Saturday, October 29, 2011

In My Mailbox (28)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

This mailbox is for the past few weeks. 

*To avoid spoilers, I haven't included any of the Historical Fantasy Jubilee books I've received for review and giveaway*

For Review

I love historical fiction! This one looks like it will be nice and detailed. Or maybe I just love the cover! This is an adult title.
  The Dressmaker by Kate Alcott
Another beautiful cover, another historical fiction title. This one is set on and after the sinking of the Titanic and sounds like it involves romance, scandal, gossip and an intrepid dressmaker at the center of it all. This is also an adult title.

Touch of Power by Maria V. Snyder
I think this is an adult book, but Maria V. Snyder's Poison Study series are also considered adult books, so I'm thinking this might be another YA/adult crossover? It's about a girl who can take diseases away from sick people, finds herself hunted, and then is picked up by a band of rogues (!!) with an "enigmatic captor-protector with powers of his own". Powers to make me swoon, perhaps?

Tempest by Julie Cross
Time travel, male protagonist--yup, I'm interested!

My Very Un-Fairy Tale Life by Anna Staniszewski
This book looks SO adorable! Fractured fairy tales are my weakness. This one is toward the top of my TBR.

Slayers by C.J. Hill (Janette Rallison)
The idea of dragon slayers was enough to get me interested. Then I found out that C.J. Hill is really just another name for Janette Rallison (who I LOVE) and I got even more intrigued. THEN I read an interview with Janette Rallison at The Bookworm is Here! where she described Slayers as an action-adventure story with enough romance and comedy to satisfy her old fans and I knew I HAD to read it!

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I first heard about this one when Robin LaFevers gave it a five star rating on Goodreads. Now, I've loved both Grave Mercy and Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos, both of which Robin wrote, and I've perused her Goodreads shelf enough to figure we have pretty similar tastes in books. That plus the summary and a male main character made me desperate for this.

I loved The Fourth Stall, which introduced kid-detective/mob boss Mac. When I finished reading that book I said I hoped there was a sequel. Now there is!

Mermaids! This was a super quick read with a sweet message and a fairy tale feel. Look for a review soon (like, November, yeah, I accidentally snapped a picture of one of our Historical Fantasy Jubilee books! See, I'm terrible at keeping secrets).

Thank you Ballantine Books, Fiewel & Friends, Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, Mira, St. Martin's Griffin, Walden Pond Press, Doubleday, Scholastic Press, Bloomsbury, and NetGalley!


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Ashfall by Mike Mullin
Won from Princess Bookie and Mike Mullin. Thank you!

I'm a sucker for a good survival story. Seriously. If I had my way, I would turn my house into a fortress stocked with enough toilet paper, canned food, and ammo to comfortably make it through even the worst zombie apocalypse. The fact that this is a Yellowstone volcano-induce apocalypse makes it about ten times scarier than zombies because, hey, you never know.

Aphrodite the Diva (Goddess Girls #6) by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
Won from Cynthia Leitich Smith, Joan Holub, and Suzanne Williams. Thank you!

I love this series! We already have a copy of this in my library, but I'm going to lend this copy out too because it's always checked out. Those bookmarks will be gone in about 60 seconds when I put them out at my library on Monday. The girls go nuts for this series. And that necklace? OOOoo that will be a hot item! I think I might just have to suggest a new craft activity so tears don't flow because there's only one. Either way, you know who is going to be the goddess come Monday when I bring in this swag? Small, that's who.

Also a big thank you again to Alex at A Girl, Books and Other Things for introducing me (and consequently my library) to this wonderful series!

What did you get this week? Has anyone read any of these books yet? Did you like them? 
Feel free to comment with links to your mailboxes or your reviews of these books!


  1. Yay, I got Touch of Power too! *high fives* I'm so excited to read it. I haven't read Maria's Study series YET, but I loved her Insiders ones.

    Cannot wait to get my hands on Tempest (!!!), Ashfall and Between the Sea and Sky. They sound fantastic. Awesome books this week, hope you enjoy! :)

    My IMM

  2. *High fives back* Awesome! I haven't read her Insiders books yet, but I LOVE Poison Study. :)

  3. OH Yay for Goddess Girls! Congrats on winning :)))

    Lah @ Lazy Girl Reads

  4. Oh I hope I win Between the Sea and Sky! I so want to read that one! And Tempest!

    Take a look at what I'm wearing, my son did not like it. He hated everything including my tiara!


  5. What a stash. So many great books, I don't even know where to start...

    I'm really looking forward to your review of the Fourth Stall Part II because I read and adored the first book too.

    I was able to get approved through NG for Tempest. Looks like maybe you got an e-galley too? I could go on and on about so many others, but I'll stop rambling and just say looking forward to hearing all your thoughts.

