Wednesday, January 18, 2012

WoW (40): Garth Nix, Doug MacLeod

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

From Goodreads:

You’d think being a privileged Prince in a vast intergalactic Empire would be about as good as it gets. But it isn’t as great as it sounds. For one thing, Princes are always in danger. Their greatest threat? Other Princes. Khemri discovers that the moment he is proclaimed a Prince.

He also discovers mysteries within the hidden workings of the Empire. Dispatched on a secret mission, Khemri comes across the ruins of a space battle. In the midst of it all he meets a young woman named Raine, who will challenge his view of the Empire, of Princes, and of himself.

Why I want to read it: 

Why would I NOT want to read it?! First off, princes. They're right up there with princesses, and you know I'll read pretty much anything with a princess, right? Next, princes who kill princes. My Roman history loving heart is all a pitter patter in anticipation! (Because, you know, those Romans were always killing each other off for power, too.) 

And then there's the romance. Ah, I am a sucker for romance. Plus, she will change his view of the empire? Of princes? Do I sense a rebellion brewing? There is SO much potential here!

The Life of a Teenage Body-Snatcher by Doug MacLeod
(January 2010)

From Goodreads:

Thomas Timewell is sixteen and a gentleman. When he meets a body-snatcher called Plenitude, his whole life changes. He is pursued by cutthroats, a tattooed gypsy with a meat cleaver, and even the Grim Reaper. More disturbing still, Thomas has to spend an evening with the worstnoelist in the world.

A black comedy set in England in 1828, The Life of a Teenage Body-Snatcher shows what terrible events can occur when you try to do the right thing. 'Never a good idea', as Thomas' mother would say.

Why I want to read it: 

Well this sounds different! It also sounds funny and exciting with a lot of unexpected events. What "right thing" did Thomas try to do, why was Plenitude stealing bodies, and how does this change Thomas's life? I want to find out!

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them? 

Join the fun!

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  1. I think the Teenage Body Snatcher looks like one I'll have to add to my wishlist - I'm not sure if it's more funny or thrilling!

    -Jac @ For Love and Books

    1. I can't tell which way it will lean either, but I'm game either way! :)

  2. I can't believe I've never read Garth Nix. He's a classic author. Confessions of a Teenage Body Snatcher sounds awesome.

    1. *whispers* I've never read Garth Nix either. Ssshhh :)

  3. That second book sounds amazing.
    Think I am gonna add that to my wishlist

  4. I've yet to read a book by Garth Nix, but the author's latest one sounds terrific. Looking forward to reading your review, Small!

  5. Love the sound of Body Snatcher, very cool idea! Adding that to my TBR list.
    Our WoW is at Book Sake. -Jessica

  6. I really enjoy the sound of A Confusion of Princes, your reasons for wanting to read it definitely put it up there (especially the princes killing princes). Great picks!

    My WoW

  7. Am I dumb or is this a word I should know- "worstnoelist" or be able to figure out.

    These both sound great Small! Princes. I didn't know you liked them, too! I'll be on the lookout.


  8. Ooooo both sound really good! A Confusion of Princes has been on my TBR for a while but I'll definitely have to add The Life of a Teenage Body-Snatcher! It sounds like it could be funny and scary! a great combination in my book :)
    My WoW

    Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books!

  9. Some interesting choices there! Thanks for sharing!

    My WOW:

  10. OMG OMG OMG!!! These sound REALLY good :) I love the covers and the premises. Great picks!!! Can't wait to pick these up!!!!


    Tempest and The Eternal One's Giveaway!

  11. These look really interesting. I haven't seen them around but I love that last cover. Here's my WOW

    Don't forgot to check out my Giveaway

  12. I am always really iffy when it comes to intergalactic stuff. It took me until last year to decide I wanted to watch Smallville. Although I am not sure how intergalactic that one counts as.

    I really like the idea of The Life a of Teenage Body Snatcher though. I just can't say no when the Grim Reaper enters the picture. Hence why I want to read Discworld.

  13. These two picks sound very, very unique!!
    :) I hope you like them when you get to read it :D

  14. wow/lol
    hoping u read them soon


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