Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Author Interview: Jaclyn Dolamore + Giveaway! (US)

Please Welcome Jaclyn Dolamore!

Jaclyn Dolamore is the author of Magic Under Glass, the newly released Between the Sea and Sky, and the upcoming Magic Under Stone and Dark Metropolis. Though set in a fictional world, her Magic Under series takes inspiration from real historical settings.  

 There are NO spoilers here!

How do you personally define historical fantasy?

The obvious answer is, of course, stories set in the past with a fantastic element. My stories don't take place in our actual past, though. Although strongly influenced by settings, mores, etc., of earlier eras, they remain in made-up worlds. So are they true historical fantasy? And does that mean that high fantasy that takes place in pseudo-Medieval lands is also historical fantasy? HMMM.

What are your historical fantasy must-reads? (*Note: I have added Goodreads links for the titles Jackie mentioned so you can easily add them to your TBR!)

Clockwork Angel was a ton of fun. Megan Whalen Turner's books are wonderful and like nothing else out there. And although it's not out until February, Jessica Spotswood's Born Wicked is a great read, with lovely writing, strong female characters and cute boys--everything a book should have, basically.

What's coming up next for you in terms of publication?

In April, the sequel to Magic Under Glass is finally coming! There will be adventures in the fairy lands, a new impossible-yet-possible romance, and plenty of Nimira and Erris of course. And in summer of 2013 comes Dark Metropolis, about a city full of creepy secrets and a girl looking for her missing best friend, based on 1920s Berlin, with all of its decadence and darkness.

What drew you to historical fantasy?

I have always loved history. Intensely. When I was a kid, all I wanted to do on family vacations was tour historic houses and go in history museums, the mustier and dustier and more cluttered and creepy, the better. I can't resist an intriguing history book either. But I've also always loved writing fantasy. Writing regular old history and sticking to what really happened...though I love to read it...just isn't my thing. I like storytelling through the lens of fantasy. It just comes so naturally to me. I get blocked up when I try to leave magic and other worlds out of it...

What’s your preference: Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or (gulp) white chocolate?

Dark. 75% is perfect. And fair trade if I can possibly afford it!

Is there a genre you could never see yourself writing? Why not?

Never say never, but, straight contemporary with no speculative elements would be hard for me.

Aside from your own, who is your favorite mermaid?

Well, I must say I have a total soft spot for Madison from Splash, because I loved that movie as a kid. I loved Ariel too, like practically every other girl born in the early 80s, but, Splash was a little more my speed because it was more romantically oriented and had more angst. When Allan finds out she's a mermaid and they throw him in the tank with her and he shies back from her in her mermaid form I was always like, "NOOO!" (And yeah, so, the guy in Between the Sea and Sky is named Alan. I hadn't seen Splash in years and I forgot the guy in that was named Allan, but...I wonder if the subconscious was working, there. Ack.)

Twitter style: I’m in love with a winged guy, but I’m a mermaid. Your dating advice on how to make it work in 140 characters?

Invest in island real estate!

Twitter style: I’m in love with an automaton. Your dating advice on how to make it work in 140 characters?

Don't lose the key.

Thank you so much for stopping by, Jackie!

Have any of you read Magic Under Glass or Between the Sea and Sky? I can't wait to see what happens next for Nimira in Magic Under Stone.

And what about you, what advice would you give to a girl and her automaton boyfriend or a mermaid and her winged guy? I don't think I can top Jackie's advice!

Check out the blurb for Jackie's latest release Between the Sea and Sky!
For as long as Esmerine can remember, she's longed to join her older sister, Dosia, as a siren--the highest calling a mermaid can have. When Esmerine takes her siren's vow, she means to protect the sea and all that live within it--until Dosia runs away to the mainland and Esmerine is sent to retrieve her.

Secretly thrilled with the prospect of seeing a world that she's only glimpsed from the ocean, Esmerine uses magic to transform her tail into legs and journeys to the capital city. There, she comes upon a friend she hasn't seen since childhood--a dashing young man named Alander, who belongs to a winged race of people. Alander, whose odd ways and brash opinions offend yet fascinate her. But as Esmerine embarks on a search for her sister that will take her farther away from the sea she loves and the life she has always known, she and Alander rekindle a friendship...and more.

Bloomsbury is generously providing a copy of Between the Sea and Sky for giveaway!

Info for the giveaway:
  • As always, you do NOT have to be a follower
  • You must have a US
  • You must be 13 years of age or older
  • One entry per person
  • Your address is not required, but including it will help with sending the book out to you sooner
  • I will contact the winner through email and the winner will have 24 hours to reply before a new winner is chosen 
  • This giveaway closes on December 7th


  1. Great interview! And thanks for the awesome giveaway! I've been dying to read it :)

  2. Fun interview, Small! I already have Jacqueline's books on my tbr pile and would to own a personal copy.

  3. I look forward reading Between the Sea and Sky! It looks and sounds interesting and I haven't read a mermaid book in a long while now. :) It's time!

    Born Wicked does sounds good. I mean, hello cute boys? I'm sold. lol.

  4. I hadn't realized she was the other of Between Sea and Sky too, I kind of just associated her with the Magic Under stuff.

    Great interview, dear!

  5. Great interview and thanks so much for the chance to win! I've really been wanting to read Between the Sea and Sky!

  6. Great Interview! I have this one so I'm not entering. I just finished Born Wicked today and if she loved it as much as I did, I'll have to read her other recommendations. After checking with you first, of course!


  7. Angie, Hope you enjoy it!

    Rummanah, Thanks! Good luck!

    Nina, I'm with you on Born Wicked. It sounds like Jessica and Jaclyn both properly understand the value of cute guys :)

    Alex, They are different in both style and subject, but I liked both her books. Thank you!

    Holly, You're welcome! Good luck!

    Heather, oooh you read Born Wicked?! You lucky duck! I'm SO happy to hear you say you liked it. :D

  8. This guest post was so much fun and emcompassed so much!! I love Jaclyn Dolamore and her books. <3

  9. I have heard such wonderful things about this book. That was a fun interview.


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