Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (33)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George
The Crowfield Curse by Pat Walsh

Goodreads description of Tuesdays at the Castle (October 11, 2011):

Tuesdays at Castle Glower are Princess Celie’s favorite days. That’s because on Tuesdays the castle adds a new room, a turret, or sometimes even an entire wing. No one ever knows what the castle will do next, and no one—other than Celie, that is—takes time to map out the new additions. But when King and Queen Glower are ambushed and their fate is unknown, it’s up to Celie, with her secret knowledge of the castle’s never-ending twists and turns, to protect their home and save their kingdom. This delightful book kicks off a brand new series that is sure to become a modern classic.

Why I want to read it:
JESSICA DAY GEORGE!!! I don't need any more reason than that. But I do have more reasons, like a castle that is always magically adding new rooms and passages to explore. That sounds so cool! I already can't wait to explore that castle with Princess (princess!) Celie.

Product description of The Crowfield Curse (January 4, 2010):

It's 1347 and fifteen-year-old Will, an orphan boy, lives at Crowfield Abbey. Sent into the forest to gather wood, he rescues instead, a creature from a trap - a hob, who shares with Will a terrible secret. Somewhere in the forest behind the abbey where he lives, is a grave. And buried deep in the snow is an angel. But how can an angel die? What has it to do with the monks of the Abbey? When two hooded strangers arrive at Crowfield asking questions about the angel's grave. Will is drawn into a world of dangerous Old Magic. "The Crowfield Feather" was short-listed for the "Times" Chidren's Fiction Competition in 2008. This is a stunning debut novel and the first of a two part series.

Why I want to read it:

I'm already intrigued by the mystery of the buried dead angel. Add in a mysterious abbey and dangerous magic and I'm all over that! It looks like this is a middle grade book and the second book is available in the UK, but not the US.

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them? 


  1. interesting choices, haven't heard of these before!! :)

    here's my post! stop by and let me know what you think of all my choices? :)

  2. Those both sound so great but the castle that builds itself, I gotta say of the two that's the one I want! I mean how awesome. It reminds me of the moving staircases at Hogwarts.
    Oh Hogwarts.... And this is a series? I think I'll like that!

    Someone accused me of really wanting to win the ROT contest a lot b/c she'd seen my tweets. I laughed and said as long as the fourth book gets published I'm happy as a clam. Let it be like Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Of course if I do win, then I'll give my series away on my blog, more exposure. She laughed and said she'd check it out!


  3. I love the sound of The Crowfield Curse. Definitely sounds like an intriguing read. Thanks for bringing it to my attention Small :)

  4. Tuesdays at the Castle sounds great! Popping that one onto my wishlist pile :)

    Check out my WoW here

    Amy @ Turn the Page

  5. tuesdays at the castle has such a cute cover. great picks!

    check out our WoW post this week. :)


  6. Ohhh, both of these are new to me! They sound great! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I apparently need to read Jessica Day George since you're such a huge fan! What's your favorite book by her?

  8. Tuesdays at the Castle looks really good! Great pick! New follower!

    My WoW

  9. Sounds like they are two good picks.

  10. I really like how Tuesdays at the Castle sounds. Thanks for the suggestion!
    Please check out my WOW!

  11. These two sound like something I would enjoy, and I seriously need to get reading some Jessica Day George soon!:)

    I keep getting more intrigued each time you mention how much you love her books :)

  12. Crowfield Curse looks really interesting!

    Here's my WOW:

    YA giveaway going on right now too! :)


  13. Like you, the mystery of a dead, buried angel definitely grabbed my attention! I'll be keeping an eye out for The Crowfield Curse!

  14. both of these look so good! and great covers too!

  15. I LOVE Jessica Day George! *sigh* Her books are so good and they have that whole fairytale feeling to them that makes me want to dedicate an entire day and night to her books and live there permanently. *squee* I'm all excited now. I'm going to have to get that one as soon as I can possibly find some money to pay for it. Thank heaven for pay day! :D

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  16. Tuesdays at the Castle looks like such a cute and creative read!

  17. Tuesdays at the Castle sounds great. I love the cover. Looks like a MG book - am I right?

  18. I can always count on you for new MG reads :) I love the sound of George's new book. The magical castle kind of reminds me of Hogwarts.

  19. Thanks for stopping by everyone! I just read a review for Tuesdays at the Castle from Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog and it's made me even more excited now!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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