Saturday, October 22, 2011

Recap 10/17 to 10/21

In case you missed anything, here's a recap of what was posted Monday, October17th through Friday, October 21st.

+ Giveaways and a chance to be in a book trailer!




Want a chance to be in a book trailer?

It's that time of year to dress up and pretend to be someone exciting, so why not record yourself while you're at it?

Spencer Hill Press (the publishers of Half Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout and the Ganzfield series by Kate Kaynak) are running a contest to be featured in their upcoming book trailer for Daniel Cohen's Masters of the Veil.

Interested? Click here to learn more!

Miss anything last week? Click here to read a Recap


  1. Nice re-cap!
    the trailer stuff seems like it could be fun, but my costumes tend to go toward putting on my bunny ears and cotton tail and call it a day :(

    It should be lots of fun though! dressing up.

  2. Haha, yeah, that's pretty much the extent of my costume as well!

  3. Maybe if I knew how to film myself into a video, but my camcorder is too small! Even when I prop it up, it doesn't work! LOL

    I remember that you loved GRAVE MERCY! That excited me about this book all over again. I've been absolutely DYING to read it and am so incredibly ecstatic to have an ARC!!! I'll have to email you thoughts when I finish, since it was requested that I hold off on a review until closer to release (though if I love it, I'll do a You're Gonna LOVE Me... lol!)

    WElcome back! I've really missed you!!!! Going to check out your ...PRINCESS review now! :)

    Oh, and yeah, I'll be reviewing DRINK, SLAY, LOVE sometime this week! Nice Halloween read, ne? I would also *love* to r&r WITCH SONG and THROAT (finally), but first, I must finish THE ART OF FORGETTING and CROSSED and read DANCERGIRL in its entirety before I'm allowed to do anything else! Sorry, library books :(

  4. A Backwards Story, Awesome! Yes please do email me your thoughts!! I can't wait to hear what you think of it and the release date is so far away :D Aw, our poor library books are always getting pushed aside :P

  5. That sounds pretty cool! Thanks for the info. :)

  6. I know! I always feel bad when I return a book unread! :( I'm already reading one, though! And if I don't like THE MAZE RUNNER, there are two that I won't feel guilty about returning unread. We'll see!

  7. Wendy, You're welcome!

    Bonnie, Me too :( You're reading The Maze Runner?! That has been on my TBR for ages. I hope you like it!

  8. About to, at least! Though a co-worker scared me talking about how creepy it is, haha!!


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Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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