Sunday, January 22, 2012

In My Mailbox (31)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

This mailbox is for the past two weeks. 

For Review

In an effort to dispel some of the mystery surrounding the acquisition of ARCs, I include how these books came to me. My hope is that these explanations will help other bloggers navigate the world of ARCs and learn how to get copies too.

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The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy

I first heard about this book from Heather at Buried in Books, who alerted me because she knows how much I adore fractured fairy tales! This fractured tale tackles Prince Charming in ways you've never imagined. I peeked at the first chapter and was already laughing out loud. I can't wait to dive in!

This book is published by Walden Pond Press (an imprint of HarperCollins), so when I received an email request about reviewing The Fourth Stall Part II (another WPP book and SO good!), I inquired about The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom. Wonderfully, it appeared in my mailbox as a Happy New Year gift!

Athena the Wise (Goddess Girls #5)
Artemis the Loyal (Goddess Girls #7)
Aphrodite the Diva (Goddess Girls #6)
All by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams

Joan Holub asked if I would be interested in reviewing the latest Goddess Girls books, and I jumped at the chance! I adore these books...that is, when I can actually get my hands on a copy! They're in constant circulation with my library girls. The squees on Goddess Girls release days are EPIC. They are MG books, but I highly recommend them to all fans of Greek myth retellings!

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A Breath of Eyre by Eve Marie Mont

Eve stopped by Small Review during the Historical Fantasy Jubilee and I've been dying to read her book ever since! (Seriously, getting sucked into the pages of Jane Eyre AND there's a cute guy with a haunted past?? SIGN ME UP!) We spoke again recently about setting up something fun for release day and Eve sent me an ARC and some swag. You'll find out more about that fun in March!

Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters by Meredith Zeitlin

I received an email asking if I would be interested in reviewing this book and, after reading the blurb and watching the video trailer, I was totally hooked! I know I don't often read contemporary, but I have a soft spot for contemporary underdog books with a funny twist, so Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters sounds perfect.

Fetching by Kiera Stewart

I first received a copy of this through NetGalley, but it expired before I got a chance to download it. I was totally bummed, so I emailed the publisher through NetGalley and asked if there was any chance of reading it even though it had been archived. The contact was super sweet and offered to send a finished copy for review.

Fetching arrived a few days ago and after peeking at the first chapter, I am 100% hooked. I'm SO on Olivia's side and I cannot wait to see her get revenge on the mean girls in her school. Plus, behaviorism! I'm super curious to see how Kiera Stewart integrates one of my favorite schools of psychology.

Thank you Walden Pond Press, Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams, Eve Marie Mont, Penguin, and Disney-Hyperion!

What did you get this week? Has anyone read any of these books yet? Did you like them? 
Feel free to comment with links to your mailboxes or your reviews of these books!

Join the fun!

Ever feel blue when it comes to blogging? Ever wish you could network your blog more, gain more followers, get ARCs, or learn more about the ins and outs of YA book blogging?

Check out Busting the Newbie Blues!

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Are you an established blogger? Come share you advice with newbies, or check out Ruby's Busting the Big Blogger Blues event!


  1. I got Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters this week too! I have to admit that the book trailer is what made me agree to review it as well!

  2. I can't wait for the review on Breath of Eyre!

  3. I am looking forward to seeing your review on The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom - my 8yo is now starting to read chapter books, and it has been a struggle to find books that are not only for his age level, but also in things that an 8yo boy would be interested in... enjoy your other reads too :)

  4. Now you got me all intrigued about Saving Your Kingdom, you know I love those too.

    And YAY for Goddess Girls! I hope you like the newest ones tons, I did. Particularly Athena the Wise, though I have yet to read Artemis the Loyal (though I recently won it too :D, it made my day). Plus, I'm so happy your library girls love it!

    I remember the Jane Eyre from the Historical Fantasy Jubilee, and It sounds so good.

    Oh, and I got Freshman year too! I hope we can compare notes on that one soon


    Have a great week, Smallsie! :D

    1. Woops!
      Sorry, that was me! I just was in a different account.

  5. Great list of books, I'm really curious about Fetching. I love reading about how you obtained your books. Thanks for a great IMM. Enjoy your reads.

  6. I got Freshman Year & Other Unnatural Disasters, too! I can't wait to dig in. It sounds adorable and I love the trailer! Enjoy your books :0)

    My IMM

  7. Awesome list! I'm actually really interested in the Goddess Girls series. I've yet to read it but I'm a sucker for some Greek Mythology! And although I've never read Jane Eyre (don't kill me!), Breath of Eyre sounds great! Hope you like all your books!

    In My Mailbox

  8. Great haul this week! I really like how you included how you came across those book, nice for us just getting into this blogging thing! Have fun reading!

    You can check out my IMM here.
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  9. I also got Freshman Year and super excited since I'm also a freshman. Sounds to fun to pass up. Enjoy :)

  10. You have some very nice books there. The Goddess Girls ones look like so much fun. Thanks for including how you got the ARCs (:

    My IMM

  11. Fetching looks really cute, I love any book with a dog on the cover so I'm sure it's really good. Freshman Year looks hilarious, I hope you enjoy it.
    Happy reading!
    Check out my IMM at

  12. The Goddess Girls books look really REALLY cute! I think I may have found a new series for my niece :)

    Freshman year is high on my wishlist - I hope oyu plan a review on that one :)

    Come see what was In My Mailbox this week!

  13. The Goddess Gilrs books look adorable. Can't wait to see what you think of them!

    My IMM

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  14. I am SO looking forward to your review of A Breath of Eyre. I'm so excited about that one.

  15. Great set! The Goddess Girls series is so cute. I want to read Breath of Eyre.
    My IMM

  16. Ooh, a Breath of Eyre!? So jealous! Plus, release-day shenanigans! YAY!

    Miss you, Small! We've both been sooo busy. There's no excuse!

  17. I got Freshman Year too! Hope you enjoy it! Happy Reading!
    My IMM post
    A Beautiful Madness

  18. Loooooove the Goddess Girls books!!! So cool that you're going to read and review a few new ones! Hooray!

  19. Ooh the Meredith Zeitlen book sounds great!!

    Xpresso Reads

  20. Hope you love Freshman Year! I just finished it and loved it.

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  21. Good mailbox! :D I saw Artemis the Loyal in the bookstore today and grinned and thought of you. ;) Breath of Eyre looks awesome!!

  22. New follower! I love how you included how you got the ARC's! My daughter just finished Fetching and she loved it! Here's my IMM if you'd like to follow back:

  23. A Breath of Eyre!! Jealous!!

    I've been curious about Fetching. Can't wait to see what you think of it.

  24. I have Freshman Year and am really looking forward to reading it, it sounds great! A Breath of Eyre is one I hadn't heard of, but wow! It sounds great!

  25. I've got Hero's Guide of course and I have Freshman Year, too! Good, we can compare notes. She's funny, we had an email chat today. Said if I hadn't driven the temple carpool in my pj's and mink coat then I wasn't doing my job as a mom to embarrass my kids! She thought I had a daughter though. So Freshman Year is going to be good. I'm jealous, so jealous of those Goddess Girl Books! I want the whole set!!! I want a girly set of books. I now have a four year old niece who is not the least bit girly, but who I want to try to make girly anyway on the few occasions I get to see her. I must start soon or it will be too late! Maybe I should start with Pinkalicious.



It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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