Sunday, September 18, 2011

In My Mailbox (27)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

This mailbox is for the past TWO weeks. 

For Review

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A Dog's Way Home by Bobbie Pyron
I'm participating in a blog tour for this book. It sounds very similar to stories like Homeward Bound and Lassie Come Home, but I love stories like that and I don't care how many times I read them, they never fail to make me happy. Unless the dog dies at the end, but I don't think that's going to happen.
  The Ring by Bobbie Pyron
This is a contemporary about a girl who works through her problems with boxing. Not my typical story, but I could be up for a feel-good contemporary.

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Princess of the Wild Swans by Diane Zahler
Fairy tale retelling! I haven't read a book by this author yet, but each one sounds really good.

The Gathering Storm (#1 The Katerina Trilogy) by Robin Bridges
Historical fantasy! This one is set in Russia 1888 and includes romance, secrets, royalty, and magic!  

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Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy #2) by Jennifer Estep
I cannot wait to dive back into this world of myths and mayhem! I got an e-galley last mailbox, but this week the print version arrived.

Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1) by Robin LaFevers
Historical fantasy! Assassins! Forbidden love! Robin LaFevers! There's a lot of win potential in this one.

Historical fantasy! This one is set in 3rd century Japan and is written by an author I have seriously been meaning to read for forever.

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 Wildwing by Emily Whitman
This one isn't for review (I've already reviewed it), but it did come from a publisher and you will be seeing more of it in the future. Other than that, my lips are sealed.

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 Signed bookmarks from The River of Time series by Lisa T. Bergren
Want one? CLICK HERE to see how you can get one!

Thank you HarperCollins, Bobbie Pyron, Premier Virtual Author Book Tours, Lisa T. Bergren, Jennifer Estep, Random House, and NetGalley!


All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin
From ChicaReader! Thank you! The thought of no chocolate or coffee is certainly worthy of a dystopian! I've heard very good things about the audiobook version.


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The Revenant by Sonia Gensler
Set in America in 1896, this historical toys with the fantastical by including a haunting set in a boarding school! I'm absolutely in love with the voice of the narrator. Also, the revenant is a ghost, not a zombie.

Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos (Theodosia Throckmorton #1) by R. L. LaFevers
This is a MG historical fantasy set in England and Egypt in 1906. I've since read this one and loved it! If you like Kat from Stephanie Burgis' Kat, Incorrigible then I think you'll love Theodosia.

Lily of the Nile by Stephanie Dray
Stephanie Dray combines the history of Selene (Cleopatra's daughter) with magical elements. You know me, history + fantasy + pretty cover = Small salivating with joy!

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Westmark (Westmark 1) by Lloyd Alexander
This is another one of those authors I should have read but somehow managed not to. I ordered this through inter-library loan when I thought my review pile was actually at a manageable size. Hahahahahaha! I was quickly proved wrong. So I'm not sure if I'll get to this in time.

Fortune's Folly by Deva Fagan
Ah, another one I thought I would be able to read but probably won't before it's due. It has fairy tale-ish things and princesses and everything I love. Except a pretty cover. It really could use a prettier cover, don't you think?

Under the Eagle (Eagle #1) by Simon Scarrow
This is an adult historical fiction set in the time of the Roman empire. Another one I thought I would have time to read. I've heard good things about the main character. Someday...

The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb
Historical fantasy set during the time of the Romanovs and featuring death escorts (I don't think I've read a book about death escorts before!)

Bewitching Season by Marissa Doyle
Historical fantasy set during the time of Queen Victoria. I've already read (and loved) this one!

Magic Under Glass by Jaclyn Dolamore
Historical fantasy with an interesting blend of fairies, magic, dancing, Gothic features, political maneuverings, and even an automaton! I've already read and enjoyed this one, too.
Kat, Incorrigible by Stephanie Burgis
Historical fantasy with one of the most adorable protagonists ever! I've already read and reviewed this book.

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What did you get this week? Has anyone read any of these books yet? Did you like them? 
Feel free to comment with links to your mailboxes or your reviews of these books!


  1. Hm. I'm sensing a theme. Bwahahaha!

  2. You got a ton of books this week!!
    I love the sound and look of Princess of the Wild Swans, it's one of my favorite fairy tales ever.

    And Kat, oh, I love Kat, I can't wait for book two!

    :D Awesome loot, Small!

  3. Incredible books Small! I love the sound of Princess of the Wild Swans and also The Gathering Storm. Happy reading :)

  4. wildwing sounds awesome!

  5. so many awesome books!!! i need to add a few of these and the others are already on my to read list!

  6. That is a LOT of books! Hope you enjoy the audiobook (and congratulations on the win). I've just started getting into audiobooks myself.

  7. Oh wow!!
    So many books =)
    I look forward to your reviews of these, especially Kiss Of Frost.

  8. Now that's an impressive mailbox, look at all those pretty books! Can't wait to see what you think of Kiss of Frost, I loved it more than the first one. I pretty much adore all things Estep:)

  9. Oh wow!!
    So many books =)
    I look forward to your reviews of these, especially Kiss Of Frost
    (yealous, kiss of frost ) lol

  10. The Fetch was unique and a great story. I also enjoyed the Revenant. Historical fiction is my favorite anyway, but the paranormal element just adds to it, I think. Happy Reading!

