Saturday, December 24, 2011

2012 Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge

6/10 books

Challenge Basics:  

Name: 2012 Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge
Hosts : Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf 
Starts: January 1, 2012
Ends: December 31, 2012
Eligible Books: Any book that contains a witch as a main character or witchcraft elements.
Levels: Four; I am going to try for the second level: Read 6-10 books
Prizes? Yes! But only if you link your reviews.
Link Your Reviews: Yes, HERE
Sign up page 

Why I'm Interested:  

Because witches are awesome! Do I really need another reason?

Some books I'm considering: 

Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins
Renegade Magic by Stephanie Burgis
Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
The Minister's Daughter by Julie Hearn
Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough
Wicked Girls by Stephanie Hemphill
The Sacrifice by Kathleen Benner Duble
Bewitching by Alex Flinn
A Witch in Winter by Ruth Warburton

Books Completed:

6. Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft by Jody Gehrman
5. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
4. Magic Can Be Murder by Vivian Vande Velde
3. Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
2. Ordinary Magic by Caitlen Rubino-Bradway
1. Renegade Magic by Stephanie Burgis

Have you signed up for this challenge? What books are you planning on reading? Do you have any suggestions that I absolutely MUST read?


  1. This one sounds fun. I hope you get a chance to read Demonglass but wait until Spellbound is released because DG has an evil cliffhanger.

  2. Nice!
    I think Witches are so underestimated in today's paranormal.

    Btw, have you read Jinx by Meg Cabot? It's very light hearted, witchy story.

    Anyway, have a good time with this challenge, my dear.

    And have a great chrismtas!

  3. Melissa, How could I not? :) I'm so happy you're hosting!

    Gina, I'm definitely waiting until Spellbound comes out. I even got a copy of Demonglass a while back, but I sent it back to the library unread because I heard about that crazy cliffhanger! Thank you for the warning. You know how I feel about cliffhangers :)

    Alex, I agree. It's all vampires this and angels that, but witches are totally awesome. I haven't read Jinx! I'm going to add it to my TBR now. I'm hit or miss with Meg Cabot, but I LOVE her Mediator series. Thanks for the Christmas wishes! :D


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