Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (34)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

The Fourth Stall: Part II by Chris Rylander
The Rise of Renegade X by Chelsea Campbell

Goodreads description of The Fourth Stall: Part II (February 7, 2012):

The tween-noir saga continues. The life of crime is good. (spoiler) Mac has taken down legendary high school crime boss Staples, business has been booming and Mac and Vince are getting ready for middle school baseball tryouts. But this can't last. Mac has always tried to keep his friends close and his enemies closer. But what happens when you can't tell the difference?

A dilemma walks into the fourth stall in the form of Trixie Von Parkway - an eighth grader with a mean look and an even meaner predicament. Seems that the new science teacher is terrorizing her, and she needs Mac to get him off her back. Sounds simple enough, but as Mac starts to dig deeper, he finds even more trouble brewing at his school, including a new administrator bent on destroying his business and indicating that Trixie isn't who she claims to be. The worst that could have happened to Mac before was that he might lose a little money, maybe catch a beating. In THE FOURTH STALL PART II, though, the stakes are even higher than that!

Why I want to read it:
I was pleasantly surprised with how much I loved the first book. I closed The Fourth Stall and one of my first thoughts was, "I hope there's a sequel!" And now there is!

Goodreads' description of The Rise of Renegade X (May 11, 2010):

Sixteen-year-old Damien Locke has a plan: major in messing with people at the local supervillain university and become a professional evil genius, just like his supervillain mom. But when he discovers the shameful secret she's been hiding all these years, that the one-night stand that spawned him was actually with a superhero, everything gets messed up. His father's too moral for his own good, so when he finds out Damien exists, he actually wants him to come live with him and his goody-goody superhero family. Damien gets shipped off to stay with them in their suburban hellhole, and he has only six weeks to prove he's not a hero in any way, or else he's stuck living with them for the rest of his life, or until he turns eighteen, whichever comes first.

To get out of this mess, Damien has to survive his dad's "flying lessons" that involve throwing him off the tallest building in the city--despite his nearly debilitating fear of heights--thwarting the eccentric teen scientist who insists she's his sidekick, and keeping his supervillain girlfriend from finding out the truth. But when Damien uncovers a dastardly plot to turn all the superheroes into mindless zombie slaves, a plan hatched by his own mom, he discovers he cares about his new family more than he thought. Now he has to choose: go back to his life of villainy and let his family become zombies, or stand up to his mom and become a real hero.

Why I want to read it:

I love books that look at things from the villain's perspective. They're usually funny and more often than not the so-called villain ends up being a pretty nice guy after all. I haven't heard much about this book, but what I have heard sounds pretty good. 

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them? 

Have you read The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting?
Click here to learn how your review can be a part of the next Review Comparison!


  1. I really enjoyed Rise of Renegade X; I read it back in April/May (?) and loved almost everything. It's not perfect but still really good.

  2. i've heard a lot of good things about renegade x!

  3. Both those books look good. =] Great picks. =]
    Here is My WoW for this week. =]

  4. Renegade was a great book! It had such depth interwoven into the plot via its themes. A guy book but I really liked it.

  5. I want to read The Rise of Renegade X just based on that awesome cover :)

  6. The Fourth Stall has been on my to read list for a few months now. I had no idea there was a sequel!

  7. Never heard of any of these, but sound interesting. I will have to check it out. Love the covers.

    Here's ours:

    Alice @ The Story Seekers

  8. These sound great. And I love a good villain so that perspective would be fun!

  9. Interesting picks!

  10. Good picks! I've been wanting to read THE RISE OF RENEGADE X also.
    My WoW is SWEAR.

  11. Yippee, another book in the Four Stall series. I loved that one as much as you did.


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