  11. What a terrific list of books! I have not read any of these, but I will be adding some of them to my TBR list.

    My IMM: Mom Reads My Books


  12. Wow!! You got lots of books!!! I hope you enjoy all of them!! Come check out my IMM!!

  13. I wanna read All These Things I've Done so bad! So jealous that you won it!

    Here's my IMM:

  14. Kiss of frost looks so good! I want it. and how did you add those post dividers that say for review, won, and library? Those are so nice!

    Happy Reading :)

    My IMM- Book Briefs


  15. I've been meaning to pick up Freisner's books too! And I absolutely adored Kat so I'll definitely look into reading about Theodora. Looking forward to your reviews, Small!

  16. Thanks for stopping by everyone!

    Michelle, I sent you an email, but I'll answer here too in case anyone else has the same question. They're really easy to do. They're just colored boxes and I wrote out the code for you in the post How to Make Colored Boxes. Let me know if you have any trouble with it!

  17. OMG. THIS IS A FREAKING AMAZING HAUL! Jeeze. I'm especially jealous of Kiss of Frost. I actually haven't read the first one, but I want to soooo bad! Haha. You forsure just got a new follower.

    MY IMM :D

  18. Holy Books! Love it! New Follower and I love the layout!

    My IMM

  19. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you received an ARC of Diane Zahler's new book? I HATE you! So freaking jealous! *drools* I like the cover for THE GATHERING STORM and haven't heard of it. Will look forward to your review! Still have to read TOUCH OF FROST...prob. bumped until Oct now, though, since I want to get these three Anne Ursu's up for my next three Mythological Mondays... You ALSO got an ARC of SPIRIT'S PRINCESS? How? HOW???? OMG, I really DO hate you!! *cries* Congrats on winning ALL THESE THINGS I'VE DONE! I can't wait to hear your review. I'm writing mine sometime this week!

    I finished THE PRINCESS CURSE last night and LOVED IT!!! I seriously ordered my own copy (I had borrowed it) from BN today and used my 30% off coupon, so it should arrive in the mail this week. All for me, me, me!

  20. Holy Crow! That's a lot of awesome. I don't think I've read any of the books you have on your lot, though I'm about to start, All These Things.

    Lovely "River of Time" bookmarks. You're a lucky girl. :)

  21. BookBreather and Chasing Empty Pavements, Thank you for following! I hope you enjoy your time here :)

    A Backwards Story, aaaww, you'll get to read them! I got Spirit's Princess from NetGalley so you can totally request it! Besides, your mailboxes are always glorious :D I am SO FLIPPING HAPPY you liked The Princess Curse!!!

    Missie, You can enter to win one of those shiny bookmarks ;) All your Waterfall Wednesdays posts and reviews totally count.

  22. Holy full mailbox! I haven't bought any books recently, but I'm going to buy The Night Circus tomorrow - SO excited :) Enjoy!

  23. Lily of the Nile looks really good as does The Revnant. I'm intrigued. Gah, I miss the library! *frowns*

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  24. You are so lucky to get Gathering Storm. I really want to read that one! Did you e-mail the publisher about it? I wonder if I should give that a try.

  25. Melissa, I hope you love it! I've heard really good buzz about The Night Circus.

    Jen, I'm really enjoying Lily of the Nile, but it's very much historical fiction (which I love).

    Alison, Yes, I requested The Gathering Storm. It will be part of something secret I have planned for November. ;) Try requesting it! It can't hurt, especially given your stats :)

  26. I'm trying to write my PRINCESS CURSE review right now! It's hard, lol!

    Ooh, thanks for the tip about NG. I always forget to look by publisher and see what Random House is up to. For some reason, their titles are NEVER listed with all the general titles...or by searching for the title/author. They really tuck them away! I just, 4? books? I also noticed that SECOND NATURE was on there...which I still would have bought last wk b/c I LOVE Jacquelyn Mitchard...and I could have read it early? boo, boo!

  27. Awesome mailbox! I'm so excited to read The Gathering Storm. It's set in Russia! That's pretty unusual =) I also need to read The Revenant. Can't wait to see what you think of your awesome new books!

  28. Great Mailbox! I'm waiting on the Gathering Storm but I don't think it comes out until January! Lucky you!

    I love your fairy tale stories so I'm going to have to look into them!

    Happy reading!


  29. A Backwards Story, haha, it WAS hard for me to write my Princess Curse review, too! I had so much I wanted to say. I always forget to look by publisher too. You're right about Random House! I just found The Gathering Storm is available, but I only saw it when I searched by publisher.

    Casey, Thanks! I know! Doesn't The Gathering Storm sound cool? The Fetch (also in my mailbox) is also set in Russia. I loved The Revenant!

    Heather, Thanks! I think you're right about The Gathering Storm's release date. But it's available on NetGalley if you're interested!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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