Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 Time Travel Reading Challenge

2/6 books

Challenge Basics: 

Name: 2012 Time Travel Reading Challenge
Hosts : Library of Clean Reads
Starts: January 1, 2012
Ends: December 31, 2012
Eligible Books: Read time travel books.  
Levels: Four; I am going to try for the second level: Read 4-6 books  
Prizes? Not that I see
Link your reviews: Yes, HERE
Sign up page   

Why I'm Interested:  

I'm a hopeless devotee of time travel books. I especially love seeing modern characters go back in time.

Some books I'm considering: 

I freely admit, on some level a part of me is hoping that signing up for this challenge will somehow MAKE Tributary get itself published and delivered into my desperate little hands (that would be the *please please please* fourth book in the River of Time series by Lisa T. Bergren).

Barring that, I'll settle for Lia and Luca's story.

Oh, wait, do you want something more concrete and, well, other than the River of Time? Ok, fine, I'm also considering these:

Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough
Old Magic by Marianne Curley
Tempest by Julie Cross
The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley

Books Completed:

2. A Breath of Eyre by Eve Marie Mont
1. Bourne by Lisa T. Bergren

Have you signed up for this challenge? What books are you planning on reading? Do you have any suggestions that I absolutely MUST read?


  1. Ooo, I love time travel books! I like that you can sign up for different levels on that challenge, too. Thanks for the heads up, SR! :)

  2. Oh, I remember I wanted to read Old Magic but then I forgot.
    I hope it's good.

    I don't really know many other time travel books save for a couple of historical romance ones and this one called Once Every Never or something like that.

  3. I've yet to read a book about time travel!!! I will have to add one of these to my TBR pile. Btw, it's Lah from LazyGirl Reads but I've changed my blog name!

    La Toya @ La Toya, literally.

  4. Is it sad that I wanted to join this challenge just because the button is so pretty?

    My problem is that I feel like I won't be able to come up with 6 books to read that deal with time travel. It seems to be on the outs. That's why I haven't signed up yet, though I may change my mind, if only to have that pretty pretty button on my sidebar all year. I AM THAT VAIN.

    I have 7 of these scheduled to post all next week, each with a shout-out to you for the format. :)

  5. Wendy, Me too! You're welcome. I'm totally going to crib from your list if you join this challenge :)

    Alex, I have taken Old Magic out of the library SO many times, but I still haven't read it. Embarrassing. Hopefully this challenge will help change that (but I'm not holding my breath)

    La Toya, WHAT?! You mean you haven't read The River of Time yet?! Oh my word, you must! :)

    Logan, Um, maybe it's sad, but I'm easily seduced by pretty buttons so I am not one to judge you :P Like your All Male Review challenge. Any thought of resisting was completely obliterated by the button and the name. Best button ever!

    You don't need to come up with six books! The first level only requires 1-3 books. So you only need to read ONE! Awesome, right? Go sign up and get that pretty button! :D Aw, you don't need to give a shout out (but I totally and completely love that you are!)

  6. I'll be doing this one too! I'm excited to finish off The River in Time Series. Also, I have Ruby Red on my shelf so I should read that too.

  7. Hi Small Review,
    I'm so excited you're joining me on this challenge! I too will be reading The River of Time Series and I can't wait to start. I was so touched by all the comments on my button. I spent considerable time looking for the right pic for it and it payed off. Looking forward to reading your reviews!

  8. Have you read Ruby Red? That's a time travel novel and Sapphire Blue will be out this coming year so it will be another time travel novel. Two for your list.

    I don't understand what you mean about Lia and Luc's story. Haven't you read the whole series? Or are you saying she's writing another story?


  9. Aylee, I can't wait for you to finish The River of Time!! I think the second book is my favorite, but I really love all of them so much it's hard to choose. I've heard really great things about Ruby Red.

    Laura, I adored the River of Time series! I hope you enjoy it. Your button is gorgeous, so the time you spent on it was most definitely time very well spent :) Thanks for hosting!

    Heather, I have not read Ruby Red yet. I had it in my hands from the library, but then I returned it unread. I think that's a series that I will wait until all the books have been published before I begin. It sounds so good, so I want to be able to just read it straight through. As for Lia and Luca's story-- I have read all of the series, but Lisa said she is considering writing another trilogy focusing on Lia and Luca! I would SO love it if she did that.

  10. I actually saw someone have Tributary on their Good Reads List. Is it true?
    And I know she has another historical fiction book. Wasn't sure if that was one you signed up for or not.

    Another whole series??? Please let's do another read a long!!


  11. Yes! I have Tributary on my Goodreads list! That doesn't actually mean anything, but hopefully it will be published. I intend to read her upcoming historical fiction book for my HF challenge. :) Yes! I would love another read along!

  12. I'm new to reading challenges so I'm beginning with the Time Travel challenge. I was wondering how to put a progress bar on my site, thanks so much for including that in your post. Right now I'm reading Lady of Hay. It's moving a little slow right now but I've heard so many good things, I know it's going to get better. I'll have to check out River of Time, love the title:)


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