Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (36)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

My Very Un-Fairy Tale Life by Anna Staniszewski
A Curse as Dark as Gold by Elizabeth C. Bunce

Goodreads description of My Very Un-Fairy Tale Life (November 1, 2011):

"You know all those stories that claim fairies cry sparkle tears and elves travel by rainbow? They're lies. All lies."—Twelve-year-old Jenny has spent the last two years as an adventurer helping magical kingdoms around the universe. But it's a thankless job, leaving her no time for school or friends. She'd almost rather take a math test than rescue yet another magical creature! When Jenny is sent on yet another mission, she has a tough choice to make: quit and have her normal life back, or fulfill her promise and go into a battle she doesn't think she can win.

Why I want to read it:

This book sounds positively made of win! I've been pining over it ever since it was a tiny little blurb with no cover. We've got fairy tales, humor, adventure, battle! I'm thinking I have a pretty cool fairy godmother who cooked up this book for me and planted the idea in Anna Staniszewski's brain because it just screams READ ME, SMALL!! I'm pretty sure this is a MG book.

Goodreads' description of A Curse as Dark as Gold (March 1, 2008):

Upon the death of her father, seventeen-year-old Charlotte struggles to keep the family's woolen mill running in the face of an overwhelming mortgage and what the local villagers believe is a curse, but when a man capable of spinning straw into gold appears on the scene she must decide if his help is worth the price.

Why I want to read it:

Are you sensing a theme today? Yes, I am hopeless in the face of fairy tale books. They call out to me and I find myself ignoring basic things like feeding myself and sleeping in order to devote all my time to reading as many fairy tale retellings as I can.

This retelling is about Rumpelstiltskin and if my feelings for Elizabeth C. Bunce's fantasy book Starcrossed or my book soulmate Sierra at Yearning to Read are any indication, then I think I'm going to love A Curse as Dark as Gold.  

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them? 

Click here for a chance to win an audiobook copy of Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan.
Not sure if you're interested? Click here to read my 4 star review.


  1. my Very Un Fairytale Life. That sounds great.

  2. I wanna read the Unfairie Life one too!!! :) it sound made of win, just as you said!

  3. hahahaha! My Very Un-Fairy tale Life sounds hilarious!! thanks for sharing =D
    New follower =)

    My WoW

    Come check out my awesome giveaway! I have 12 YAtitles from where you can choose from!

    Happy reading!!!

  4. My Unfairytale life sounds so cute!!

    Xpresso Reads

  5. Love the looks of My Very UnFairy Tale Life!! The cover is so so cute and the other book looks interesting too! Great picks again Small, thanks for sharing :)

    My WoW

  6. Oh my gosh I always forget that you haven't read A Curse as Dark as Gold! You should bump it up your list...I'm totally dying to hear what you think!! And thanks for linking me! :D

  7. Alison, I agree! I hope it's as good as it sounds.

    Alex, The cover is super cute too!

    Natalia, Thank you for following! I hope you enjoy your time here :) Thanks for the heads up about your giveaway.

    Giselle, I agree! Thanks for stopping by.

    Lulu, The cover is totally cute! I hope the story is too.

    Sierra, I know! I really do need to move it up my TBR. I'm drowning in books now though! And you're welcome :)

  8. Love the look of A Curse as dark as gold! And that cover is stunning :)

    See what’s on my wishlist this week

    Amy @ Turn the Page YA

  9. Haven't read either books, but am so looking forward to your reviews on them to see if they are as good as they sound! Not entering for Glow, I already have the book...(looks around)..somewhere.


  10. These sound so fawesome. (Yes, I'm stealing Ruby's word.) But please don't let the sparkle tears be a lie! And I hope the cover is not a tease and that there are unicorns involved.

  11. A CURSE AS DARK AS GOLD sounds freakishly amazing! No, I'm serious! How often is there a Rumpelstiltskin retelling?! NEVER! I'm so excited. I need something new and that one sounds awesome!

  12. Turn the Page, I love the cover with her hands all tied up in the gold thread.

    Heather, Don't hold your breath for reviews! I'm soooo backed up, but I should have My UnFairy Tale Life up sooner than A Curse as Dark as Gold.

    Logan, I hope there are unicorns too!

    Jen, I know right?! And if it's even half as good as her book Starcrossed then it will be awesome.


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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