Thursday, December 22, 2011

2012 Bucket List Challenge

19/8 books

Challenge Basics:

Name: 2012 "Bucket List" Book Reading Challenge
Hosts : The Eclectic Bookshelf
Starts: January 1, 2012
Ends: December 31, 2012
Eligible Books: Books I have been meaning to read for a long time, but still haven't read.
Levels: Four. I am going to try for the second level 8 books
Link your reviews? Yes, HERE
Prizes? None that I see
Sign up page

Why I'm Interested:

I WANT to read these books, but I always push them aside for some reason. NO MORE!

Books Considered:

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Alanna, The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
The Blue Sword/The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong
The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander
The Squire's Tale by Gerald Morris
The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan
The Seer and the Sword by Victoria Hanley
Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta
Everlasting by Angie Frazier

And other books that have been on my TBR prior to 2012

Books Completed:

19. Players Ruse by Hilari Bell
18. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
17. Sir Apropos of Nothing by Peter David
16. Red Glove by Holly Black
15. Sapphique by Catherine Fisher
14. The Black Cauldron by Lloyd Alexander
13. White Cat by Holly Black
12. Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
11. The Mauritius Command by Patrick O'Brian
10. Rogue's Home by Hilari Bell
9. Magic Can be Murder by Vivian Vande Velde
8. A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner
7. The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
6. The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
5. The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
4. Graceling by Kristin Cashore
3. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
2. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
1. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Have you signed up for this challenge? What books are you planning on reading? Do you have any suggestions that I absolutely MUST read?


  1. This is a great challenge. I have a lot of books I want to read and for some reason have put off. I hope you reach your goal :)

  2. You are worse than me with all of these challenges! **I will resist adding this to my list** LOL

  3. Nice list!!
    Best of luck getting through all the titles! :)

  4. Ah! Great list. Please read The Hunger Games. I am DYING to know what you'd think of Book one or the trilogy on the whole. I had some not so nice things to say about the 3rd in the series and feel like I pissed a bunch of bloggers off lol. Whoops!!

    Lah @ LazyGirl Reads


    I would absolutely love to your review on it!

    I love the sound of this challenge, too. I may have to participate...

  6. Alice, Thank you! It's so easy for them to build up.

    Melissa, I have zero self control! Signing up for them is the easy part though :P

    Alex, Thanks!

    Lah, I OWN the Hunger Games! I seriously need to read them. I vow to read them before the movie comes out!

    Stephanie, Aw, thank you! Good luck if you do decide to participate!

  7. Oh, I like this one. I've accumulated lots of great books I want to read now on GR, but just haven't got to them yet. Is it just my own "bucket list" or is there really a list somewhere I'm supposed to pick from?

  8. Gina, You make your own bucket list with whatever books you want to read. I hear you on the GRs lists! Mine are out of control :P


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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