Sunday, February 19, 2012

In My Mailbox (33)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren where we get to post about the books we receive each week.

This mailbox is from two weeks ago. 
It's a little smaller than usual because I'm currently driving across the country! I'm telling myself there are scads of books just waiting for me at home in my mailbox (which is unlikely, but I can dream, can't I?)
For Review

Griffin Rising
by Darby Karchut

Release Date: June 28, 2011
Publisher: Twilight Times Books
Pages: 174
Goodreads Page

I've heard this is about an angel in training, but he's not your typical angel and this is not your typical angel book. My main draw to Griffin Rising is the mentor relationship between Griffin and Basil. It sounds sweet, and I like the idea of the central relationship focusing on friendship instead of romance. Reviews from Musings of a YA Reader and Supernatural Snark convinced me to accept this for review.

After the Snow
by S. D. Crockett

Release Date: March 27, 2012
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Pages: 304
Goodreads Page

This is an ARC and I'm pretty sure, though not positive, that I got it after filling out a form in Shelf Awareness (a daily newsletter about the publishing world). The thing about Shelf Awareness is that I fill out the offers, but then I forget which books I put my name in for!

After the Snow takes place during a future ice age and, I think, may fall into the post-apocalyptic/survival genre. It sounds like maybe there's a touch of dystopian in there, too? Basically a boy discovers that his family was taken away by "the trucks" and he needs to trek across the snow-covered wilderness to save them. I love survival stories when they make sense and are realistic! Hopefully After the Snow fits the bill!


by Claudia Gray

Release Date: May 27, 2008
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 327
Goodreads Page

I actually have no intention of reading this now. I ordered it to skim through the beginning because I own the last book in the series and I wanted to see if I liked the first book enough to bother hanging onto the one I own. I was sort of meh about her standalone book Fateful, but I liked it enough that I'm at least a little curious about this series.

But...I've heard it's a boarding school book (good!) with a lot of insta-love and "I can't live without you, you're my soulmate" monopolizing the plot (not so good). So, what do you think? Given my taste in books, do you think this series is for me?

I am also going to go on the record here and proclaim these among my absolute most disliked covers ever.

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?



  1. i just got After The Snow and i'm reading it now. I'm hoping its going to be good. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!

  2. Nice loot!
    I like the sound of After the Snow and I certainly like the cover.

    I hope the book turns out to be good. That all the books turn out good :D

  3. Ooh, After The Snow sounds intriguing. Looking forward to your thoughts on that one. Sounds like a wishlist one for me.

  4. After The Snow is very popular, Happy Reading!
    In My Mailbox

  5. I've had AFTER THE SNOW sitting at my bedside for...a while now. I've been planning to read it during a snow storm, but it's been a mild winter. *knock on wood* Soon, though! Enjoy it :)

  6. After The Snow looks like a good read!


  7. I liked Griffin Rising a lot. In fact, I liked it so much that Darby asked me to read the sequel - Griffin's Fire - which now sits in my review stack.

    My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!

  8. Nice stuff :) How's your trip going? Safe travels.

  9. I love that cover to After The Snow. It is so awesome. Great haul this week and happy reading!!
    You can check out my IMM here.
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  10. After the Snow looks SO good! I hope you like it!!

    ~Happy Reading!

  11. Oh, I love the Evernight covers. I like a lot of the twists and turns in this series. I had fun with it. It's not in my top 10 favorite of all time, or anything (maybe I'm suffering from vampire fatigue) but I did really enjoy them. I think I would have liked them more if I'd waited so I could read the whole series at once instead of waiting for the sequels to come out.

    Cross-country road-trip? That sounds like so much fun!

  12. Currently drooling over After the Snow!! Great mailbox :)

  13. Evernight is coming out on Kindle with some bonus material for free on the 21st. I have no idea what the bonus material is. So we'll be reading something that's the same!

    I've read the synopsis for After the Snow and it looks really good. I think there's a helpless girl in it though. That could be realistic??!! I'd be helpless in an ice age bein' from the South and all. :) Two years in the north did not prepare me for an Ice Age!!


    OOOH! Are you going to be in for a surprise in the summer! You can ask me for survival tips!

  14. Great IMM! A lot of people have read Griffin Rising. I'm not a fan of the cover. I think that's makes me not want to read it. Is that sad, or what? But I've heard it's terrific! Enjoy your books :)


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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