Saturday, February 4, 2012

More books for swap

Same as before (gift card for books). Here are the adult books (fyi, in case you're a book snoop like I am, they're a mix of my books, my fiance's, and a bunch of gifts that are not my kind of book at all--you get lots of book gifts working in a library!)

I'm happy to take more pictures to show condition or if there are any titles you can't read. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments or through email (imagesandwords at optonline dot net).

You can click on the pictures to see larger views. I'm sorry if they slow anyone's computer down too much!




  1. Oh, gosh I am torn to what I want, but I must not be greedy! I would like to have the DSM-IV text (because abnormal psych is my thing) and Mark Twain's Letters from the Earth.

    1. Great! (Be as greedy as you want, as far as I'm concerned!) Do you mind shooting me an email with the titles you want, your address, and the GC amount? I'm trying to keep everything in one place so I don't accidentally promise one book to two people :)

  2. Good luck with this, Small! You got a tons of all types of books!
    You got Start Wars Books! LOL (I only got one, Traitor, from the New Jedi Order Series).

    Anyway, :) good luck

    1. I do! I had such grand plans to read all the Star Wars books, and I think I've read :P

  3. I'm very mad at you right now! You're listing my all-time favorite novel, MY SISTER'S KEEPER. ;_;

    1. I know! :( It's been on my shelf for ages and ages and I still haven't managed to actually read it. I figure I should be able to pick up another used copy easy enough after I move.

  4. I spy with my little eye, book 6 in the Outlander series!

    1. Yes you do! I'm keeping the first book though :)


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