Thursday, February 2, 2012

Review Comparison Submissions: The Goddess Test

Have you written a review for:

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter? 

If you would like your review to be featured in an upcoming Review Comparison post, please fill out the form to send me direct links to your reviews! 

Click HERE to submit your review 

Submissions will be accepted throughout the entire month of February, so if you haven't read The Goddess Test yet, there's still time! The sequel, Goddess Interrupted comes out in March.

What is a Review Comparison? 
  • Provides a "snapshot" of a book by compiling the pros and cons mentioned across a number of different reviews. 
  • I'll link to your full review so readers can get a chance to see different views about a book.
  • Click here to view previous review comparisons.
  • Featured books, including this month's featured book, are selected based on your suggestions. Feel free to suggest a book at any time.

Please note:
  • Only direct links for the featured books will be accepted.
  • The comparison list will likely include direct quotes from your review.
  • All direct quotes will be credited to your blog name. 
  • Submission of a link does not guarantee inclusion in the final post. 
  • You do not have to be a follower of my blog to submit your review.
  • You may submit direct links to your review on Goodreads if you are not a blogger.
  • Submissions will be accepted until Wednesday, February 29th. Submissions will not be accepted after this date. 
  • The Review Comparison for The Goddess Test will post in March

I would also appreciate it if you would take a moment to fill out THIS FORM to leave your feedback on the Busting the Newbie Blues event. Thank you!


    1. Yay for Review Comparisons! Especially when it's one I've reviewed.

    2. Sumbmitted my review. I seem to remember that we felt pretty much the same about this one, Small, so it'll be interesting to see all the other comparisons. :)

    3. You know I love this feature, right? Even if I've read the book and already submitted my review, I still like reading others' opinions AND see if others have the same taste level as me. Such an awesome feature!

      - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

    4. I just realized I never wrote a review for this book. LOL
      Mostly because I kind of hated it and I just didn't bother.

      Good luck with the comparison :D


    It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

    Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

    Spam WILL be deleted. Attacks on myself or other comments WILL be deleted.