Saturday, October 1, 2011

Small News: Blogging Break

I'll be away from:

Today, October 1st until Tuesday, October 18th

I'll have TWO giveaways, an author guest post, and reviews for you when I come back!

Why will I be away? 

Because I'm preparing for the Super Secret Project my Super Secret Co-host and I are putting together for you! 

(you'll get a hint in a few days)

I hope you like it and I'll miss all of you!


  1. Oooh, a super secret project! Exciting!! :)

  2. Super secret, huh?? Now my mind is a wandering! :D

  3. Ooooh I'm intrigued. Can't wait to see what you have in store!

  4. Sounds exciting....hope you enjoy your super secret blogging break! :)

  5. Oh no! How am I going to make it that long without a post from my favorite blogger. I'll be anxiously awaiting your return! Can't wait to hear what you are up to. I know it will be great-dome!

  6. Ooo, sounds exciting! I'm looking forward to finding out what it is.

  7. Nooooo! *Sobs and throws self down on the bed.* I will miss yooooou!

  8. *hugs*
    I'm going to miss you so much!!!!

    Have fun plotting your secret project! I'm sure it will be awesome!

  9. I will miss all of you!! But my lips are sealed about the super secret project. And DON'T ask me about it, because I keep secrets about as well as a four year old. Which means, not very well :P

  10. Aaaaagh! I'm not a fan of secrets! But I envy those that are able to keep them. Heh.

    Will definitely miss ya. :)

  11. I'll miss you! But I'm so intrigued about your super secret project!

  12. How mysterious... and exciting :)

  13. I am missing all of you too! I hope you like the surprise :)


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Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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