Wednesday, January 4, 2012

WoW (39: Sherwood Smith and Carolee Dean

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

When twelve-year-old Lady Lilah decides to disguise herself and sneak out of the palace one night, she has more of an adventure than she expected--for she learns very quickly that the country is on the edge of revolution. When she sneaks back in, she learns something even more surprising: her older brother Peitar is one of the forces behind it all.

The revolution happens before all of his plans are in place, and brings unexpected chaos and violence. Lilan and her friends, leaving their old lives behind, are determind to help however they can. But what can four kids do? Become spies, of course!

Why I want to read it:

It's Sherwood Smith! Sherwood Smith! The author who wrote my beloved Crown Duel!

Can you imagine the look on a five year old's face if you were to tell them they can go to the candy store and buy anything they want with no limits. That pure, unbridled joy mixed with slight disbelief at ever getting something so completely amazing? Yeah, that pretty much describes my reaction when I saw The Spy Princess in the Penguin catalog.

Dylan has a bad-boy past and a criminal record. He knows that rich, beautiful Jess is way too good for him—but she has always been the one person who sees through his tough exterior and straight to his heart, and he has been hopelessly in love with her from the first time they met. He would change his life for a chance with her.

But trouble follows Dylan wherever he goes, and a deadly mistake soon forces him to hit the road and leave his dreams behind. He’s on the run and in search of answers—answers to questions he wishes he’d never asked.

Why I want to read it:

I don’t read a lot of contemporary books, but I'm a sucker for the bad-boy/good-girl love story. Dylan sounds like a bad boy who is really a good guy, which is the best kind, right? The potential for a road trip makes Take Me There even more appealing.

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Are you an established blogger? Come share you advice with newbies, or check out Ruby's Busting the Big Blogger Blues event!


  1. I love your WoWs. You always suggest the best fantasy novels.
    And I'm a sucker for bad boys too.

  2. Oooo, bad boys. I haven't read one of those in a long time :) Here's mine:

  3. The Spy Princess sounds very interesting! The cover looks pretty! This is my first hearing about this book. Great pick! Thank you for sharing it!

    Books For All Seasons

  4. ooh, hadn't heard about this one yet! I LOVED crown duel and have read only a few other of sherwood smith's books. I started her Corronets and Steel series, but it's not NEARLY as good as crown duel, but I have hope for this one!

    According to goodreads she has one coming out in April called 'Banner of the Damned' that sounds pretty good. We'll see!

  5. Bad boys? Oh man, I'm in!! I don't read a lot of contemporary books, either, but I'm also a sucker for the bad boys. And I agree, Dylan sounds like the best kind! I can't wait for this one!
    The cover for this one though, is one that I have troll at (like those people on hipster pics). It's like, "Get off the road! A car's going to run over you at some point." But it's a cute cover! lol.

    And The Spy Princess sounds really interesting! Great picks this week!

    Check out what I'm waiting on: WoW (41)

  6. Great Waiting On Wednesday Choice .. I haven't seen these books before, but I'm going to have to add them to my wishlist :)

    Natasha @ Paranormal Goddess Book Blog ★NEW BLOG FOLLOWER ★ Click Here To Check Out My Waiting On Wednesday

  7. Spy Princess sounds like my kind of MG, it sounds like it will be brimming with adventure and good times ^_^. Adding it to the TBR!


  8. Alison, Thanks! I'll be switching up my WoW posts in February, but hopefully in a positive way :)

    Lisa, Yup, can't go wrong with bad boys ;)

    Sam, I love the cover of The Spy Princess!

    Scarlett, Yes!! I'm pretty sure Banner of the Damned is an adult book, but I'm still interested in it. I'm bummed to hear you're not enjoying Corronets and Steel as much. I haven't read it yet, but I can imagine how hard it is to live up to Crown Duel.

    Guen, Yay for bad boys!! :D Haha, yeah, I feel a little on edge looking at that cover. I'm just waiting for a car to come zooming down the road at them.

    Natasha, Thank you for stopping by!

    Sandy, I love how you described it "brimming with adventure and good times" I hope so! :D

  9. Would love to read both of these! I used to like bad boys!! Still do sort of :-/ hehehee!

  10. TAKE ME THERE is one I've never heard of, but one I definitely want to read. It sounds fabulous as I'm also a sucker for the good girl/bad boy theme. Plus, I really like that cover.

  11. I've heard of Crown Duel before though I don't think I've read it.
    But I like the sound of that book! sound really cute!

    and i'm so doing newbie blues tomorrow! I promise promise promise!

  12. I'm torn! I love Sherwood Smith, but I'm not a huge fan of MG. Still a spy princess...

  13. Take Me There!! Lying in the middle of a lonely road. Hot!! Very hot!
    I want that one now!! Great pick!!


  14. The Spy Princess sounds awesome, and this is the first time I've heard of it. I don't know a whole lot about Sherwood Smith, but a few of my friends really enjoyed Crown Duel. I need to add that one and The Spy Princess to my to-read list!

  15. I loved Crown Duel so I'm definitely going to have to check out The Spy Princess. Take Me There sounds interesting, and I like the cover. Thanks for sharing these great picks!

    My WoW:

  16. Yes to both of these - especially Spy Princess!!!

    Our WoW is at Book Sake. -Jessica

  17. Spy princess looks like a blast and first I've heard of it. Thanks!

  18. I love the covers on both of these.
    I feel like I should know the artist who did the cover for Spy Princess... it's tickling the edge of my brain... maybe they just remind me of someone else.

  19. La Toya, I have a soft spot for bad boys :)

    Sierra, I agree!

    Jen, YOU'RE BACK! I missed you. :) I'm a sucker for good girl/bad boy too.

    Alex, Oh Crown Duel is SO good! Whenever you get a chance is fine--you have all month! :D

    Ruby, I think I read somewhere that she wrote The Spy Princess around the time she wrote Crown Duel, so I'm hoping it's MG like CD is MG (which, I don't really think of as MG).

    Heather, Yes, very hot!

    Natalie, I adore Crown Duel. ADORE. (Just, you know, saying. Not pushing it on you or anything... :P )

    Christina, I love Crown Duel too! I really hope The Spy Princess is similar in style.

    Jessica, Yes! :D

    Alyssa Kirk, I hope you like it!

    Madigan, Oooh, if you can think of the cover artist, please let me know who it is! :)


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