Friday, January 6, 2012

Review Comparison Submissions: The Near Witch

Have you written or will you be writing a review for:

The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab?

If you would like your review to be featured in an upcoming Review Comparison post, please fill out the form to send me direct links to your reviews!

 Click here to submit your review

What is a Review Comparison? 
  • I'll read your reviews and list some of the pros and cons you've mentioned about the book. 
  • I'll link to your full review so readers can get a chance to see different views about a book.
  • Click here to view previous review comparisons.  
  • Featured books, including this month's featured book, are selected based on your suggestions. Feel free to suggest a book at any time.

Please note:
  • Newbies are welcome to join in!
  • Only direct links for the featured books will be accepted.
  • The comparison list will likely include direct quotes from your review.
  • All direct quotes will be credited to your blog name. 
  • Submission of a link does not guarantee inclusion in the final post. 
  • You do not have to be a follower of my blog to submit your review.
  • You may submit direct links to your review on Goodreads if you are not a blogger.
  • Submissions will be accepted until Tuesday, January 31st. Submissions will not be accepted after this date. 
  • The Review Comparison for The Near Witch will post in February.


  1. Yay! Another book review comparison. I love these. I'll have to go back and add my link. Probably in a few hours.

  2. Just submitted mine. Looking forward to another review comparison!

  3. Yay! I love review comparison, and I love The Near Witch! Thanks, Small!

  4. I always love these! I'm about to read it but don't know if I'd review in whatever time frame you need. I'll just have to compare it on my own. Can't wait to see what everyone thinks!

  5. Crazy cool idea! I won't be participating in this one cause I have so much to read/review this month but I'll definitely tune in for the post to see the result!

  6. I just checked this out from the library yesterday. I'll see if my review will fit in the time frame otherwise I'll just have to compare it to my own. Love these comparisons, Small, especially with books that I'm just "meh" about that other people love.

  7. A book I've reviewed so I submitted mine :)

  8. Sheesh! I didn't read this one! But I love that you do the comparisons. Someone needs to do that for the books I read!! Maybe i can!

    La Toya (La Toya, Literally.)

  9. So Sorry Ver Schwab! She was such a trooper to sign my son's cast and I haven't even read her book. Soon! I've heard amazing things about it.


  10. Oh, I think I reviewed this one last year but I was one of the few who didn't love it! I'll sign up for the comparison though, I have never done it before.

  11. Alison, I'm so glad you'll be participating! Did you submit your link yet? (It's not showing up on the form).

    Natalie, Thanks so much!

    Pica, Thank you, Pica!

    Alyssa, If you're a little later than the deadline, email me anyway and I'll see if I can add it in. :)

    Alexis, Yay!

    Jessie, Thank you! I hope you enjoy it. I have a form on the Review Comparison page (see the button on the left sidebar?) where you can submit a suggestion for the next book, if you're interested :)

    Rummanah, Oh good! If you're finished with your review a little after the deadline, email me anyway and I'll see if I can add it in :)

    A Canadian Girl, Thank you! :D

    La Toya, Aw, as long as it's a YA book, you can submit a book suggestion!

    Heather, It's so easy to get buried, ha, ok, I was just going to say that it's so easy to get buried under our TBR piles, and then I thought of your blog name! Well, it's appropriate :P

    Alex, Oh good! I love having a variety of opinions in the comparisons. Thanks!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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