princess right out from underneath Jamie!

Why I want to read it:
Usually stories are told from the perspective of Milan's character, so it will be fun seeing the "other side" of the story. It almost feels like a "from the perspective of the ugly step-sister" type of twist. I like plain Jamie already!

Product description of Cindy Ella (February 7, 2008):

Prom fever has infected LA, especially Cindy's two annoying stepsisters, and her overly Botoxed stepmother. Cindy seems to be the only one immune to it all. But her anti-prom letter in the school newspaper does more to turn Cindy into Queen of the Freaks than close the gap between the popular kids and the rest of the students. Everyone thinks she's committed social suicide, except for her two best friends, the yoga goddess India and John Hughes-worshipping Malcolm, and shockingly, the most popular senior at Castle Heights High and Cindy's crush, Adam Silver.

Suddenly Cindy starts to think that maybe her social life could have a happily ever after. But there's still the rest of the school to deal with. With a little bit of help from an unexpected source and a fabulous pair of heels, Cindy realizes that she still has a chance at a happily ever after.

Why I want to read it:

Cinderella retelling. It doesn't seem like Cindy's life is all that bad. She has two friends and her crush (the most popular senior) on her side already. Doesn't sound too shabby, but I'm still a sucker for a fairy tale retelling. I've heard Robin's books are funny and I can always go for a laugh.

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them? 


  1. Cute picks! I agree that Cindy's life doesn't sound that bad for a Cinderella retelling.

  2. The both sounds like a lot of fun! I love the cover for Just Your Average Princess. It makes me laugh :)

  3. haha, this is the second cover today that i have seen with a roll of hay on it. I want fall! Cute picks!

    Here’s my WOW!

  4. I want to read both these books. Especially Cindy Ella. A different kind of retelling.

  5. Hi, new follower! I hadn't heard of these ones, but they look like they might be interesting!

    You can see my WoW at: Pawing Through Books

  6. The both look like fun books :-)

    My WOW

  7. I've never heard of either, but I am also a sucker for fairytale retellings. Remember that movie with Hilary Duff (don't judge me!) where she has some kind of chat room relationship with a hottie from school? I totally own that movie o_o...because it rocks! :D Okay, so I'm a total nerd, but Cindy Ella sounds really cute! I also think Just Your Average Princess sounds cute. I'm a sucker for feel good, easy reads. :D

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  8. I'm not familiar with either one of these books. They both sound intersting, but the covers aren't very alluring. :-)

  9. These both sound really awesome! I'll have to check them out! Here's my WoW.

  10. Oh, both of this sound great! I had heard of Cinderella but not of Just Your Average Princess.
    I like

    I will add them to my list!!

  11. I love the Just Your Average Princess cover. So cute.

  12. These both sound great! You know I'm a sucker for a good retelling of a fairy tale. I'll wait for your reviews! Both sound so great!



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