  6. Great mailbox! I am really looking forward to reading Tempest. :) I can't wait to see what you think of Touch of Power! I love that cover. :) enjoy!

  7. I'm reading Between the Sea and Sky right now. I'm only 100 pages or so into it, but it's interesting so far. I'll be looking out for your review so we can compare notes!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I don't know what it is with me and historical fiction, but it's just not my cup of tea. Maybe because I studied literature and HAD to read so many really boring classics - I'm definitely more the future girl *gg*! But never say never ...

    I love the cover of "Goddess Girls". Have never heard about it, but I'll definitely have to check it out.

    My Mailbox was relatively empty this week - but better one or two than no books at all! ;)

    Happy Halloween

    Anne from Living in a Fairy World

  10. Just finished Tempest and really liked it -looking forward to the rest of the trilogy. I absolutely loved Ashfall - makes me want to stay away from volcanos forever. The False Prince looks really good - I haven't read the author's other books before, but they all look good!

    Check out our Mailbox at Book Sake.

  11. AWESOME mailbox! I'm super excited for Tempest, I have such high hopes for it that I'm trying to curb so I won't be disappointed if it doesn't blow me away. I'll be stalking your blog for your thoughts on that one!

  12. I haven't decided on TOUCH OF POWER yet. It reminds me of THE SHIFTER! I received TEMPEST and MY VERY UNFAIRY TALE LIFE from NG this week as well! I'm curious about THE FALSE PRINCE and just bought a copy of BETWEEN THE SEA AND SKY! :) Your Goddess Girls win is so cute!

  13. I'm so jealous you got Tempest! Me want!! lol I hope you enjoy your books! Happy reading :)

  14. Great books and lots of them! =)
    Between the Sea and Sky has such a pretty cover =)

  15. *hugS* At least now you can read Aphrodite since your girls weren't letting you have it! :D

    Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams always put together the best prize packs, don't they?

    anyway, I got the Unfairy Tale Life book too! I just need to read it now :D

  16. The Dressmaker looks fabulous. I also love some good historical fiction. TOUCH OF POWER sounds like there may be some swooning. I hadn't heard of it before. Nice stacks you got this week, Small!

  17. Hey, look over there! *steals Touch of Power from under your nose*

    LOVELY haul this week, Small, and by far one of the most envy-inducing ;)

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  18. Tempest looks really good i can't wait to read that i hope you enjoy it! Come check out my IMM!!

  19. Heather, HA! Maybe you will let me send you a copy if you don't win :) Someday you WILL let me pay you back for all your kindness. And pfft, your son has no fashion sense because your outfit is fantastic :)

    Gina, See what I mean about my not having self control?! :P I'll let you know about The Fourth Stall PtII. I did get the e-galley of Tempest. All of the first six are e-galleys, I think through NetGalley!

    Christy, Thanks! I'm oddly ambivalent about Tempest, but I am SO looking forward to Touch of Power! I can't decide if I like this cover or the other cover on Goodreads better.

    Little Dhampir, Thanks!

    Natalie, Oh we definitely need to swap notes. Can't wait to see your review!

    Anne, Haha, nothing can sap my enjoyment of a book quite like school can :P Aren't the Goddess Girls covers so cute? I adore them. The artist is Glen Hanson.

    Book Sake, I'm so happy to hear you liked Tempest! My motivation to read that one has been kind of low, but hearing people like it helps :) Glad to hear you liked Ashfall too! I think I will have the same reaction to volcanoes :P

    Jenny, Thanks! Every review I've seen for Tempest has been GLOWING, which is maybe what has sapped my interest. I think I'm afraid!

    A Backwards Story, I'm going to have to check out The Shifter now! I loved Maria V. Snyder's Poison Study, and the first few pages of Touch of Power are so MY kind of writing style. I've really had to fight myself not to dive right in and read the whole thing now (darn obligations!)

    Julie, You can get it through NetGalley! :D That's where I got it.

    BooksforCompany, It really does have a gorgeous cover. Bonnie from A Backwards Story wrote a great post about the original picture used for the cover.

    Alex, *Hugs back* :D Haha yes now I can! They really do have the best prize packs. I love the ones that have those adorable stuffed animals. Looking forward to your Unfairy Tale Life review!

    Jen, The Dressmaker does look really cool. If Touch of Power has a male lead like her lead in Poison Study, then I will be swooning for YEARS. Seriously, Valek is ah *swooooonnn*

    Asher, Waaahh?? Wait, noo! You come back here!!! :P You can get the first six review books through NetGalley so you don't have to be an envious little thief :P

    Paige, Thank you!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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