Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (37)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

Melody Burning by Whitley Strieber
Ivy's Ever After by Dawn Lairamore

Goodreads description of Melody Burning (December 6, 2011):

Beresford doesn’t remember much about his past or how he came to live in the chutes and crawl spaces of the posh high-rise that shares his name. But when rock star and teen sensation Melody McGrath moves to an apartment on the fiftieth floor, he knows he has to be near her. Although she doesn’t realize it, Melody is threatened by more dangerous forces than her manipulative stage mom and the pressures of life in the spotlight. The owner of the glamorous building has been hiding a fatal secret within its walls, and Beresford puts all his plans at risk. Will Beresford and Melody be able to escape with their lives (and love) intact? Bestselling author Whitley Strieber makes his young adult debut with this pulsing romantic thriller.

Why I want to read it:

I'm not totally sold that this is the book for me, but I also can't deny that I'm intrigued. What are those dangerous forces? What is the fatal secret? How does Beresford play a part? 

Goodreads' description of Ivy's Ever After (March 16, 2010):

Full of humor and high adventure-and plenty of slightly skewed fairy-tale motifs-this frothy, fractured fairy tale will delight young readers.

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Ardendale there lived a spirited princess named Ivy, who had no interest in being rescued by Prince Charming, and an undersized dragon named Elridge, who was better at solving word puzzles than breathing fire. Sailing into this world on a ship made of whale bones came Romil, a handsome prince with dastardly designs on Princess Ivy and her kingdom. Ivy and Elridge, both disappointments to their families, join forces to try and thwart Romil's evil plot. In the process these traditional enemies become fast friends, discover hidden strengths, and earn the respect of all who know them.

Why I want to read it:

This is a lot more my speed. Frothy fractured fairy tale? TOTALLY WANT (I'm digging the alliteration, too). Give me spirited princesses and dragons (even undersized dragons) any day.

Pretty sure this one is MG.

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them?


  1. I'm a little confused with Melody Burning but I like the sound of the other one "Ivy's Ever After" You know me, I love me some fairy tales!

  2. Ooooohhh I'm kind of loving the premise for Melody Burning! This is the first I've heard of this one, thanks Smalls:)

  3. I'm not sold on "Melody Burning" either, Small. For some reason that I can't explain, I'm getting a fey vibe. But I love the sound of your MG pick. And yes, I loved your alliteration!

  4. I like the sound of the other one "Ivy's Ever After"

  5. Melody Burning sounds very creepy. Intriguing. Ivy's Ever After has a super cute cover :-)

  6. This is the first I hear of Melody Burning. A YA romantic thriller? Wow. Yup, definitely sounds intriguing.

  7. Both of these look really interesting! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Melody Burning had mixed review on GR so I wasn't sure if it was for me or not. Now the MG fiction book about dragons, that one is certainly something I'll be adding to my TBR. Thanks Small!

  9. I've read Ivy's Ever After and it is just as fun and silly as you assume. There will be a sequel out soon too! Definitely worth reading.

  10. Melody burning looks especially epic. I like the story line. I'm a sucker for famous people kind of fiction. I'm a nerd like that. :D LOL!

  11. Thanks for stopping by, everyone!

    Jen, have you read Jen Calonita's Secrets of My Hollywood Life series? It's a sweet series about a teen actress. I have a weakness for famous people fiction too!

  12. Ivy's Ever Afer sounds so cute! I want to read it, too! *adds to Goodreads*

    It sounds like MG to me, too! Looks like it, too :)

  13. Def. want to read Melody Burning by Whitley Strieber. That cover is awesome. :)

  14. I haven't heard of Melody Burning before- but I am totally intrigued! Must go add that one to Goodreads! :)

  15. I'm waiting for Melody Burning as well. Can't wait for that one!



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