Saturday, November 12, 2011

Author Interview: Lauren Baratz-Logsted + Giveaway! (US)

Please Welcome Lauren Baratz-Logsted!

Lauren Baratz-Logsted is the author of a ton of books for YA, MG, and adult readers, and I may have fangirled just a little bit over her Gothic horror The Twin's Daughter as well as her spunky boarding school historical The Education of Bet. Most recently, Lauren Baratz-Logsted has dipped her toes into historical fantasy with her falling-into-a-book retelling Little Women and Me.   

 There are NO spoilers here!

How do you personally define historical fantasy?

Fiction that uses real-world events in combination with elements of fantasy.

What are your historical fantasy must-reads? (*Note: I have added Goodreads links for the titles Lauren mentioned so you can easily add them to your TBR!)

I don't think you can go too far wrong with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke.

What's coming up next for you in terms of publication?

Next year the ninth book in The Sisters 8 series for young readers ages 6-10 comes out. If you're not familiar with The Sisters 8, the books are about octuplets whose parents go missing one New Year's Eve. There's mystery, magic and adventure involved. Also, sometime within the next month, I should be publishing an adult comedic novel called The Bromagnet as an ebook. The Bromagnet is about a man's man who's been Best Man eight times but what he really longs to be is a groom. And then I suppose, after I'm done here talking to you, I should get started on a new YA.

What drew you to historical fantasy?

My daughter and her best friend had both recently read Little Women for the first time and we were all talking about the two things that get most people upset about the book: Beth dying and The Boy Next Door winding up with the wrong March sister. It got me thinking, and what it really got me thinking was, "Hmm...maybe I can fix one of those..."

What’s your preference: Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or (gulp) white chocolate?

Milk or dark. You can keep the white.

How did Little Women and Me change from pre-to-post publication?

The biggest change was that I wrote the first draft of the book thinking I was writing an adult novel with my time traveler being an adult in her real life; it was only when she literally got sucked into Little Women that she became a teen. But then my brain said, "No, this would work much better as a YA," so I redid the whole thing.

Is there a genre you could never see yourself writing? Why not?

Since I've written for adults, teens, and young kids, and I've written books that are historical, contemporary, literary, commercial, drama, comedy, suspense - well, let's just say I've learned to never say never to any kind of writing. That said, you probably won't see me writing a Western anytime soon.

What classic book do you wish you could live in? Why?

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I'd talk Gatsby out of going swimming.

What classic romantic pair (other than Little Women) do you wish you could change?

Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan. She's just not good enough for him.

What classic would you never want to be sucked into? Why not?

Really anything set in the Victorian time period. I love reading about that time and writing about it. I've even set four novels there: the adult novel Vertigo and the YA novels The Education of Bet, The Twin's Daughter and Little Women and Me. But I love indoor plumbing too much to live in the 1800s.

Thank you so much for stopping by, Lauren!

I couldn't agree more--Daisy so does NOT deserve Jay Gatsby! I think I'm going to have to check out that Sisters 8 series, it sounds super cute!

What about you, if you could get sucked into a book, which book would you want to live in? Play matchmaker: Which characters would you break up and who would you set them up with instead?

Bloomsbury is generously providing a copy of The Twin's Daughter for giveaway! 

Don't know what it's about? Click here to read my 5-star review!

Info for the giveaway:
  • As always, you do NOT have to be a follower
  • You must have a US mailing address
  • You must be 13 years of age or older
  • One entry per person
  • Your address is not required, but including it will help with sending the book out to you sooner
  • I will contact the winner through email and the winner will have 24 hours to reply before a new winner is chosen 
  • This giveaway ends December 7th 

Did you read my review and Ruby's review of Kiki Hamilton's The Faerie Ring yesterday? Want to win a copy? Check out Ruby's Reads today to read an interview with Kiki and enter for a chance to win! 

Check out our Historical Fantasy Jubilee full schedule of events and giveaways!

Have you entered to win our prize pack giveaways?


  1. Great interview! Thanks for the chance to win this amazing book!

  2. Great interview! I love the Victorian time period too! Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. The Bromagnet sounds like it's going to be a fun read.

    If I could get sucked into a book and live in it, I'd make sure it's one set in Paris. Anna and the French Kiss or Die For Me would do.

    As for the matchmaker part, must I set them up with each other? I'd take all the cute guys I'm in love with and set them up with me ;)

  4. (I suck at reading instructions. The address I put into the form isn't going to work if I win. Sorry. )

    I always ALWAYS though Jo should have ended up with Laurie. It just never made sense that she ended up with someone else. Except, I guess that's because I was attracted to Laurie. They were best friends, I don't fully understand why she didn't want him. I think I need to go reread that now. And you're so right, Daisy does NOT deserve Jay!

    I have no idea what book I'd jump into if I could. *thinks about it*

  5. Lovely interview. I really want to read this book. How interesting that this started out as an adult book. I wonder how much Lauren had to change when she decided to make it YA instead.

  6. I'm glad to know a little bit more about what this author writes. I never would have picked up any of her books otherwise.

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  7. The Twins Daughter has been on my TBR list every since I read your review. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  8. Angie, You're welcome!

    Holly, Lauren writes the Victorian time period really well.

    A Canadian Girl, I giggle a little every time I see the title The Bromagnet :P hahaaha I love your matchmaking idea!

    Jen, Your address is noted ;) I always confirm addresses first anyway because I am just the type who would mistype my address. Casting Christian Bale solidified my positive feelings for Laurie :D

    Alison, I love factoids like that too! I'm curious to see the changes too. I wonder how Emily fit into the family as an adult. Her role as the "Middle March" sister was perfect.

    Asher, Oh you should SO pick up one of her books! I adored The Twin's Daughter and The Education of Bet was very sweet.

    Gina, You're welcome! I'd love to hear what you think of that book. I was super surprised by the end!

  9. Lovely interview. Lauren Baratz-Logsted is at the top of my TBR. I am definitely hoping to get a book or two of hers for the holidays, and if I don't, I might just have to buy a few for myself. Thanks for this interview!


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